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SHIDDYDUDADEY or saiyidah. 19, science, korean boys pretty much in delusion. contact: 1 2 3 |
Expect rl stuffs like rants on annoying people, family, school, work and maybe inanimate objects. And occasional hxc spazzing because fandom is my laifu.tagboard
haniz ella
kak rin
kak yam
Design: DC |
heloooo. good afternoon. time check, 5.38pm. haha. so, how's my new skin? well, i gotta admit, it did sucked cause of the fading/steamy effect ah. causing difficulties ah. haha. i like it. i just took this blogskin, changed the pic, and DIDN'T call it mine. aahah. okay. wad i did today. WHAT I DID TODAY. WHAT DID I DO TODAY?!?!?!?! i dun NUTHIN! wahahaha. now, i sound like that lion king lion. i forgot his name. my mom asked me if i wanted to follow my aunt and granny to geylang. i was lyk, boleh ah. then, i changed my mind. i said, "tk gi ah. malas. nk kemas bilek ah" wow. i ACTUALLY said, KEMAS BILEK?! wow. but, of course. i didnt. hahahah. so, i just used the comp. changed my frenster profile to a nice white bckgrnd. ahaha. i waw bored!! i drew halloween characters like the skull, the jack o lantern, ghosts, frankeinstein(however u spell it) and a vampire. ahahaha. i was hell bored. yes. i wanted to do some hari raya cards, but. nah. it bores me. so, i slept. from 3 to 5.30. yeahhh! napped. hahahah. was great. gret. grat. grEAt. haha. now, i have nothing to do except blogging. gonna bath sooner. haha. my nose is killing me. nose, u kill me well. thnks. hmm. lately, i take pictures from deviant art. ahaha. i searched for SUICIDE, i saved a few. i searched for HEARTBROKEN, i saved a few. i searched for EMO, i saved afew. what next? haha. should search for PUNK. ahaha. ok watever- well, hari raya is herre! i mean, getting here. just now, i watched this documentary about the pilgrims to mecca. yah. seeing all muslims, "tk kisah color, bangsa..." performing the haj. wow. i wanna go to mecca. that place seems so holy,so, sacred, BEAUTIFUL. there was this american lady. she was there. she told us, i mean, the show presentor or narator la. "people asked me, youu american? i said, yes. they asked me, muslim? i said, yes. and they replied, Alhamdulilah. i felt welcome" hahah. it was great. everyone, no matter rich or poor, black or white or brown or weatever color, come together with love. wonder when's my turn. *thinking*..... well, that's all i wnt to say. my eyes itch. and i miss mr F alrd. boohoo. so BOO YEAH PEOPLE! I GET TO SLEEP WITH THE HOME-LESS DOLPHINS!! haha. like real. ok, goodbye. takkaire. SLMT BERBUKE. ++whatever that means hello. lemme ask you, u mix spring cleaning and messy room. what does it get? = SNEEZING, RED, TINGLING, ITCHY NOSE AND ITCHY ITCHY ITCHY EYES. damn. i finished almost half the box of tissue! wow. my nose is like a tap ah? haha. well, my room is still in a mess, cause i have no idea where to store the stuffs. DANG. well, still need to vacuum and stuffs. aaah. i love my clean table. and, i can see the green color. previously, books were all over it and i can;t see the greeneery. ahaha. hope you guys can imagine how messy it was. hohoho! ok, enuf abt my room. bwek. frenster is getting on my nerves. LIKE TOTALLY! damn it la. frenster is getting to lyk, "over the rainbow". over la. maybe, they don't have enough space cause they are lyk, giving us the opptunity to customise our profile. wad shit. as if, ppl are gonna pay us. aaaah. frenster lagging. lag. lag. lag. dumb dumb dumb. FRIENDSTER LAGGGGGS!!!! dumb things. ok, so hari raya is arnd the corner. and i can;t wait. but, my hari raya weeks are totally booked. ntah biler bole jalan rayer. damn. i got band. band. band. band. TUESDAY AND THURSDAY. mampos. can;t go out. only go out on mon, wed, fri. aaah. giler la. can;t wait for rayer to come. hahah. ;) well, i got nuthin else to update alrd. maybe gonna get a new skin. but, im too lazy to chng. ahaha. ok. bye- THNKS SYA, FOR THE PICHAS. :):) LURVE UUUUU. <3<3<3 ++why don't i try it hey bloggy dear. just came back from my aunt's place. antar lauk. haha. aku boleh kerje delivery ah. chey. tried out the diffrent cookies/biskot/kuih made. hahaha. yummy. and, right now, she's making that udang kering kueh. mcm cool gitu. UDANG. as in, PRAWN. aahaah. and curry leaves. freakink cool. wonder how it tastes like. ok. just now, met my kecoh shahidah at 812 bustop and went to the hairshop. aahah. did 3 kinds of perming. and one customer thought we were playing. i mean, joking ah. and she asked, "you all got money meh?" alamak- we are heads ok,i mean, model thingy. so, i decided that im perming my hair. and, after the exam, i wanna do japanese perm. wahahaha. stayed there till 5, and then went home. yeah. did nuthin basically. yeah. i gueess, tmr gonna rush rush rush. havent clean my room. haha. gonna spring clean tmr. ALONE. sigh. dunno if my SISSIES helping. bwahhhhh. oh shyt. having madrasah exam tmr. and i dunno a single thing. haha. tmr, in class then start studying. hope to see more fights! hahah. im evil. yeah. yeah. yeah. ok. shyt- well, i guess that's all. mr F is back. woohooo. i so miss him. miss miss miss miss miss miss miss him. bwekkkkk. hehe. ok. bye! ++it's everywhere hie ppl. well, sch is officially over as of today. and, my class, 2E7 has been great. detentions, fights, pictures, shoutings, arguing, laughing and stuffs. yeah, the memories will be kept. we come to this school, as strangers. slowly, over the months, we know each other well. sec1, we were kinda rude. and sec2, we are still rude. teachers praised us, mocked us, laughed at us, compliment us, and made us felt great. haha. i can't forget the memories siaaa. oh well, life have to go on. haha. all the sch events, class outings, field trips. hahha. i cant forget them. all the arguements and stuffs. hahah. well, it was great knowing you guys. you guys rawk the sch man! haha. thnks 2e7'05. -saiyidah hahah. wad sia me. crappity crap. got my results today. it wasnt that shocking. i failed one subj overall. haha. and, it's maths. man, when can i ever do well in maths. i dun gif a damn abt the position and crap. i just want to pass and get promoted. well, i admit that i did dropped in quite alot of subjs. but, aaaaaaahhhhh. i dun wanna talk abt them. nxt year, a whole new school life. new subjects. more complicating stuffs. more freedom. more naggings. just wanna prepare for the worst. haha. watever- oh, band today was ok. haha. but, boring as usual. and yeah, kept laughing with hafiiz and sufian. alah, dorg step america's next top model. hahahahahaha. farnie la. hahaha. im outta words. haha. bleahs- tmr, gonna go to the shop. i have no idea siaaaaaaaaaaak. i feel ltyk rejecting them. i dun feel lyk perming animore. i dun wannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. i dunoooooooooooo. but, i wan laaaaaaaaaaaaa. wtf sia. i think i shall call the hairdresser up and tell her asap. tell her that im VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY busy on that day. any one wants to perm their hair? for free? puh-lese???!!! DAMN IT. aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i have no idea. like totally man. damn it. aaaaaaaaaaaaargh. ok. enuf with that. well, hari raya is lyk, about wk away? haha. i can hardly wait. yay! the joy of hari raya. hahah. too bad i can't celebrate it with my late gramps. and granny. awh. and, wad a waste, can't celebrate it at kampong this yr. aaaaaaaaaaaargh. hah. well, gonna start sending mesages and testis to all my malay peeps. and start making kad rayer. cheh! ehehe. well, thats all i gotta say today. otak kering ah. hhehe. so, enjoy the hols u guys. seriously gonna miss the peeps. and my memberzzzz. cey. I LOVE YOU ALL! MUACKSSS! ++ one thing to think off. gd evening. back again with another post. i cant help myself. huahuahua. well, printed some pictures at np. yey. gonna print more pix! my hp rawks. :) err. the 4 of us, walked arnd ssc. haha. we were totally bored. oh, sya and iz told me that sch today was great. watever- i had a great slp at home. heheh. i went to the saloon just now. gonna get my hair did in late november. haha. im scared. aaaahhhhhhhhh. oh, i got a free haircut. yey. it's short now. well, collar length. aaaah. i miss my long yet short hair. haha. it's lyk, u see long hair at 12noon, and short hair at 6. alrite, am terribly missing mr F. yepyep. and, ash can go wait long2. hahaha. ok. gdbye ppl.happy playing fire crackers, despite the weather.haha. have a cold nite cuz, it's raining terribly man. with all the lightning and thunders, gonna be a chilly nite. hehe. ++speak softly now oh, HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY TO HUMAIRAH. hahaha. alrite. bye. hey. i am lyk suppose to be in school. but. heck. i skipped sch today. hoho!! can enjoy my sleeep. yeahhhhh! well, sorry for not updating yesterday. well, here it is:- yesterday after school, accompanied iz to rebond her hair. me, zul,fad,mal and sya went la. then, sya had to go home. the rest of us just sat down, waiting. and the hairdresser apporached me. they want me to be a permming model. i dunno....but, heck, i gave my name alrd. tee-hee. i want that japanese perm or whatever it is. so, we played cards. cards as in, PAKAU. but, we not gambling la. just for the fun of it. with cards. then while waiting, this guy who walked pass us, approached us. we were scared la. but, just layan skejap. man: eh! korg maen judi eh? we: tkder la. maner ader pakai duit! man: betol? we: tklah. kiter maen UNO, pakai ni card jek. man: abeh, korg hisap rokok tk? we: hah?! tkder la man: betol tk hisap? we: tk lah. man: kk, korg ngok ni hp(he places his BUDGET hp on the table) korg raser kat kedai jual brape? we: aah? (we wanted to say, 40+, but. heck) ntah. tktau la man: alah. korg expert hp pon tk tau.(walked away) damn! and we thot he was lyk, sum tok haji maner. scary man this guy. ahhhhh. and, he came to us again u noe!! we were crowding outside the hair saloon watching iz la. and he said, man: (peeping in too. menyebok katerkan.) fad: (walked away.) man: abeh lari plak fad: thinking (yerlah, kau nk tengok kan, aku kasi way la!) man: oh, buat rambot eh? zul: ntah. man: aper yng ntah. itu pon tk tau. camtu brape ah? we all: tak tau man: tu pon tk tau jugak (and he walked away) that man is freakink mad! and scary! and i thot such loser still exsist. aaaah!! but, watever. so, yeah. iz hair looked great. haha. nanti ______ nmpk lagi terpikat. hehe. like wad mal said la. ehee. her mom invited me to break fast with them. but, i hadta go take my sissy. watever. at nite, i chatted with asyraf. not our sch one la. asyraf mon nyer sedare. he ah. man..i dunno. he wants to meet me la. give me err. a bag la. watever lah boii- so, yeah. that's abt it yesterday. hahah. slept freakink early. was tired. veh tired. so, today? i dunno. skipping sch makes me go nuts man. at this moment, im so fucked up. damn it larr. wanna meet the gerls later. i guess. i wanna play UNO la. hehehe. alrite. i wanna so slp again. haha. oh btw, its 12.20pm. hohoho. and i stink!! yeehawwwww!! ok. update later. bye- ++stucked in between. heloo. fun la today. bestt. and, baguuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssssss. . hah! well, today is lyk. yeah. great. i didnt want to go to sch actually. i was sooo freakink lazy. watever- am gonna skip sch one day. hoho!! in classed. we debated la. i mean, "kiter-kiter''. haha. yeah. farnie siaa. then, left class and went to board the bus. the malay express were going to the tama warisan. coolios. took this double decker bus. haha. nice. but, the driver was lyk fcuk sia. hmph. camwhored in the bus. yey. that taman warisan is lyk, a sejarah mlayu la. that place was cool! like duh- zhenghua students were there. kiter masok jer, all eyes on us. hah! they were all sec1 kids. haha. and some looked lyk sec3's! haha. watever. enjoyed the presentation. and, they danced this err. zapin? coolios. then, we had to follow them. haha. i can't catch up la. ahaha. but, it was way way cool. yey. the song, the atmosphere. wooooah. HARI RAYA DOK! IT'S LYK, err. how many days away? wait. I DUN EVEN NOE WHEN HARI RAYA IS. sheeeesh! alrite. back to taman warisan. then, we were givane lyk, 1hr to walk2. look at the museum, chill and snap shots. yey. and, lyk duh. we POSED FOR THE CAM alot alot alot of times. haha. yey.im happy. the museum was cool. watched pramlee shows. haha. asal kau tk masak sambal belachan? kau tau aku suka belachan. asal kau gi masak..... cool larr. hehe. so, overall, everything rocked. slept soundly. ok, maybe not soundly as i was listening to mp3. hah. nicenice. watever- well, didnt go band cuz i was feeling dry and tired. yeah...my lips were dryyyy. sigh. band prac is lyk, BORING. seriously. watever la that mister- ok. thats all for today. haha. gdbye ppl. takkaire. haf a nice day. SLAMAT BERSAHUR NNTI. and, i lurve my frens. and my mr F. ;) ++am i a dreamer? sometimes,BLOGGER SUCKS TO THE CORE. FOREVER! AND EVER! AND EVER! AND EVE.. hey good people. today is one tiring day. alrite. today sorta shopping day lor. haha. great. we planned on going out with 6 ppl. in the end, 4 turn up. sheeesh! dumb siaaak. watever. so, it was me, iz, kel and noor. haha. gerek jugak la. well, we headed to orchard first. went to err. wisma to get the guy's Gola tee. lawar sey! haha. me and iz was like. damn. damn. damn. we wanted more ppl to turn up. grr. but, heck. then, went to heereen.(or however it's spelled). got iz's watch. lucky lucky her. x).i got a fourskin tote bag.haha.fell in love at the sight of it.awwh. talking abt love at first sight! then up to hmv. NUFAN's cd is like, 30 plus?? and one album selling at 50++!! damn. a7x cd was ok la. 22 plus. resonable...hehe. i feel like getting mest or stratovarius and share it with my bro. hah. he sucks. yey. yey. yey. then, headed to somerset mrt and off to bugis. yey. walked arnd. chilled. met din, didi, rahman, faizal, malik there. big big coincidence. haha. went our own ways. then, walked at bugis strt. got myself this striped shirt.red.pink.purple.alot of colors la. well, im not satisfied. i want that GREEN long sleeved tee. it costs 20bucks. gonna save and buy it!! yay. then, almost time to break fast, went to Tong Seng to breakfast. ate friedfish noodles. haha. nice la. yummy. thnx kel. then, headed to City Hall. yey. went to penin. went to kel's cousin shop. haha. they were nice. gonna get one baseball tee. and that redblack ringer. yey. :D. then, we went to Geylang. yeah, again. cuz i just went there. haha. was perspiring siaaa. bought ayam percikssss. yummy. ate mcflurry then went home in 854. nice long yet it seemed short ride. so, the whole trip was great. and, im in love with noor's digicam. its a sony cybershot bebeh!! and, the lcd screen is lyk, WIDE! damn. i love his cam. grrrrrrrrrrrr. hope to go out often. hehe. well, gotta save first. then can go. yey. :) man. i typed alot. sheesh! wonder if anyone read this. hehehe. well, i got no say alrd. i wanna eat my sotong. hehe. gdnite dear readers. takkaire. and, IM SCHOOLING TMR! darn. watever. field trip gonna rock. woohoo. ++ he's crying as he writes the song REPLY TO TAGS: kakak: haha. wad onli lah uu..hehe. shhh. diam2 jek. wakakak jahh: kabo baikk. hehe. alah,abg2 bangla leh lek sua.cey! yeah, no offence too.semuer tatoo sakk. sedeh. dah hemsem2 abeh bertatu. haiyo... dinah: haha. u screwed them? me too sey. haha. thnx for taggin. x) oooooohhhhhh. issit my comp? or the post thingy for blog has changed color? hmm. wakakakka. watever... today is one long dayy..well, it starts with, went to madrasah. fight broke out during the examination itself. sheeesh! dumb arguement. haha. i am so gonna flunk it. i dunno a single thing. haha! watever. went home. watched japan hour. haha. the food was lyk, "OISHI NEHHH!!" hahaha. must try neh. hah! that dumb sakae sushi advertisement. haha. watever. watched that food channel. then showed the few bests ice cream shops. hahaha. in the States la. damn. i want some. rawrrrr. changed, was hopping mad. waaaaaaaah. then, headed to pagoda. bought some bracelets, necklaces for hari rayer. woohooo. then went to that chinatown shopping centre place or watever it's called. saw this second hand shop selling vintage jackets. and those trenchcoats. FREAKINK COOL!! i got myself this button up jacket and my sis got this puma sorta lyk, "grease lightning" jackets. hahahhaa. i lurve it. walk walk. sang some tunes to myself. haha. decided to break fast at banquent, but it was close. dumbass. took the cab to Lau Pa Sat to break fast. i soooo miss that place. ate hong kong crispy noodle. ahaha. sedapppppp. ;). ader la mat mat hemsem. tapi semuer dah berpunyer. awwwh. watever. went to geylang after that. hoho!! very very crowded. man. ader jugak, mat mat hemsem. tapi kebanyakkan semuer bertatuu. rabakssss. saw a few emo kids. i dunno if they were emo la. cute sakkk. but, all smoking. haiiiyo. stupid la. watever. while waiting for my parents, me and my sissies waited at the POSB laa. haha. sat down there so long. we bought 5 cans in all. and $6 worth of food. sheeesh! well, im bloated. wakakaka. watever- alrite, im tired. well, wanna continue confrencing with the maties. haha.tmr is shopping day! yey. yey. yey. yey. well, im so missing my boifren. cheh! mcm dier boifren aku gituk. tunggu lamer2 lah shid. hhhhhaiyo. and im missing my ex boi fren. chey! mcm dier tu ex aku gituk. wahahah! haiyo. im dreaming. im dreaming. im dreaming. ++im gonna hurt somebody again well, thats all for today. good bye everyone. here are the replies to the tags. hehe. thnx for taggin!!! lurve u all. <333 to JAHH: haha. takot ah dok. alah, aku dah dapat results dah..haiyo...aper nk buat.. to MIMI: hahaha. biaser ah. kater shidah per. mesti rajin. hehe. tc gerlfren!! to AISHAH: hey sweetsss! haha. yupyup.u owe me! heheh. :P to ARSEY: haiyo. kau mmg la. makan, makan. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh watching videos are totally cool. i watched mbr's promise, hawthrone heights' ohio is for lovers, mbr's my eyes burn, nufan's for fiona, plain white t's take me away. hahaha. coolioss!! :):) i like siaaaaa. haha. nufan's lead vocalist isnt that hensem. hehe. plain white t's drummer is a black! how cool is dat?? wooooooah. mbr's vocalist os oookay. haha. h heights lead vocal is a-okay. haha. watever shid- woke up arnd noon. haha. read sum mags then on the comp. talked to iz. heard a story. i hurt me badly..mannnn. haig0 is freakink sad. i feel so HURT. haha. thou im not involved. sheeeesh. kesian sey. abeh tadi si shang0 plak, keep asking me qns, grrr. and now, i miss mr F. ahahaha. i wanna hear his voiceee!! wahhhhhh..(-.-''). watever shid- later after buka, im gonna design my own shoe. that pathetic 19.90 ringgit slip ons la. haha. wearing it tmr. yey. still racking my brains. what to draw. im gonna stick to black permanent markers. i got no bread to get fabric pens. haha. watever. monday is a holiday. yahooooo! gonna break fast outside. can't wait to go out with the matesss. :) ;) hahaha. hmm. wat else. oh. DEAR CLASSMATES OR SCHOOLMATES, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE(triple please) DON'T TAKE MY MARKS TO COMPARE WITH YOURS. MINE SUCKS. ALRITE. YEY. AND DON'T ASK ME HOW WELL I DID. thnkiu. :D arrrgggghhhhh. watever. i wanna draw on my shoe. i shall call me shoe nuki. yey! nuki! nuki! nuki! hohoho. merry xmas nuki. i lurve nuki. :):) err. if u guys got a fren named nuki, tell him/her that my shoe's name is nuki. haha. alrite. bye ++i miss you, so bad. heloo. i typed everything then i just closed the box. waakakka. watever- alrite. i did this today. -played uno. -made a crystal garden. it looks scareeee. -almost hurt myself there. -did dumb stuffs -jumped -attend band -slacked. -laughed till i wanted to pee. -spoke another language -missed people -screamed hahaha. i guess that's all i did. hahaha. well, my results sucked siaaaa. i suck. they suck. you suck you suck you suck! hahaha. failed 3. mannn. i dun wanna retain dokkk. i want to go to sec3 e 7/8. haha. betollll. tk bedekkkk. well, i think im going geylang on sun. hoho, mcm malas gitu. ramai sngt orang laaa. i prefer chinatown. haha. watever shid- today's graduation day was kinda haha. alrite la. the vid, sorry to say. it was boring. heheheh. the choir, haha. boleh lar. :) i can't wait to get out of yss. hahaha. and shall be free from all those __________. (fill in the blanks). but, secondary life rocks. lyk duhhhh. :):) well, i guess thats all for today. looking forward to the next day! yupyupppp. well, im ending it here with this line. Every 18 minutes someone dies from a suicide Every 43 seconds somoene attempts one. ++nobody on the beach. dear, ILU. <33333 heloooos. well, it's a great day. i think. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. got the results. man...saddening siaa. but, i got the 2nd highest for eng paper1. haha. i wrote abt aliens. yey. aliens rocks. maths and science, was lyk, no biggie. i was expecting the low marks. gees. *knocks head on the walls 3 times* yeah..dumb me. my malay sucked! i got a pathetic 55 sey. haiyoooo. iz got 75. man..i want to try get A1 for malay. hehehe. poor nick and leonard taking B sylabus nxt yr. kesian seyyy. nick, nick.... my art was lyk, 60. damnn. i draw complicated like dat, get 80,70. aaaah. my art sucks. suck suck suck suck. everything else sucks. suckkkkk! watever- yesterday confrenced till like, 1am? hahaha. i lurve confrencing. haikal, shango, izyan. hohoho. but, b4 that, i was just talking to the guys ah. haha. shango is making me mad sey. then just now meet him, wahhhhhhhhhhhhh. loser loser. U WATCH OUT!! heheheheh. didnt lepak today. no fren la. hehe. both of them go johor. haissssh. so, not talking today! hopefully can confrence with nina and mushin. hehe. watever- well, i got nuthin else to update. yeah. today is one boring day. and i bet tmr is. im am so not looking forward to band practice tmr. seriously. arrrrrrh...puasa how to play. no saliva sakkk. damn laaa. and, tmr sch ends at 10.15am. wadahell. freakink early. might as well don't attend sch. sheeeesh! maybe, just go to sch and play UNO. hahaha. dumb dumb dumb. hope band prac cancelled. wakakakak. evil siak me. errpz. well, i wanna go chat with mon, natassja and fendi. alrite. gd day people. takkaire. ++ dance the night away hie people. im here blogging. today didnt had plans, so just followed my mom out. yey. i lurve my mom. :):) ferst, went to pagoda(chinatown). damn, that place rocks! everything is soo cheeap. im gonna get my hari raya accersories there. yipeee. going again on ssunday! and, GEYLANG! hohoh! best ah. food. food. food. yey. well, im in a dilemma right now. seriously. well, i hope i'll get out of this situation soon! i really hate it. it started yesterday night. i was shivering inside. damn. totally hate it. seriously. and, at this point of time, i don't feel like liking anyone. sheeeeesh-. but. i think abt them. ARRGH! WTF?! well, i am lyk, mad, mad, mad. im mad, mad mad. im in a dilemma, im in a dilemma, im in a dilemma, im in a dilemma, im in a dilemma, im in a dilemma, im in a dilemma, im in a dilemma...darn.. okie. gtg. im sick of bloging. and, ilurve the ataris. :) stay healthy. PUASA TAU! NANTI TK LEH RAYER. :) ++i remember waiting. helooo. just finished talking to haig0...he told me quite alot. oh well, nasib masing2. well, today was tiring la. haiyo, thses days, im tired easily sey. wad to do........ after school, followed syairah home, played her xbox. played sims bustin out and the car racing game. i forgot the tittle. it was greatttttttt. camwhored. haha. yey. i lurve taking pix. :) :) then, met izyan, haikal and noorgo at kama. hang abt fer a while. go street soccer court, then went home. i mean, to amk. then home. haha. it was hillarious on the way. tee-hee. watever. well, i dunno how to put it. it's lyk, so difficult to love someone who loves you, ARRGH. i dunno how to say it. WATEVERRRR!!! damn. today, i am feeling lyk, down. dont have the mood to do this and that. i think, it's because of him. arrrgh. watever. i gtg. im angry. haha. no lar, im just. pissed. alrite. takkaire ppl. hugs and kisses, SHIDg0. ++label that shit for me. heloooo good people. well, today was alrite lar. fun. tired. cuz i keep laughing!! after sch, waited for noorgo, then went to haig0's house to watch vcd. it's a syarahan and a comedy. cool. funny la. hehe. enjoyed! after bdk biru left, i challenged racing(ps2) with noorg0. haha. i lost. i prefer hotwheels. :D. yah..then, played uno. i was whacked and beaten. wakkakakak. fun still. :). saw mardg0 and yatg0. they go out ah. cute sey bof of them. home then. here i am. blogging. im very very tired. i kept laughing. sheesh! tmr, maybe going to syairah's place to play the sims. xbox. maklumlah, rumah aku tkder ps or xbox kan.. i was told sumthing. i felt so, dumb lar. haishhhhh. but, aku trimer paper dier ckp. :)... and if ___ doesnt want __. _______ just feel ____ that ____ likes _____ so much. ALL ENDS THAT ENDS WELL. i think thats the quote lar. haha. i forgot. i learned that in p4. :) well, i think i neeed a nap. im beat. alrite, chao for now. takkaire everyone. have a nice day. thank you. :-# ++somehow, i found him why issit hard for some ppl to express their feelings? some ppl sae it better in text. but when they meet,they act normal. in text, they say this: "alrite, i wanna slp dear. gd nite. takkaire. luv ya." in person,: "k, nitez" thats all. OMFG. WHY THE HELL AM I TALKING CRAPPPP?? SERIOUSLY. WAT HAF GOTTEN INTO ME? i've been hit by the crapstik. arrrgh. to whom it concerns, i wish we were more than frens. please. i hope that'll happen. gdnite. take care. ++i was terrified wat the fcukkkkkkkkkkkk?! i updated lyk, alot! and then, POOF* it dissapeared. holy shit larrrr. grrr. ![]() watever. im outta here. bye! ++did i dissapoint you? ![]() hello everyone. haha. whoever who comes here la. seriously, i want a lip piercing. but, like my parents allow. if my grandma sees me with the piercing, she'll kill me! rawr. watever. i wanna buy a lipring. but i dunno which is which. someone can buy for me? -watery eyes- watever shid. i just searched on yahoo for lipring images. and, they are selling those, non piercing lip ring!! that means u just slide it on ur lips, and they look real. ARRRGHGHGHGH!! I WANTTTTT!!!!!! today was greattttt. ok, maybe not so greatttttt. but hanging out with ppl who im not that close to is fun. heheh. went to woodlands library with nina. greeted mr selvam. then, met the bois. arif, izwan and fizan. hahaha. ferst time going out with them! cool ah they all. cute and funny. haha. then, arif left for soccer thingy. so, it was just me wan nina fizan. alriteeeee. we were there to ddo art actuali. haha. and fizan cud draw well! haha. nice...wan draws nice too. haha. izwan read my inbox. argh! slowly, everyone oso noe. watever. i dun gif a damn. haissh. then walk walk at cp. haha. fizan and izwan ah...cute la. heheheh.. went home in the MRT. fun day. ate nasi ayam for buka. watched a lil bit of mighty ducks. haha. im sick of the ducks. "ducks fly high" watever. i wanna talk to him larrrrrr. haiyo. watever. alrite, i having hiccups right now. bye everyone. ++this will all fall down. hie ppl. im mad. im rad. hug me. wakakakkakka. well, sorry fer not updating yday. lemme tell you wad i did alrite? after sch, went to adek's house to jam. jam as in practice lar. haha. im still bad at it. im slowwwwwpooookkkeeee. then, headed to 760 street soccer blk dere. had sum conflicts. was pissed at sul. watever. the name's there. grrrr. fcktard(shitkin ajar). hohoho. then, went to changi airport with sheng, hai, mard, nico, jui and shid(me). haha. walk arnd, looked at aeroplanes and took the short short ride. LRT, skytrain. and i eventually thot it was monorail lyk sentosa's. dumb. so, today was great. haha. but, the exam sucked! im gonna flunk this EOY badly dudeeeee. i just jate to study. face it, i just hate them. i can tell the teachers in the face that i hate that subj. sigh. watever. relieved my troubles by strumming the guit. haha. and used the comp and listened to songs. yey. rushed home, changed, met the mates. we wanted to watch a movie. long time i didnt catch a movie! haha! we watched Goal. and, it was superb. i lyk it. it was kinda touching. i almost cried. hehe. my eyes were watery la. hehe. after the show, home with old chang kee's curry puff. watever. confrecning soon. and, off to the bed. im beat. and, is this skin lyk, working? ahha. i am in lurve with guitars. I HEART GUYS WHO PLAY GUITARS. HEH HEH HEH. I HEART GUYS WHO ARE RADDD. I HEART GUYS WHO ARE COOL AND HOT. I HEART EMOGUYS. I HEART BOYS KISSING. I HEART YOU. watever. bye ppl. ++585857757(intro TRO) replies to tags! KAREN: hehe. thnx gerl. KAKAK: shaddup. SOPH: haha. sorry la. i keep forgetting! hehe. anws, i got new skin. tag agn aite! ARSEY: shaddup eggtart. JAH: salah! salah! wahahhahah! haniz nyer, slalu sey hie peeeps. today is such a boring day. haha. and enjoyable too. :) watever shid. today after sch, met nana. i miss her so much! sat at kama fer awhile. waited fer shang. then, aunty gwen come halau us to go home. wadahell. wait for fren oso cannot ah? haiyo. so, lepaked at nana's house. i lurve her. <3. muacks. went in for sum air. 'amek angin la'. listened to mp3. shared stories. and played the guitar. ELECTRIC BEB. and she played TIME IS RUNNING intro well! damn. i wanna learn how to play the guitar. sumone teach me? -teary eyes- alrite. watever. so, after shang came, went to 760 nye street soccer. watched the guys play soccer. then, rode matin's bicycle. lepaked and played UNO. haha. keep winning. cancelled our plans to CP. we were lazy la. haha. so, stayed there...Mr Hasrin came. lepaked kejap. haha. mad la he. lol. then go NP. took neos again. I AM NOT GONNA TAKE NEOS AGAIN. PLEASE REMIND ME. IM OFFICIALLY BROKE. IM SAVING FOR 241005. hohoho. hmm. gonna go out with the guys and the gals. cant wait. shang and hai said they're gonna dress lyk, more proper ah. no more the selekeh look. -bites nail- cant wait! watever. im craping. and im not biting my nails. haha. saw hasy and itik at interchng. glad i smiled. sweeeeeet. well, i have nuthin to update alrd. wanna take a short nap. hmm. i'll chat with my best fren then. haha! natassja. <3<3<3 till then, so long! keep mugging! ++glad i smiled i got one joke! banyak banyak HA, HA aper paling cute? answer? tag my board. KAKAK, DONT ANSWER. hie! today im feeling estaticcccc. :) im elated. hahah. i met alot of ppl today. okay, maybe not alot, but those who i nvr see b4, or those who are missed. =) first, natassja. hahaha. malah called her name. she was lyk, who called my name? then, she alighted. stuppppppid! i was lyk, eh! walau. wad sey you.. alright. watever. then, i went to sun plaza. there was this grp of boys looking down frm the library. we stare at them lar. so, we decided to go up ah. sorta, confrontation. heheh. then, we go up, they go down. then, a familiar voice, "saiyidah!" haha. "faiz!!!!" hehe. i miss him siakkk! haish...quite long, since the last time we met. padahal baru satu bulan. wakakakka. then, i was lyk, a seriously missing him. waited outside the library, waiting for him to walk pass. hehe. he stopped. waved madly at me. haha. the *cute smile!* man..im gonna miss him. so watever. actuali today after sch. me, zul,mal and iz sorta went to np to look arnd. since we got nuthin to do. saw nina and arip all. heard that bdk biru with miza at the basement. so, we walked arnd. hopeing to mit them later. :) then, called. me and iz went to sembawang sc. then, to sun plaza. :) from sun plaza, to sembawang shoping cntre. then, northpoint. haha. alright. NP's case. me, suriana, nina, zaida, izyan decided to take sum neo's. haha. sempat sey. then, there was this grp of AISS guys. i think they're sec 1 ah. look so innocent. but, they look naughty. x) they were lyk, kinda waiting fer us. i dunno wat they wanted in the ferst place. then, when we waited fer the machine to respond, the guys were lyk outside, slacking. still waiting fer us. and, i saw one guy. pointing to iz then to the hp. so, they wanted to exchange numbers. and. we were pissed. so, we action2 get inside the mesin take picture ah. then they oso, sebok2 liddat. ketok2 lar. saw nak nombor la. pleaseeee. haiyo. no shame man, this kinda guys. -.-'' watever. so, in the end, they were fed up. they left. JUBILANT. :) ok. watever. yng mintak nombor to tk hemsem ah. yng kawan dier, err. boleh tahan lar. he he he. so, today was kinda enjoyable lar. with arif, izwan, yuz, khairi and fizan. didnt expect them to be so giler2 and kiyoote. :P haha. and, now i miss hanging out with haikal and shengo. well, we always got, after the exams. =) alright. i think i got too much smiley's on this post. no more smileys aite! ;) haha. i just did. watever. okie. wanna start the useless revision. gdbye! ++i miss you. alright. i wanna start my dumb revision. hmm. will it get in my head? gees. i doubt so. so far, studying has gotten me nowhere. i dont study. but,i can do -ok ok- in exams. gees. hmmm. maybe i must blame technology. technology has the advantages. how how how. handphone lar, radio lar, telephone la, computer la. all this is stopping me frm studying. oh wells. wat to do. i cant put the blame on technology right. haishh... where is my study buddy? lyk seriously. i need one right now. haiyo. i have nuthin to update lar. my temperature's up. due to the heat outside. and my mind's blank. my brain is going nuts. my my stomach is growling. my body wants the bed. and my eyes are teary. im sleepy. when will it rain? when will it start storming? when will i feel cold? GREAT. i cant study. i can? oh watever. can someone stab me in the back? or shoot me up there? puh-lese. ![]() urgh. ![]() watever man. to hell to you and your frens. ++the worst side of me. hie ya ppl. it's a saturday night. and im at home. wakakakkakaa. if life was in the states, i think i'll be at my fren's place fer a sleep over. wahahahahah. watever. my bro brought home 2 mp3's. both are werking fine. one can stor 30+ song/ and the other can store only 11 pathetic songs. how whack is that? hmm. but, this mp3 is lyk haikal's one. telephone.... hehehe. hmm. shall bring the pathetic 11 songs mp3 and exchange songs with haikal. i really need to study man. i need to go sumwhere and study. geog's paper on mon. and i wanna go to a geog class! darn. if i cant, i'll just go to a hist class then. then, maths on tues. i can go nuts i tell you. hmm. wat if i bring a gun to sch. *water gun lar* then try to shoot myself if i cant do that ques. hmmm..gd idea! alright. watever shid. hmm. hope i can meet up with iz. so can study. i wanna go sengkang lib. uh. haha. far siak. ok. watever. today is sucha boring day. no one to chat with. no one to sms with. no one to talk to. urgh. where have all the gd ppl gone to? arrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh alright. i wanna go cut myself up. and say, "death was on sale". hmm. maybe i shud consider looking at emoguys kiss. wahahahahah. i've see enuf alrd. :x okay/ bye. i wanna drink air katira. -air katira is love <33- ++alone. she cries hie ppl. im here fer a post. hahhahahaa. watever lar shid. today was fine. only after school. i didnt feel lyk going to sch today man. i just wanna sleep at home. the whole day. but. batal puaser uh nnti. so, i seriously had no mood to study man. i just want a break man. from all this studying..gees! and, i wish the exams are arnd the corner. and i haf no idea what im doing man...urgh-ness. school was okay. dumb dumb. seriously had no mood to study. eng was great. watched the continuation from yday's XMEN. hahaha. the ending, i felt lyk crying man. rogue and logan. so cute sak. storm, jean, scott, xavier, bobby, mystique, toad, magneto. hahha. it's a great show. must start watching xmen evolution. wakkakakaka. watever shid. well, studying time today. was alright. while waiting fer ms tan. fad scorpionized my head. haha. and im loving it!!! waakakkaka. i lyk sia..hehehe. cute per. :) bluek. today's maths was making me sleepy and hungy man. i cant think properly. urgh! so, nadia and hajar were shocked by the sketch fadz gave them. hahah. kiyoote. =) watever shid. home. home with the scorpion. today didnt hang out with haig0 lar. he n iz tkder. tkkan nk lepak sorang! haiyo. i miss hanging out with shengo. wakakkakaka. and haigo and juizgo. dumbb dumb. oh well. i have no mood to blog too. and, INTERNET is getting boring. i have no idea man..can sumone get me to do sum usefuls things on the net? darn! alright. gdbye fer now. gdnite faithful bloggers. takkaire. ++enjoy the msg. seriously, i got nuthin to update. hie good citizens. today was a great schooling day. maths? alright. band meeting? cant wait! pe? slack. recess? slack summore. english? xmen. malay? waited outside lyk assholes. dnt? chilled. how hard can it get? xmen was great. slowly, all the characters are coming back to me. me and the kids were talking abt, which character we wanna be. i want to be jean grey. telekenethic powers. or watever the word is. hahaha. ridwan and sya wanted to be shadow cat. haha. i wanted to be wolverine, rouge, mystique, toad, jean grey, cyclops, storm. ahahahhahah. ok. im crappingg here! well. i like this. ![]() yupyup. it's kiyoooote. hahaha. im just an emo kid. -emo- but, aku dah bilang kawan aku dah. yang aku ni sebenarnye, bukan emo. step siket jer..takkan tkleh. abeh bdk2 mrepek yang tk emo, nk step emo tu aper? cheh! just now after school. studied at library. then, we got scolding. then this grp of girls say, "hah. scared sak dey all". walau. please lar. dun think u short skirt, we all scared ah. please okay! tsk. u short skirt, if leg nice nvm! leg lyk was sey. tsk. then wanna step like wad...URGH. watever.. stuidied at study corner. maths lar. ms tan was mad! i did the right thing. and she said it was wrong. haha. nvm, u dun get it lar. hmmm. yey. it took himm LIGHTYEARS to reply to my sms. yey. but, msg still lor. hehe. heppi sey. he didnt forget me la. hahah. alright. shaddup shid. well, nuthin to update lar today. hope tmr is a gd day! study again. haish. i'll get sick of books and stuffs soon i tell you. just wait. here's sumtink i found on the webby. Memories sharp as daggers Pierce into the flesh of today The suicide of love took away all that matters And buried the remains in an unmarked grave in your heart -------------------------- You made me fall for you, Promising you'd catch me.. Here I am lying on the ground And where are you? ++u're not forgotten in a blink of an eye, the storm will perish. haha.ok, crapping. today's eng paper was not that easy. in fact, it was kinda tough. esp paper 2. paper 1 was okay..blue eyed zoikders. hahaa. i was thinking of zoids at that time. aha. paper 2. i slept fer awhile. and tried to finish it. i dunno man..and the summary? i think im gonna get low marks. darn. i ended the summary with, " i was still hungry". dumb siaaa.... so, it's the ferst day of ramadhan. yey. things are going on well. but, vulgarities still used, heard, written. damn. how can i ever stop them. tsk. art was okay. wawan scared me fer once. haha. drew. found out, that my little boy(classmate) is color blind. green? brown? haiz..kesian sey. i liked my first hand drawing. but, my coloring sucks. rawr. after sch, did art in the library. kecoh sey. only me, fad, leha, mal and iz were there. and, we laughed. hahaha. stayed at kama fer a short while, then went back. saw nina and the guys. sat fer a while. haha. then, took bubur pengat. home. yah..it was a great day after all. BUT! i miss him. NOTE TO SELF: I MISS YOU. oh wells. i want to talk to him. and the couple. alright. wanna crap. gd night. ++ SHIDgO hie ppl. today was a great day, but quite a number of things went wrong. it started out great. THAT particular teacher, confiscated sya's camera. man! me and sya was sooo angry lor. and, sya was freakink upset. and when we wanted to claim it back, BANYAK SONGEH SIOL! haiyo. so, tralala. blablabla. ha ha ha. nag nag nag. yey. after sch had maths remedial. maths test. i failed. grr. ms tan went thru the answers. and yup. careless and lazy. hohoho. so, went to chompang fer ice kacang. me, nina, izyan and syairah. syairah went home after that.met haigo and shengo. iz bought tau suan. nina bought chocolate ice kacang. i waited fer zul and mal to come, then order. i bought ice kacang. and i ended up sharing it with shengo, cuz he was lyk, "siket-siket". hah! but, kenyang lar. nyce. and, for a month, not eating that lar. puaser pe.. i am in love with shengo's hp. can draw2 sey...haha..gerek lar, hanging out with my frens. :) cute people. ![]() well, tomorow's the start of the fasting month. Ramadhan. yey. a beautiful month. i love god. i love muslims all arnd the werld. except those eeeevil ones. im gonna start afresh. i shall be a very gd gerl tmr onwards. no more vulgarities. insya'allah. if god wills! i hope i can be someone better after this. *fingers crossed* so, with that, Happy Fasting all muslims. x) yah. end it here. tmr's lepaking session will be turned to studying time as their paper ends late. alright. wanna study fer my eng exam! and, to think it was a common test. hah! gd bye! ++i won't let you carry it helooo gd people/ today is such a nyce day. a great day to be DECEIVED. yes. DECEIVED. it started off bad, but ended with a smile. im glad it stopped. in the morning, she told me abt it. i was shocked. i smiled. during class, she told me again. i was being played with. and to think that i could fall in love with a liar. sigh. i was soooo dumb. well, im glad the incident is over. during class, i was lyk. urgh. nvm then. forget watever i said. i told arsey dear abt it. heheh. nyce gerl. :):) muacks. so, today had our open book geog structured test..but, still with the help of notes and the book, i had doubts still. darn. nuthin much happen today. the sci teacher is getting on my nerves every lesson. dumb dumb dumb. after sch, listened to minah tudung fer awhile then went to the ebuzz. held my adek's hand. yey. i love her. mwah mwah. hehehe. the bus was so cool. and the robots and sci tech. yey. tho, i didnt understand a thing. hohoho. kama, food. argued with haikal. stared at shang. dumb dumb dumb. study. study. 725. talk, talk. UNO. won. yey. shang's hp. drawing. rectangles. northpoint. aircon. neoprints. bus. amk. home. yes. so, gd day ppl. take care. ++in love with a liar I WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGISE TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU OUT THERE WHO'S READING. SORRY IF I HAD EVER MADE YOU PPL SAD, ANGRY OR WATEVER. PLS, I HOPE YOU PPL WOULD FORGIVE ME. THNKS. from the bottom of my heart, Siti Saiyidah. ![]() hie people. today is a great day. but, im feeling otherwise. recently only lar.
today. went fer mad. class. ookay lar. then home, changed, met izyan. we wanted to study and watched haikal and shango play soccer. and yes. the played at 178's woodlands st 13 basketball. grrr. haikal told us to go to marsiling and this and that. as we cud actuali take 911 from woodlands interchng. grrrrrrrr. so reached there, called the couzies up. chatted fer a while. missed the 3 of them. and, FYI: me and iz was the only females there watching them play. hohoho. watever. haikal said that this guy, say me pretty. hohoho. thnk u lar. :) i was pissed at izyan lar. cuz of her parents lar. sorry iz. but, seriously, i was.....
so, went home lor. cant walk2. wad to do...went home in 965. sat with shango. iz infornt of me. haha. listened to songs with him la. home. iz and haikal was sharing sum secrets. and i really want to know..darn. so, home. haikal and shango sorta send me n iz home. nyce people.
and oh, i was pissed at him too. he, urgh. nvm. u wont understand.
alright. i wanna sort things out. tmr;s start of a new october week. take care gd ppl. mwahs.
++hold me tight. hi good people. it's the start of a new month. a new way of life. and muslims all arnd the werldare gonna fast preety soon. on wednesday. hmm..i hope everything's fine for everyone out there. i want a genie to grant me 3 wishes. first wish: world peace. second wish: happy people all arnd the universe third wish: unlimited wishes. hahahah..great. im laming right now. just now, i watched 2 movies. Little Rascals and Kim Possible: so the drama. nyce. little rascals is my all time favourite kiddy show. hehe. cute man. darla and alfafa...and that dumb waldo. heheh..spanky, alfafa, frogie, ah-huh. hehe..cute!! kim possible. the ending was sweet. ron and kim. they kissed! man..ron was sucha sweet. and that dumb eric. grr. hahah. lyk u all noe wat im talking liddat. today, i was very bbored sia..wanted to go library. no fren. -.-'' so, did revision for geog. failed. was engrossed in kim anne possible..hehe..later at night going for syarahan. grr...i lazy lar..but, hafta! and, my pain keep cumin. grr. ouch ouch. well, i haf nuthin to say. so, to all ppl who know that this blog exists, do tag. cuz, im thinking of closing my blog. heheh...dumb blog. but, i lurve this blog. hohoho. POP YEH YEH SEDAP SEY. AND, DAT FAUZIE GUY FROM ANUGERAH IS CUTE LAR. hehehe..well, i wanna continue my sms-ing session. gd day ppl! ++gerakkan badan. |