day 0 of school
school has officially ended for me. i am no longer schooling from this day on.

i'll be on my internship at SGH - Pharmacy from October onwards for 16 weeks. scary, nervous and exciting at the same time. fweird. sigh. i cant believe im not gonna school anymore.

i'd definitely miss the food, eyecandies, boys, teachers, friends...

speaking of friends. well, sadly in my poly life i've failed to gain like a close, tight-knit group of school mates. all i have are my classmates. and you know how my school works. we change class every semesters = new group of classmates.

and as a matter of fact, all my friends in my "class-clique" rn already have their own set of friends they gained over the past few semesters.

indeed, i am a loner. OETORIYA OETORIYA. oh well. i hate this. wished i had more friends. you know what i constantly worry about? going to prom. i really wanna go to prom. but, do i have a group to go with? i keep thinking about it. hope i'd have at least 1 friends to go with. :/


school's over. hello working life. hello office hours. hello bigger and heavier responsibilities. hello doctors. hello cute med students. teehee~~

thank you Republic Polytechnic for the 3 years worth of memories. :)