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SHIDDYDUDADEY or saiyidah. 19, science, korean boys pretty much in delusion. contact: 1 2 3 |
Expect rl stuffs like rants on annoying people, family, school, work and maybe inanimate objects. And occasional hxc spazzing because fandom is my laifu.tagboard
haniz ella
kak rin
kak yam
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hello. today is, erm. yeah. went to school with fantastic 5 seh! ahhahaha. yey. am gonna do tt!! woooooooohoooooooooooo. shar. kukie. adumb. naddy. xshidx. wooooooooohooooooooooooo. and other few people like fad, lisah, fawwas and RAHMAT. aaaaaaaaaah. ok, im in love with atomic structure. hahhaa. chem is finally getting intresting for me. maths test was a disaster. i left one big qns, blank. *BLANK*. and, bio test, i forgot about the Liver and Rennin and Pepsin. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. today's match was with queensway. we lost 6-0 to them, last year. this yr, we lost again. but, 2-0. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. sad, sad. i fell down badly, twice. first, i fell flat on the ground. second, i was pushed or what, and landed on my butt. and, i have a sore butt people. yes, a sore butt. AAAAAAAAAAAAAH. it hurts sey. aah, curse you no.11 even though we lost, this match was well played. and again, my goalkick sucks. FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRR. _________________________________________________________ rumors about us are spreading. soccer people know about it. they tease me. now, tell me. who started it? is it true? ______________________________________________________ they're perfect together. but, she's choosy. and he loves it. dumb bastard. ________________________________________________________ gooodnight mongoose. haha hello. im here. hahaha. today, school was erm, as per usual ah. 3 free periods. how great. mdm roz wasn't here for FNN. and the DNT kids had free period too. and, so we went to each other's class. ahhahaa. the guys, took some wire somewhere* and plugged it into the mp3. well, the wire they got is connected to the classroom speakers. haha. you know, those 2 large speakers, beside the screen. yeah. that one. fooboon and brandon switched on some techno songs. and din was switching on and off the lights. hjahahahaha. disco beb! and, the other guys closed the doors, closed the windows. hahahaha. and ah-hua was like, "wahhh, disco sia. all under 16 sey!!" hahah. cute. after school, POA test was kinda in a rush la. but, i managed to equal my trial balance. but, hopefully it's the correct answer. 2 tests tmr. bio and maths. AAAAAAAAAH. leh mampos ah sial. i guess i can ace bio. ok, mabye not ace la. just finish it. maths? damnit. i have no hope in maths. SOMEONE! ANYONE! GIVE ME HOPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. right. im done. that should be it. tataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. (*haikal told me that shar got my retard pic. SHARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!) goodnight f5. ![]() me and arse* hello hello good people! it feels great, blogging here in the comfort of my own computer. ok crap. today school was alritey. but, one person spoiled my mood. AAAAAAAAAAAAH. CURSE U, CLONE. right after geo class, i went back to my class. i was shocked. i saw someone who had the same hairstyle as me. i was damn shocked. and, morever, SHE was the damn person who i hatehatehate. alrite, i know this a lil bit dumb, but, wth. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. she ties her ponytail up high. and her fringe is like, down. like mine. and, she wears slip ons, LIKE ME. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. kalau org laen tkper. damnit. my mood was totally ruined. ok, not totally la. aiyoh. why got people like her. dumb whore. over with that already laaaaaaaa. trng just now was mad la. we played futsal. we didn't really did trng la. just passed the balls arnd, and went to the gym and worked out. then, went over to adek's house and tralalala. and crapcrapcrap. and then back to kama, and went home. ____________________________________ i don't like his attitude. he can be really nice and a great friend. but, when he meets his dream, he forgets about the world, and he leaves me. (*tkmo teraser uh) i don't understand. we don't communicate alot. __________________________________________ where are you?? ![]() goodnight, isabella. hello, hello. im in lab right now. -___-''. school is so boring. i miss my computer. i miss internet. damnit. i miss F suddenly. ok, fantastic5, it's not, THAT F. hahaha. the OTHER F. that saturday, towning with fantastic5.hhaha. great. and, night, we sat by the river. all 5 of us. wahhhhhh.. romantic siol. oh wells. i miss . and that's all i got to say. gooday people. miss you peeps. F...... *knocks head on wall* hello, hello. comp sucks at home. (-___-''). in lab right now. haahah. mendak sial. ok, ok. so yesterday, we had our soccer match. and, and, and!!! WE WON!! WE WON!! 4-1! sial. a hat trick by nana, and one by mardhia. was fuckin happy. and the, sul saved a penalty. WOAH! ahahaha. and, i took freekcik. lol. tk tinggi. jauh jek. bluek. happy, happy. in school, was quite dissapointed by _________. sad laaaaaaaaaaa. almost cryed. :'( ok. hahahaha. so, over with that. yesterday, 3 wanted to go home with me. HEH! ramai sungguh! boy, mon, yueting. AHAHAHA. ok shaddup shid. well. i got nuthin to say la. hahaa I MISS FANTASTIC 5 LOADS. shar.nad.kukie.adumb. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. i miss my computer. goodday honney. <33 SORRY IF I CANT REPLY TO UR TAGS PPL. AND, RELINK U OR WHUD. SORRRY hello people. im in school, again. hahahahahha. ok, so yesterday school was fine. i guess. hahah. went to nina's hse after sch, and then, met my parents at khatib to get my pants and, went to NEW YORK PIZZA. ggagagagag. and, went home and talked on the phne and tralalalalala. imagine, just imagine. if only killing wasn't a sin. if it wasn't a crime. if death doesn't hurt. if humans has 10 lives. i'd stab you countless times. if only, if only. if only love does not hurt. it sucks. everything's fucked up. everything's going wrong. what's happening to the world? alritey. i had enough. my existence doesn't matter. BAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. goodday people. ![]() helllo. im in school right now. computer at home, corrupeted, time and again. fukin annoying. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.. gawd. ok, so, what has happen in my life so far? haha. ok, it feels so diffrent to blog in school right here. friday? FRIDAY i went swimming, while the other girls, went to town. hahahahaha. can't follow. =( so i went swimming with my family. hahaha. kinda boring laaaaaaaaaaaaa.eh! i blog abt this alrd ryte? hahaha. ok, ok. SATURDAY just stayed at home. rotted the whole day. aaaaaaaaah, i wrote some crap in my notebook. all was inspired by my dear toilet. heh heh heh. attempted to complete some homework. hahahhaha. and, just talked on the phone. wawawa. boring laa. SUNDAY wheeeeeeeeeeeeee. haha.woke up early, and bathed fukin late. hahahhahaa. hahaha. my parents went to my aunt's place. i went to MRT and met arseikin and khairi. hahahahahhahaha. (NOT YSS PPL LAAAAAAA). saw yat and maleeeeeek at mrt too. hahahaha. so, went to city hall. walked to penin, then passed the padang, and made our way to the powerhouse. IT WAS SOOOOO CROWDED. ahhaha. skins and punks everywhere. and so, when GSC performed, EVERYONE, i say, EVERYONE was skanking! ok, most of the rudies la. haha. GSC performed for like, only 30mins man.then, the heritage played.and, the Suns were performing at the powerhouse. it was damn packed la. at 10pm, GSC peformed again. and arse had to leave. ahaha. the skins were so impatient, they were singing " you'll nvr walk alone. "and,"oi! oi! oi!" all the way. cute la. some bodysurfed. hahaha. wow. i wanna bodysurf too!! heheh. mcm betol.-.-'' one girl wearing tudung, skanked along, with ther girlfriends seh. FUH! hahahah, i didn't really skank along la. haahha. just enjoyed myself and swayed to the music. damn happening laaaaaaaa. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bounced back, and khairi was like, skanking in the mrt sey. me and pantat just listened to our mp3s. hahaha. dah la, cukop. ok aaaaaaaaaah, bye semue. I HATE MY COMP. ok, u suck. good day rudies. (heh??) hello people. im bored. im sleepy, im tired. where's littleboy? blueks. today i went swimming. im darker people! so, don't get shocked. hahaahha. (actually kan, aku malas laaa, nk blog. hahahahaha. tkper la, buang maser. ehhehe) then, walked to northpoint. ate at sakura. and there was this grp of people. who i think are , cool la. hahaa. they talked about sally's rejex so loudddd. i got caramel syrup. =) and, i got 2 tubs of icecream! and, errm. NESCAFE MOCHAAAAAAAA. yey. besok minum ahhh. eh, aku nak gi GSC laaa. beh mak aku lak, uat hal. die nk gi johor laaaa. haiyoo. macam2 la. nak kuar enjoy pon tkleh. APADAHHH. eh, dah la. aku mau call boyfrentkjadi aku la eh. korg slamat uuuuuuuuuuuuh. aku nk chauchau. ok bye. shid rocks. goodnight lullaby. hari tu, aku amek. lawa kan? ![]() ![]() HELLO PEOPLE! TODAY IS ONE FINE DAY, WHICH I LOVE LOVE LOVE! ok, so, jsut now. i went out with my memberrrrrrrrrs. Shar, Haikal, Nadia and Adam. haha. and, me la. i woke up at like, 12.15. when im suppose to meet them, at 12 at, kama. ahahha. SORRY AH, GUYS. so, i met them at Northpoint, and we had lunch at foodcourt. ok, so adam and shar, had lunch. haha. then, we proceeded to simlim square. to get adam's mp3. then, we chilled at the staircase. hahahahhaha. lol, our first time together. i felt kinda like, diffrent, but i love them laaaaaaa. haha. we camwhored, and crapped alot. AND LAUGH. ahhahahahahaha. we walked to bugis. and, nadia and haikal, still in their uniform. hahahah. kesian....passed the err, bencoolen street and all. hahaha. then, we walked at bugis village, and we finnally had our break at national library. we were bored la. we went from the first floor, all the way, till the 14th floor. and, from 14, all the way down, and keep taking pictures inside. ahahahha. gerek sial. then, we finally stopped at the 12 floor. there was nuthin at the 12 floor. no lift, no library. heh. so, we just slacked at the window, taking pictures and slack. while shar and haikal breaked a lil. hahahahaha. nice moves! *jakun perr*. then, weleft for yishun cause nad and haikal needs to go back home. ahahhahahaha. i love love love love them laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. WE, THE FANTASTIC 5. im soooooooo looking forward to the nxt trip! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ slackin at the staircase. -.-'' ![]() my gay boys. =)) ![]() me and naddynaddynaddy. ![]() school kids. :x ![]() slacking still...... ![]() FANTASTIC 5. hearts ![]() lol. haiku and me. blurr laaa, nad. ![]() THE END. ader lagi gmbr. tapi, aku malas laaa, nk upload. kalau nad ker, shar update blog, korg senang2 tngk la, yer. _____________________________________________________ finally, i told him off. i told him, i was pissed at him. i told him i can't be bothered. he says, it was his mistake. he was sorry. he said, he was dumb and useless. he asked me to give him a chance. - i just told him to sleep, and rest well. -he asked me to sleep too, and don't think too much. ___________________________________________________ *he viewed my profile. *he accepted my testi. ________________________________________________________ i suck, time and again. goodnight starlight. kau terpaksa, aku dipaksa. i just don't get it. why do you even bother talking to me, when you are actually, wanting to talk to another girl. you're waiting for her call, as we talk. like, wtf? sometimes, im not in the mood to talk to you. and, all those sarcarstic remarks i said, it's like. all true? i can't be nice to you. i can't be a friend to you. i just feel so dumb. talking to someone, who wants to talk to me. but, that someone, wants to talk to someone else, at the same time. WTF?! this is sooooooo annoying. gawdamnit. the pics, from the bugis/esplanade trip, will be posted, on a later date. alritey? i suck. hope tmr's outing with the FANTASTIC 5,like. crack me up or something. love you guys. ![]() okbye i'll just let the pictures, do the talking alright? yeah. i was late for maths class today. like, 30mins? ahahhaah. and, after class, we camwhored, at the lockers. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ zaida, malah, ridwan, syairah, me. THE CAM IS LIKE, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PASSAGE WAY. :P ![]() pretty friends! love you people. ![]() SYA: presenting, YSS rubbish bin. WAN: ooh, i can hide. SHID: i actually, wanted to pijak, but step mane lak. boo. ![]() wan!!! hahahahha. asal lah, kau nk kahwin ngn betina, yang tkder mata? ape dahhh. but, lawa kan gmbr ni? aku suro die amek. eheheh ![]()
in the bus, otw to northpoint for lunch. melah, neyna, izyn,jeyda and sya. all killing me. boooooo. wahahhha
cute girls, at sakura. hahaha. kecoh sial. ![]() while waiting for our food. ![]()
ahaha. that's all la. the other pics, wait ah. goodday, terryx. hello people. I WANT TO GO ESPLANADE LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. WHO WANT TO GO WITH ME? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. OK SHADDUP SHID. today, i went to school. (-___-''). for 6hrs of band practice. =D(fake one). har har. i was late by 15mins. hahahahahhahaha. whatever. didn't get to play exaltation laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. sad, sad, sad. played blueridge. hhahaha. then, at lunch, sacrificed my 1hr lunchtime, because of dennislim. so, i just sat there, dreaming. hgahaha. looked at the guys, playing soccer. mrhasrin, is still, showing attititude. wth. im sad. fadil was like, "eh, saper Mr.F ah?" jangan die teraser sudah. wahahhaha after band, actually thought of going home with yiyin all, but i went over to nana's place. made some new friends, small kids. heh! thaqif, sarah, ira and blablabla. haha. went home with ridwan. and, when i reached my blk, i forgot my keys. so, met my parents at woodlands. then, when going home, saw this grp of hothotheat guys. cute seyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. ok la, tmr might be going to town! wheeeeeeeeeeeeee! goodnight gays. <3 SHiD ROCKS. OK, BYE. ![]() WHO WANTS TO GO ESPLANADE WITH ME? TO WATCH GERHANA SKA CINTA. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. SAPER NAK TENGOK NGN AKUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU? BEH KITER CAMWHORE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. AMCM? AKU TKDER KAWAN LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. OK? SET? OKBYE- sooooooooooo, hello people. today i went to school. (full-stop). (followed, by a pathetic sign, -_-'') HA HA. whereeeeeeeeeeeeee is mr. co? bluekz. today's bio class was weird. thanks to the guys. they came on time. when we were almost starting, atikah said they went out to chompang to had their breakfast. and, class was already on. very weird indeed ah? hah. learned abt the digestive process. i didn't know, that my small intestine, was abt 6m long! long ah? hah. did the benedict test for recuding sugars. bio practical with syairah, is funla. hehehehehehehe. so, that's all. me and malah and izyan and mardhia, went to meet up with zaidah and atyra at compang. hahahahaha. LET'S GO! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. then, we decided to go and slack at causeway. and, yeah. (lnog sotry) (ctier pjannga) and, went home. today is quite an exciting day. band prac tmr. like, 6hours in sch? wth. ahahahhaha. hope it's intresting. and, i dun wish to get any scoldings. hope to eat lunch together with, the normal people! hafiiz, ama, sufian, yiyin, shahidah........dunno if hafiz, fadil, shahid and gang, wants to eat together. oh wells. some people, are so.....(_________________). i told nina, i missed her. haahhaa. she was like, "awwwh, how sweet." i guess that's all for today. goodnight zendy.
hello people! today, im a HAPPY HAPPY kid. I GOT TERRY BACK. I GOT MY CHUCK TAYLOR, I GOT MY STRIPED SHIRT, I GOT MNMS, I GOT A STARSTUD and blablabla. but, most of all, I GOT TERRY! TERRY LUMIX! I WAS ON THE VERGE OF BREAKING DOWN, WHEN I SAW TERRY IN MY MOM'S ROOM. heh. and i was applying eyeliner, and it smudged. HEH. oh, the vainity. bwek- so, today went to the wedding reception at 610. i don't know who got married. perhaps, it was my old neighbour. hahahhaha. but, whatever. then, went to Causeway Point. today, is the first day, i stepped in CP. in the year, 2006. hahahahaha. serious aaaa! aku tk bedekkkkkk. :) got the striped shirt, then walked to converse. hahaha. i had a hard time choosing. cause, the one i wanted, which i saw at hereen, wasn't there. so, i took the leather colelction. it was 99.00. but, there was a 30% discnt. hahahahaha. and, it was the last pair! my lucky day. =) walked ard, got some dresses for aqilah. camwhored with aqilah, while waiting for my parents. and, had dinner at delifrance. my fusili with chix/prawns was alrite. the prawns look nude. hahahaahha. i guess that's all for today. might be visiting town tmr. i guess. im lazy. :D hahaha. camwhoring again! wheeeeee. my pastime. =). might be camwhoring in class, with sya's cam tmr! hell fun. goodnight terry! <3 href="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6098/373/1600/terry"> ![]() take 2 ![]() take 3 ![]() take 4 (solo) ![]() take 5 (solo) ![]() THE END
hello. i guess it's sunday already aye? hahahaa. oh wells, just now, which was 110306, i went out to town. it was unintended lar. my sister asked me along to hereen to get her lenses or sumthing. so, woke up at like, 6pm then changed and all, and left home. it was raining heavily at that time, here in yishun. but, thank god, it wasn't raining at town. :) from hereen, looked arnd, then met up with runni. walked all the way to LIAT from hereen( or however u spelled it). eh! no la, after hereen, we went to cineleisure to eat. hahaa. then, frm cine, we walked all the way to LIAT. borders uh. hahaha. BK, to lepak with err, kakak and runni's frens. is is mad. hahaha. we were chilling at the staircase of orchard MRT there ah, then she came up with, Mr Po. who the hell, is mr Po? mr. policeman. hahaha. and we continued laaa, like mr NOK, kiaaaaa. mr ANnnasui. hahahahhahahaha. went to marina bay and back to khatib. didn't get any honeydews. ahhahahaha. well, that's all. hope to get my jack purcell tmr! infact, today! wheeeeeeeeee. the lamp post, time and again. why? am i that, dumb? to be always, pushed aside? aaah, goodnight boy. PIC OF THE DAY ![]() KIMAKKKKK. ME AND AQILAH. WE ARE DUMB DUMB DUMB RETARDS. hahaha. hello people. sorry for no updating yesterday. i fell asleep while waiting for my turn to use the comp. a thousand apologies, people. :)) so, yesterday had the malay debate semi finals. so, 3E won, and 5N won too. today, they had their finals, and, we won! i mean, 3E laaa. they were great. congrats, nina ridwan and mira. hehe. yay. attended band prac for 30mins with shahidah just now. hehehehhehe. debate laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. hahaha. went home, went out to school. took my results. failed 4 subj. malay eng maths. fuk la. my languages sucks. like, waddda. damnitdamnit. and i got a B4 for POA. ahhaha. amazing. im done. i suck tonight. i don't know why. alot of things has been on my mind lately. i think alot, nowadays. but, they nvr get out straight. it's all jumbled up. wth. soccer? band? love? friends? telephone? family? goodnight by. ![]() amazing people. who can pitch real well. <3 hello good people! LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! ha ha ha. today was boring la. class sucked. me and amirah tried our best to keep awake during POA lesson. ahahhahaha. i hate POA la. bwek. went to school with little boy. hahahahahaha. and, tommy was taken away, AGAIN. gawdamnit. looks like, he got another person to talk too. bluek. im the lamp post. *shines* after school, chilled and played soccer, and shared our stories. me, atra, melah, jaida and ninuh. hahaha. CAN U GUESS WHO? wahahhahaha. when atra told us abt some things, we were shocked. FUKIN SHOCKED. i didn't expect her and her to do that. like, waddaaaa. crap siak. dumb people. went home, and met my sisss at NP. and went home. im bored la, wth. ok bye. goodnight high-ho. ![]() kill that fat guy with a beard, who came up with fried chickens!!!!! he killed ur dad people, HE KILLS!! hearts. arif is trying so hard, to make me sound like, im the best player. but! aaaah, i understand. i suck at goalkicks la. wth. hello people. today, im bored. hahahaha. the people saw me walking home with little boy. like, wth siaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. and they thought he's my boy. WADDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. and, barney is singular, not plural. aaha. and, BARNEYS don't exsist. i hang a purple dinosaur on my bag people. yes. hahahahah. no? yeah. band was pathetic. only 16 people came. well, abt there. hahahaha. shahidah pokes me in the ribs. lol. we played As If On Wings. and, it sounded great. to me laaa. no plans tmr. ahahahahahahhaha. boring boring day. bluek. i want to crap with arseikin laaa. i dun wanna stay in school. later matty and gang will call me taik. waddaaaaaa. DUMB MATTY. and abg azlan and am would crap too. and that stupid kukie will like, diam ar. and adek nad will just smile and laugh. wadda goodnight stars. ![]() muker aku mcm NONOK sial. wth hello wello people. today is fun laa. chem sucked. i passed my chem. just a pass la. heh. and, i was trying my best to keep myself awake, during chem. today's CIP was very very intresting. we interacted with the old peopl e. and, the makcik, story tell-ed abt her life, why she entered this home, and stuffs. and, this lady, mdm yap or sumtink, she's mad i tell you. ahahahah. she was counting till 12, then she poked me in the ribs. hahaa. then, she tickled john's armpit or what, and he complained, that it hurts. haha. cuteness. then, she said i was a pretty and a good girl. haha. i told her to keep quiet, since the other person was like, grumbling to herself, then she was like, aaah, saya takut! (*while tapping her chest ahhh). ahaha. cute la, that woman. hehe. there's cute, friendly, sick, weird, and all sorts of people there. ahahaha. went to KFC after that, and headed back to school, to lepak. went to see the guys trng. i wondered, why do the mrhasrin always have much more fun, when trng with the guys? are we, THAT bad? like, wtf. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. im outs. haha. im wanna go esplanade nxt sat. who wanna folow! BLUEK!! goodnight pins. hello people. im with a new skin, again. i think, i'l get sick of it, soon. maybe, 3 days later. haha. yeah. im bored, entertain me. today is pure boredom. i bathed at 5pm. hahahaha. min wants his revenge, so he's being rude to me. hahahah. i don't give a fuk laaaaa budak kecik. my parents wanted to go to Giant at Semb initally, but she cancelled the trip. bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. how saddening. ahah. i don't know what hmwk i have. lols. i think i have FNN and Maths. but, i'll do it later, or just tmr. ahhaha. hope to meet fantart tmr. lol. LJS! but, im broke la, wtf. hahahaha. im in love with mocca laaa. they are this group of cute people. hahaha. arina has a nice nice cute cute voice. haha. im in love with the night breeze at esplanade. i want to go theree!!! Feeling bored, it starts to haunt me again I start to discover some clues Wondering what you have done Everything went really bad I start to feel very mad Just as I always do I don’t want to hear your excuse bla..bla..bla ‘Cause it all makes my day turn to gray goodnight, dayang. ![]() what if, i give you my smile. are you gonna stay for awhile. what if i put u in my dreams, tonight. are you gonna stay till it's bright. what if, i gave you my story are you gonna listen to me. what if i give you my hugs are we never gonna be apart. common baby try harder, common baby ________. common baby be mine cause you're the one i wanted to, be with. __________________________________________ hello. today i went out with the parents, and the younger sissy. and, my bro spoils everything. i was looking forward to swensens!! aaah. damnit. went to to thompson plaza, to do some electrical shopping. got myself a pinkmotorola, phone. and no, people. it's not a razor. it's just a cordless, house phne. colored LCD! and polyphonic ringtones! feweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit. lol. err, got a new earpiece and, my bro got a new YELLOW phne, for his room. wanted to look for an ear stud, but they sell all those, dangling kind. -boring- sistar's went to town. and, lutfi was going there. when he heard, that i wasn't going,he was like, "ah! kau tk gi? lerrr. buang maser jek. aku pon tk gi ah!" hahahha. cute la. i wanted to go esplande, but i was tired, and my mom didn't allow me siak. hahaha. crappity. goodnight by. hello people. today's match was fucked up. school was fine. was 3rd for bio. ahha. happy, happy. still failing my maths. and, english test just now, was fukin dumb. i slept halfway, and continued writing crap. same recess with abang haiku and am. hehehe. and, sitting 2 tables, facing me was SYAIRAH. i mean, the other syairah. u know, that NENEPOK. ahahhaa. yea. it was such pathethic thing to look at or face when you're eating. it totally spoils the mood. hahahahahaha. and tralalala. so, seha came for ou match. i miss her soooooo much. we were meeting that HOLY INNOCENT school. and, this time. we were abt to prove mrhasrin wrong, that WE can be with him, and win this match. but unfortunately, we lost. to the same fukin scores like last year, 2-0. it was sooooooooo disheartening. i was being sub-ed after like, 15mins of playing in the 1st half. and, many were shocked i was sub-ed. it was so sad la. i just felt like crying when i got out of the field. i wasnt playing my best. my goal kick, was like a long hard, pass. my clearance sucked. i felt like destroying everything arround me. during the talk at the interval, half time, miza was schoked, that i was being subbed. well, it's great to know, that ur performance sucked. watching them play, is much more intresting, rather than being on the field like zombies. and, dickheads. after the match, mrhasrin told us off. i was sad. very sad. i know, he doesn't want to do this, but he have too. what she said was true too. i cocked up, in the beginning. like, WTH happen?!!? many went back,after the match. saw mrvilau at the school. he looks same, and mor boncit. hahaah. me, zaidah, malah and nina was at kama. sul, miza, nana, seha was at the other side. and the rest went home. oh, mard was lying down. the 4 of us created a song. Tittle: APE NK JADI Direka: SHID, MAL, ZAIDA, NINA apa nk jadi ape nk jadi mengapa kami kalah lah lagi. aper nk jadi.... shidah hendak bunuh diri. malah pon, ikot sekali. goodnight, kickers. :'( hello hello. today is err, one boring day la. but, it was alright. did my malay homework in eng lesson, and malay lesson was boring la. and, and, and! i passed my malay test! woooooohooooooo. 29/50..from _ to 29! like,wooooooooooah. then recess. got to meet my dear brothers! ahha. only saw, ABANG HAIKU. abang AM and abg SHAR don't have la. hehehehehhehe. adek NAD pon, tkder. bwahahhahaha. bio was free period, since mskhoo was on some course or what. 4 periods of FNN. i just passed my test. and, it was so unexpected la. FNN was kinda boring. hahaha. did some planning for the coursework. then, had POA retest after school with izyan. and, it was more difficult la siak. so, done with that. was suppose to have trng after school, but mrhasrin cancelled it. FUKIN SAD SAD SAD. i was sooo looking forward to trng. gawd. and, this had to happen. so, on the way out of school, got disturbed my matty and the gang. they were like, " eh shit! shiddddy! taik! ooi! taik! ". hahahahahh. went to nana's house, then went back to school, to study.. and tryto understand some bitches. haha. talked to mr muru, and the makcik who sells mee goreng for awhile. she was a sportswoman la. when she was our age. freakink cool. ahahhahaha. mrlohthinsee is so irritating la. but, i love to disturb him. WAAKKAKAKAAKKA. it was like, so sweet of arif la. he was like, "don't be scared of the ball k? kick high2 tau! dun stay up too late, rest well and good luck!" ahahhahahaha. thnx arif. =) well, i guess that's all la. wish me luck, for tomorows match. WE WILL WIN I TELL YOU. JUST WAIT. holy innocent, be prepared.... goodnight buttercup. hello hello people. today is a, free day, after school la. no tests, CCA, crap, lepak. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. walked to school with min and sya. ok, sort of, walked myself la. i was moddy. i guess. and, it really sucks. i hate it la. wtf. school was alright. the new POA teacher gave really usefull notes. i don't know what liabilities is siaaa. aaah. bosdohs. malay lesson was fun! OMG. speaking of malay, i havent do my karangan. gawd. cekgu liyana let us listened to jiwang malay songs during her period. we were doing our compo, then she opened her music folder and browsed throught the song. we got to listen to, PERMAISURI and MAHLIGAIMU DARI AIRMATA. haha. yey yey yey. and, sitting beside shahid is wacky la. maths was nothing siak. it was like free period. heh. after school, me, malah, zaida and nana decided to study and play socer in school. but, we just played soccer. the weather was too hot la. min got back tommy. and, i was OH SO FUKIN HAPPY LA. hehe. waited for him to finished his whatever crap, and still. i went home alone. like, wth siak. waste my fukin time. i was pissed. yes, pissed. i just walked ahead. listening to tommy. and, when i turned behind, no one was behind. like, wtfwtfwtf. SO MUCH FOR WAITING TILL 5.30. aaah. awas kamu. my moods are constantly changing! and i hate it. one minute im happy and the other im fucked up. and the other mad and the other all silent. it sucks. AAAAAAAH. WHY. takkan dtg bulan siol. aku nye aru habes. waaahhaa. oh, seha is back in action. i miss her sial. we talked on the phne for, 3minit? haha. yahhhh. ok, bye. goodnight, teenagers. |