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SHIDDYDUDADEY or saiyidah. 19, science, korean boys pretty much in delusion. contact: 1 2 3 |
Expect rl stuffs like rants on annoying people, family, school, work and maybe inanimate objects. And occasional hxc spazzing because fandom is my laifu.tagboard
haniz ella
kak rin
kak yam
Design: DC |
hellowello people. Hmm. This is gonna be one random post! paul twohill looks like gerald way laaaaa. Damn. Is there someone in spore who looks like mikey way? Can i date him please? Pleaaaaaaaaaaassse!! Mikey....... Alrite. Enuf with mikey/paul/gerald. Band tmr. Confirm sian siak. Damnit. Damn boring. Band band band. Boredom! And once the o's and n's people leave. Like, WOW! Only few kids. Gees. Pathetic sial. -___-'' I think i'll just post some icons fer you people. Since im outta words. Here goes! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Alrite kids. I wanna go visit SPC. haha. Tataaaaaaaaaa! goodnight levis&sleese. <3 hello people. got back at 12.30am just now. well, i went to kikin's birthday party at costa sands resort. hahaa. and, it was fun! i actually thought that it won't be that fun cause, well. not much people going! but, thanks to the treasure hunt, woah! goddamn hillarious and fun. hehe! very kecoh too! hmm..the food was great ah! i had like, dunno how many chikens, and murtabak. and nasi goreng! FUUHH! hahha. had my 2nd round. hehehe. i like like like. camwhored a lilbit. and yeah, here's the pix!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() OKAY, IT SAHAJA. SAYA MAHU TIDUR. LETIH SUNGGUH! SLAMAT MALAM SEMUA! goodnight, rilakkuma. psst: i miss smallboy. right, today was god-damn tiring. morning, had trng at serangoon stadium. ran 11 rounds at the tracks. so one round, is alrd 400m right? so, 11 rounds would be? 11x4= 44?! 4400m? 4.4km?! LIKE WOOOAH. baek uh, shid. :) then, die steps and fitness. and lastly, 3 sets of sprinting. -.-'' went to dhoby gaut after that. watched the adidas soccer thingy. intresting. there's 3-on-3, 1-on-1, and 5-on-5. and for the 3-on-3 match, theres 2 goalpost on each side. like, cool lar. haha. we came down there with our jerseys. and the ppl were like, "ish! got girls team ah?" ahahaha. kiut. _ alrite. so, went home and chged and slept for 2hrs, and went for trng at teachers network. damn. shud i, or shud i not dwell on it? alrite. im not selected for the national squad. godamn sad, and the management is unfair, and julie is suffering from depression. and i really want to play socccer. could we be like the contestants from spore idol, and instead beg the coaches for another chance? NOT. i need a few days to accept the fact, that im nt in the national squad. goodbye, U-16. im gonna miss mami, anna and coach napla. gonna miss the kecoh-ness of the other girls. gonna miss teachers network. miss small polar water bottles. no more bus 16/14. no more crossing the quick traffic. NO MORE NOTHING. goodbye, all.
hello hello. YESTERDAY
trng at serangoon tmr morning. gees. 9-11am. surely fitness. damn, that sucks. mami kater, tkde air. CHEEEEEEEEETOT. dah ah, mau tido. bye. goodnight italians.
oh hello. school was =>>
went home and yeah. thats about it. school? aaaah. sickening. june hols are here. and, i have no idea how to spend them. soccer? band? outings? beach? town? shop? sleep? lepak? boys? handphone? SHEEEESH! oh wells. i was about to chat with you-don't-know-who and he was like, him: alah...aru nk log off. u online shid: (*SCREAMS!!!) OH WELLS. naseb badan....8-) k la, chau. goodnight mascaraaaah. hello. erm, sorry for not blogging yesterday. just some high-lights.
TODAY right. it's the polling day or whatever shit day. so, yeah. yss had a one day holiday. haha. woke up at like 9. since zaida kept calling me. heh. so, woke up. did the stuffs, and went to meet zul at swimming complex. haha. swam at 10, left there at like, 1pm? haha. yeah. there practically wasnt anyone there, so, took the chance to laugh and scream and do lame and funny things. wawawa. aza called nina, and he said he saw us swimming. LIKE WTH!? aaaah. sian. hehehe. how embarassing. tsktsk. changed, and my nose hurts. and, im like getting sooooooooooo dark bebeh. hahaha. -___-'' lunched at northpoint foodcourt, and i went home. they other girls wanted to watch ghost movies at mardhia's place. -.-'' oh wells, good day people. still gotta wash my jersey! darn.
good day, black kitties. MONDAY hmm. got trng with the nationals. but, in school rehearsed for the NE crap thingy. yeah. was kinda dumb la. but, wtheck. yeah. over with that. watched the debate competition between yss, naval bass and woodlands ring. haha. and, tommy was suppose to be there! he didn't come. dumbass. hahaa. and, fai was short and cute. wawawa. so aini team won that session. congrats! and, the woodlands ring girls won the other session. and, tmr ainis team will be against, erm. nbss. TOMMY!! hahahaha. yes ahhhhh. muhsin tkleh ikot la. dong2. hehehe. right, trngs. was suppose to come with my sis. but she skipped. wawawa. trng was more abt fitness. god damn tiring. it was raining, and most of us wore slippers. like, only half on them got shoes on. so, anna and mami asked us to run indoors. do warm ups. and, god. it was tiring laaaaaaaaaaaa. aiyoma. then was drizling. nat suruh turun. was grouped againt oday. haha, same with shikin(woodlands) again. hehe. kecoh la die. was grouped mostly with the deyi people. min, jasmine, ping, hui, sakina, shikin(siglap), nadiah, shikin(but we call her didi from woodlands), and me! shid. i asked them to call me shid, they said they prefer calling me shid-ah. hahaha. with an AH!! haha. so, did the drills. passing, ability, stamina, heading, controlling. fuuh. after a set of 10 each, ran around the whole field, at yer own pace. then, sprinting. in your own groups. half the field. i came in 44s. and, the second sprint, half the field, i got like a minute? hahaa. i walked. can hardly breathe. tsktsk. then, break. and do sprinting again. and, then warm down. haha. tu jek. tapi PENAT JACK!!!! AIYOMAH. ok eat at mac then home. TODAY hmm. school was okay. after school was god damn hectic. NE, ORAL....yeah. dumb dumb dumb. the NE thing was all cocked up. aah, but whatever, not gonna talk about it. we got consolation prize. heh, and the winner was from shafiq's grp. urgh. bluek. nvm, nxt year. im soooooooo gonna participate. and emerge as the winner lor. bleahs. yeah. had band after that. hahaha. and, i can play high D. wheee~. and, its either i go to second trombone, or waney goes down to 3rd. DAMN. hw hw hw!! -.-'' ah. whatever. sufian skg dah sombong ngn aku. tkper ah, fian. bluek!!!!! _______ ok, people. i want a beanie. snow cap pon jadi. OK? OK KORG BAEK SEY. AKU SYGGGG KORG. bsk ntar k. haha. ok good. hahaha. ok aku dah lupe ape aku nak ckp. deng la korg. okbye! ![]() alahai, handphoneKu. oooh. hellohello! today, is yeah. alrite. was woken up by my irritating younger sister. she was playing nickelodean, drake and josh game. and, she was listening to SITI NURHALIZA at like, 11am! damn. had to other choice, but to wake up. tsktsk. thnx! -.-'' had NE meeting. so yeah. wrote a whole new script in like, less than an hour? heheh. duh-uh. kater shid and frens. =) hmm. kinda kecoh la. hehe! i <3 you people many2 okay? haha. then, was rehearsing at the CC. but, then this guy halau-ed us cause we made too much noise. dumbass. and, i was given the role, of an indian stallholder. but, i suck at it cause i couldn't really speak english with that tamil accent. ohwells. i hadta be the theif. TSKTSK. anyhoos, im confortable with it. =) _____ now,now. over with that. i find the EMO scene in spore is like, hancur uh. i sooo hate people, with 'emo' in their name. TSKTSK. like, "signing off, em0baybe." "emo kiD". "eMOlita". "baBY eMO". "xxx eM0". and, other crappy names with emo in them. grr. dumb people. brainless i tell you, BRAINLESS! like, whats up man with the stripes and all. im never gonna go for striped shirts. like, all the wankers are wearing stripes dude!! fly me to london please~ grr. some dumb people claim they listen to gothic ROCK songs? but, all i've seen in their profile was, pop, reggae, hits and shits? okay, maybe a7x. but, wth?! hmm. and, yeah. they include pictures of their slitted wrists. oh, yeah. they're bleeding! whee~ that's so cool. oh wow. im goth. -.-'' then, they take pictures like fuck. AH. whatever dude! and, voodoo dolls. heh. some kind company are producing them!! and, i thought voodoo dolls are like, for those black magic stuffs or whatever crap thingy? haha. and, i saw like, ninja dolls, warrior dolls, and yeah. all those crapx. (*whats with the x?!) oh wells, i thought wrong. -.-'' from what i know, people take a picture of someone they hate. pin it, onto the voodoo doll head. and, then u can torture the doll. and, that person( in the pix) will feel it.. KANKANKANKANKAN?!?!? tak paham aku, budak2 skg. tsktsktsk. we shall all gather one day, and sit in an circle, and we shall play, pass the message? hmm. let's play, errrm. sing campfire songs! ok, tt was lame. or how about we talk about, our DARK and EMO and SAD and DEPRESSED and BLODDY and TEAR-ED life. yeah. shan't we? omgomgomgomg. I CAN'T WAIT! ___ -____-'' dah la, bye. slamat malam la korg. harap2 kite dapat jumpe k? satu ari? ok bye! OKeH BYE. ``b00. i am emo. eu shoOtx mie. bAngbAng** i am dEAd.'' LIKE, WTF. hello. today is yeah. okay. didn't go to town,as planned. too lazy la. hahahha. so, tried to finish up the maths project. tsktsk. what a bore! but, it was very kecoh la. hahahaha. my group name was like, SBTC. ahhaha. wonder if u guys know la. hahahahha. did to project with nina and izyan. mardia was enjoying herself at town. -.-'' and zaida had to take care of her mom. :X another grp, malah zul and wan was there too. they did their own things. pity them, had to do everything. tsktsktsk. fen confesses! hahhahahhahaha. i like like like. hahahahah. im soooo gonna meet him one day. =)))))))) <3 hmmmm. still gonna memorise NE in action thingy. wahh, dumb siak. yeah. OMFG. SOMEONE I DoN'T LIKE JOINING NE SIAK. DAMN! SHIT LAAAA. TK SUKE SIOL AKU! grrgrrrgrrrrrr. dah ah. nothing to blog la. heh. and, fyi. BAMBI is a male deer. like, whoa. hhahaha. okbye. ![]() >>.gEEk in grEEn.<< hellooo. i just got back from national trng. and, boy! it was tiring indeed. saw all kinda people there. hahaha. and, to think they were like kerek or step or shits. hmm. given trng attire. and, damn. the shirt sucks. too small la. wadda~ started off with 4 rounds, around the field. phewww~ tiring ah sia. then, grps of 5s. had to control the ball. was tiring uh. hahah. ON YER FEET GIRLS!! then, played passing the ball. as per normal. hmm.. then played 5-a-side. the seniors were looking out for those girls, with potential. damn, i wasn't chosen. ahha. perhaps, i had difficulty communicating with my team. haha. lagi2 ngn budak woodlands siak. Farah, Shikin and Sotong. hahahaha. and, this chinese girl from Deyi Sec. Jasmine. she's good, and fast ah. center-mid dok. ahhahaa. still, can't try to make frens with other girls. nxt trng jek laaaa. k. ahhaha. walked all the way to orchard mrt. heh. penat siol. was like, staggering. hehe! haha. then, this group of cute guys was like, SHIDAH!! haah. looked back and smiled. =) hahahaha. cute la. =p ljs at yishun. left there t 10.30pm sharp. hahaha. met shar, and took terry back. and, yeah. home. hahaa. fast fast. :) tmr, got no plans. shit. suppose to go town with wali semuer. but! tired la. fuck. sorry guys! :(...gotta do my maths projek. fuck maths la.. alah. didn't attend chinese class just now. bluek. nvm, theres always monday! alah. monday ader trng! darn darn. penat ah, ni mcm. tsktsk. dah ah. mau tido. byeeeeeeeee! goodnight, sailors. ![]() Chinese Conversation class. Shid: Halo, wo jiao Shid. Ni jiao shen mo ming zi? Atyra: Halo, wo jiao Atra. (waves hand in the air) Shid: Xie xie ni Atyra: Bu ke qi~ ___ ___ (whole class went,) BApa. Mama. Jiejie. Meimei. Kege. Tidi. Popou. GongGong. __ __ haaha. intresting. me, atyra and adek went for this class. hahaha. intresting. we get to speak chinese! wheeeeee~~ intresting la. hehe. right. school was alrite. maths was fun. hahaha. free period mahh. hehe. __ got a new haircut! __ looks much cuter. hehehe. =P malah kept disturbing me. like,all the time sey. whenever i look out of the window, go out of class. she, aaaah. malah! jager kauuuu. ciss! hmm. me and fad was appointed to deco the class. hahaha. and, if we do a gr8 job, we'll get a very good conduct in the report book! yeay! haha. and, siti made me this heart. made out of paper clip. very innovative! i like it. haha. <3 finished the malay movie, gol dan gincu. hahaha. and girls were gr8 at the futsal tournament. haha. i like Zie. she got this blue strip of hair! hmm. i think of dying my hair, like, blue. haha. BLUE! i dun wan red/purple alrd. hehe. i miss smallboy. :x i wanna go out with him, and camwhore and make hearts. i miss arsey*. i wanna skank with her. i miss fen_i. sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh. god. entries after exams are boring. hahaa. it's like, everything is sooo random! haaha. WAN SHANG HAO!! qing ai de.... <3 hmm. hello you good people. how has the exam results been? well, mine just sucks. yeah, i know. hah. me and lisah are like. sooooooooo gonna mug for final year. tsktsk. school was alright. the only fun part was when cikgu let us watch a movie. Gol dan Gincu. haha. very kecoh ah, tt story. malaysian girls playing soccer. hahaha. NICE! hehe. gonna watch the continuation tmr in class. wheee~ can't wait. =) i pity hanis. well, she's in a state of, confusion? kesian siak. aaaah. hope everything will go well fer ya, gurl. smileeee!! :) :) :) now now. what else, shud i blog abt. haha. nuthin much. bwahh. this is boringggg! dunno if i can go town this coming sat. aah. no more cash to go out alrd la ass. arsey* ajak me go to her gig. well, hearjanescream kan. 10bux. pakai duit lagi! haha. hmm. nak kluar sajer2 pakai duit! nak kluar ngn si bdk kecik tuh, nk kene blanjer die lagi. aiyoma. haha. kan best, kalau aku on lampu kan, beh jatuh 5 ketol. wah. mcm betol gitu sey. haha. MCM jek....^_^ hmm. paling important skg kan, pasal markah aku yg sial ah. beh, 2nd national bola. 3rd member 4th lepak ah sial! 5th band 6th pi mampos. dah ah. aku dah naik bosan ni. i wanna slp guess. hahaha. padahal tadi dah tido sioK. hahahahahha. deng ah, izyan. =P dah la darling aku tk online! deng2. hahahaha. ok bye semuer. listening too: Part Two by NUFAN. hahahaha. dah lamer sey, tk dngr nufan. wawawa. ok bye semue. eric sayanggggggg. photo thnx to theclickfive.com tkmo amek eh korg! ![]() hmm. MYE sucks. i have such sucky results. wow shid. wow. hmm. nuthing much to update. except that people are suprised tt i cut my hair. haha. oh wells. hajar rili likes my hair. hahahahhaha. =p wanna sleep at home tmr after school. im craving for chox and a gas-drink. AH. ___ i don't think d_____ and _____h will work out. no, no. he's not good enough. ____h needs someone like, rocker kinda guy. ___ OH GREAT. ___ im drowning in the pool you left behind. good night. I CUT MY HAIR. HAHAHA LUNEY LUPHA! watoooooos!! i miss arsey* dah la, nak tngk dia. 3 jam dok! ok bye. ![]() ![]() ![]() hmm. im bored. nothing to update niwaes. hahaha. hmm. lets talk about, my syg. PUCK. im in love with him/her. haha. he/she is on my wallpaper. hmm wookay. puck's story. i was watching MTV at like, 10pm tt day. alone, in the hall. then, i was lying on the big pillow. someone was like, pushing it. i turned, no one. oookay. freaky. then, heard scratches. god, freaky! and, i turned ard, a pair of innocent eyes, looked at me. GODDAMN. iwas sooooooooooo cute! cuter than cute! i was cuddling it. putting it in my arms. awwh! a kitten! 3 diffrent colors. white, black, golden-brown. AHHH. im in love with him/her. i think its a he. haha. saw it. ahahha. he didnt wanan go home. he's a stray. i left him at the staircase. hoping his mom would pick him up, or some kid soul would take him away to a better place. aaaaaaaaaaah. the nxt morning, saw him hanging ard at my neighbours pots. he ran to me, and like. erm, stayed ard my legs? ahha. like tt. hehe. PUCK..I MISS YOU MY SYG. ![]() ![]() ![]() my sis has a bad camera phone. tsktsk. anyhoooots, im out. good day all. oh, i forgot. HAPPY MOTHER DAY TO ALL MOMMIESSS! I LOVE U, IBU SALLY! mwahmwah. hello hello. today, i mean. SATURDAY la. hehe. i went to town. (*fullstop) yeah. didn't really camwhored alot. we were bored la. hahahaha. i bet iz is happy, cus her baby is back. hahahaha. mad happy babies. hmm. saw loads of people today. i mean, esplanade was packed! with rudies and skins. like, what's the occasion man. heh. and loads of trendy wankers. and and and hot emo kids. ahh. hmm. and, *lina almost, made my best day, turn to the worst nightmare. aah. am still angry with him. grr. hmm. pics from, whenever and wherever. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() DAH LA. TU JEK. TAK YAH BNYK2. MALAS LA, AKU. HAHAHA. *most pictures were taken at marinabaymrt/esplanade. ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! eh wait eh. picture untuk hari ini. --> ---> ----> ![]() OKAY. SLAMAT MALAM PAGI SUKE HATI KAU LA KORG. BOAI! HAHA. MEPEK SIOL. OMGOMGOMG. BLOGGER IS SO IRRITATING! i updated alot, AND! gosh. this is soooooo annoying. i got no mood to talk abt today. except that exams are over. he makes me smile. im on cloud_9. i got ___'s pic. lust? "i rase kalau u tngk, beh u kat blakang i, mesti u pelok i nye.." fizan is impressed, that i listen to circa surivive. wait till he listens to my papaya. good night. ____ Cinta Tiga Segi. tapi syg, kehadiran kekasih lamamu dtg kembali mengenang cinta dahulu mengapa ini semue harus berlaku apakah ini semue kerna diriku sedangkan aku cuma watak dalam percintaan tak sanggup aku melepaskan mu.. ______ bwahahha. since i got nothing to study, i shall bloggggg the night away. hehe. crap. so, no school tmr, and exam ends officially on thurs. I SOOOOOO CAN'T WAIT. HEHE! gosh. loads of things to do, after the exams! haha. like i typed in the prev. entry. hmmm.....smsed with fen just now. haha. he makes me smile. =)) and, wali was like, SHID! kau tau tak? ..............................blablabla. oh fuck. a new stalker. welcome to the club. :) stalker 1, 2, 3. sheeeeeeeeeesh. ___________________ my sis said, the hoops are coming in today. i don't see any hoops! and, i gotta save 20bucks! and, then, i can get a pair of crocs! haha. im in love with crocs. they're sooooooooooooooooo light! mcm tk pakai paper gitu. haha. ok bedek-. __________________ gotta dwnld more hardcore songs!! im listening to malay songs nowadays. hehe. any recomendation? hehehe. you're welcome to tag people. __________________ goodnight, all. IM GONNA WAKE UP LATE TMR! WHEEEEE~~ ![]() ![]() ![]() alright, an entry before i start my bio revision. im a bio kid. ;) today's maths was total crapshit. i couldnt concentrate! darn, blame this nose. urgh. maths...darn. i sooooooooooooo suck at it. like, how many marks gone man? sheeeesh! and, geog, aaah. stucked in the structred essay. i just did my own story. ahahha. no logic siak. kiwak... after thurs, im soooooooo gonna slack. hahaa. i already plan, what to do after the exams. - go out with F5 - go town with the takraw people - go for national selections - treat smallboy coffeebean - go town and come back late at night :x - sleep at home - go sentosa with 'bros' again - camwhore habes-habesan - go gigs with arsey* - mosh! - skank! - . . . . blablabla.. woohoo. semangat siol shid. hahaha. OH PEOPLE. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR LINK AH. I WANNA LINK YOU PEEPS. WOOOOOKEY? thnx ah. im out. goodnight eric. ![]() bros ah. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() more pics at a later date k. i suck at uploading photos. HAHA. SOME RANDOM PICS AH..IM BORED. erm, btw. chem is over. im glad. =) gonna mug for bio, maths and geog! till then, mwahhhhs. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() _____________ 1- tittle: AMBER. aahaha. amber's adams gf. 2 - tittle: GREEN TREES i like the trees behind. ;) 3 - tittle: ROMANCE the caption below is sooo true. :) 4 - tittle: STARBURST taken beside a dustbin. tsktsk. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ im addicted to gays. i mean, those kinda emogays. damn. when they kiss, they're sooo cute! i want a gay friend please. good afternoon face. |