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SHIDDYDUDADEY or saiyidah. 19, science, korean boys pretty much in delusion. contact: 1 2 3 |
Expect rl stuffs like rants on annoying people, family, school, work and maybe inanimate objects. And occasional hxc spazzing because fandom is my laifu.tagboard
haniz ella
kak rin
kak yam
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hello. school was fine. just loved the weather. just felt like sleeping sey. and, im begining to pity mr loh. =( he's trying so hard to get our attention. and, we're like talking and laughing away, and minding out own business? wth. that's evil man. or, plain nasty. im aiming for a C in maths, this yr. and hopefully a B. heh. well, it takes time! maths tutor anyone? low price!! heh. did my maths homework in class. for the first time. wheee. kinda proud of myself. ohwells. after school, waited for syairah and zaidah, and went to northpoint and chonpang to get the biz thingy. ahhaah. helped them out. i guess. helped a lil. and we laughed together. i miss laughing together. ok, fuck. got 2 donuts. i'll just bring them to sch tmr. hah. been listening to erm. of montreal alot. hah. okay, enough of the crappy shits. ___ damnit. it's been a long time since i last heard from you. (*ah shit. my eng sucks la.) you always leave silently. and don't bother explaining why. ok. so, you said you were sick. so, okay. and, i smsed a friend alot yesterday. that doesnt mean im getting closer to him. he's attached. so, wtf? u made it sound like a bad thing. and, u admitted. u're lazy to msg me. o_0. and, now, you're jumping to conclusions, saying that i found someone new. like, wtf? you don't even know what the story is! damnit. and i thought, this could last. well, i hope it would. eventhough, you made me, erm. teared? damnit. whyyyyy. WHY?!?!?! damnit. this is so 3 rated.<> goodnight, watermelon pigs. i feel so stupid. i feel so dumb. i feel so stupid. i feel so dumb. i feel so stupid. i feel so dumb. i feel so stupid. i feel so dumb. i feel so stupid. i feel so dumb. i feel so stupid. i feel so dumb. i feel so stupid. today is a dumb day. i watched tv, woke up late. went to soft.com and looked at the forum again. drew henna crap on my hand. didn't bath. slept. watched mtv. usa ppl are mad. watched muse videos. downloaded of montreal songs. sms-ed monyet haha. so, arif saw me yesterday at esp. damn. wanted to see him and his friends. i was like, looking ardm for people i know. aiyeyeyek. __ tk layan siol. aaaaaaaaaaaah. mknffmsd912w and now i SERIOUSLY feel like m sadsaknmd1298hc .!!! __ i woke up at 12 just now. and i was staring at my hands. ok, palms. and, they're huge. haha. my fingers are long. HAHAHA. like, T_T __ ![]() wipe that smile away, sucker. hello! today is a g-rea-t day! ahah. okay, so woke up late. received shit's and khairi's sms, asking me if im able to go to today's gig. my mom didnt let me go actually, due to some reasons, but! haha, i went! so, met up with wan and man. been a long time since i saw both of them. haha. diffrent hair alrd. didnt really talk much. ahaha. ok, so took a long walk to ij studios. and, gees. (*jakun kan, first time per. -____-'') and, the place was, T_T . ahahah. ok, took the lift. man was like, takot. ntah asal. ahahah. padahal members die kat sane. ahah. bukak lif jek, kiwak. semue rockers ah beb. cute2. and the sonny moore look-a-like was there too! haha. saw him at baybeats the other day. waited for abi to come out, man went in. he left me and wan outside. wtf. lupe kawan sak, man. so, wan entered first. paid for the tixs, and took a tag and entered the 'living' room. ok, goddamn stuffy and hot. omfg. hah. and, elfie's band was playing! hahaha. their band was great la. hahaha. though elfie said, he did make some mistakes. haha. they played underground network! fuh. and the moshpit was, MOSHHYYY! ahaha. lol. i was being pushed la. hahaha. kater mosh kan. then wan was like pulling me to the back. he didn't wanna stay infront. ahhaa. then, suddenly the lights on. and the thing me and wan was leaning against fell. and we were like, o_0 . ahah. wan's idea to run after the count of 3. exited the room, and took some frsh air. when we entred, we were just sweating like normal. and, when we exited, MACAM BARU HABES MAEN CATCHING SIAK! haha. my hair was in a mess! hah. crappy~ walked back. ahhaa. walked to payalebar. bid farewell to elfie and his gf as they went for thr national day preview. ahha! walked to esplanade. haha. kecoh ah. went to penin. hahaha. man pierced his left ear. and, man got his tongue pierce. haha. waaaah. i still want a lipring tho. walked to the bay. ahha. sat down and crapped. they had SKL. ahah. mcm sedap siol! but i prefer the cherry one la. strawberry too sweet. haha. erps. ok, crap2. and, FAIZ CAME! AHHA. skater dude. hothotheat la! haha. he came with his skater people, who are ilham's fren. haha. ok, small world. -.-'' i missssssssssssss faiz soooooooooo much. ahah. long time nv see him sak! and, he's taller than me! omfg. boys...~ went up to rooftop. packed with MAT SEPs. hahaa. lol. had stone war. ahahaha. man and khairi threw stones. hahaa. fairul and wan talked abt aka. ahah. wawawa. went home early. ahaha. saw elfie otw to mrt. ahah. he was alone. ahah. loner- in the mrt, it was crappy la. they all make fun of me saaaaaaaakz. and man/wan sms, "lek ah, kau ni super bunge 2000 la" hahaha. tk abes2 ngn super 2000 die. ahah. and yeah. looking forward to more gigs! haha. i want to go to elfie's gig at substation! ahah. and any other gigs performed by ppl i know. hahaa. rehan fren band. the muddy banks or killing frenzy. ahha. signed up at soft.com.sg and boy! ahaa lotsa things happening ard spore. rumours of ironmaiden and slayer coming to spore? and, muse? hhaha. -.-'' and if ironmaiden were to come, i wanna go la, ahha. but, muse first ah. haha. and, does the bassit get the girls? hahaa. wat u think? bassit or lead? haha. soft rocks la. ok, goodnight helikoptes. hello people. today is a coooooooooooooling day. a great day to sleep! ahhaa. though didn't feel so sleepy at band just now. haha. T_T school was alright. the last 5 periods were spent in the labs. waaaah. cold sak. then, kluar lab raining summore. hah. aaha. had to finish up the evaluation. siannahhh~ band was boring la. but kept laughing at haizair. hahahaa. he was looking at his eupho bell's reflection, and making the PP TERSENDAT face. looking at him self la. then sufian go stuff his head in the bell. HAHA. funny la. then when playing the dumb song, fian threw a piece of tissue in haizair's bell. HAHA. imagine it shooted right up, when haizair was playing eh? HAHAHA. wah. funny la. walked home. went to SHORT JIM. haha. (fian created it) we all exchanged bags. ahhahahaaa. no one wanted to use felicia's bag. HAHA. kecian. i used shidms. ahaha. kecoh la. nicola loved my bag. -.-'' saw abg SAREB otw back. ahha. asshole. aha. in school disturb me abt my 'syg'. ahhaha. asal laaah, u mepek? wawawa. BESOK NI CAMNE? NAK GI GIG TAK? KER KER GI LEPAK2? AIYOMAMAMAMAMA. HOW LAAAAAA. shitttttttttttt mane kau? rafiiiiii mane kau? shit suro aku tanye kau bende la siak. aiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. rus gi yang mixtape theory. besok pon ade battle of the bands! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaheh. bye la. goodnight, believers. ![]() taken at seletaris condo. HAHA. A tribute to yellowriver. HAHAHA. bye. hello people! today is, a haha kinda day. OKAY, that was unnecessary. so school was irritating. with influenza. heh. was asking tissue from everyone. hahaa. felt like taking the nose out, clean the nostrils and put it back again. ok, mepek la shid. passed my bio test well! if i did everything carefully, i wud have gotten like, 25 and above? damn. ahha. got 21. wheeeeeee~ but overall sucks la. cause i got a single digit for the holiday assignment. haha. blueks. had poa after class. thought it's gonna be dumb and lame. but, it turned out fun! despite the dumb weather. erps. haha. yey! my double entry improved! im happy once again. haha. yey. mary rocks. JUST FOR AN HOUR. went home. saw something happen. freaky ya'll. home, and out again for soccer. ok, it was kinda dumb. attendance was sucky la! ass. heh. but still had some fun. so, the C Boys lost their match. haha. wadda~ they becoming like the girls team sak. either menang/kalah/draw. TSKTSK. common laaa, boys. haha. bluek. hmm. after trng, saw the kama retards at the end of 719. eh, no. i only saw that nana's abg and the dipshit guy. haha. played dumb ball game. and, left for 7-11 to get some cup noodles. so silent. ahha. send adek back to her house, and made a U-turn back to interchg. haha. leceh laaaaa, ni anak.ahha. went home singing. haha. malah sang a tune from some jiwang song, and we all added some music accompanion. (WTF?) haha. ok, so my brother's back home. and he got takoyaki. thats weird. hahaha. but, watever. i took 2 balls. wow. o_0. let him use the comp sooner la. haha. since he's being nice. for once. HHAA. so, theres 2 gigs on saturday. Moshpit Vol. 1 and the Mixtape Theory. saw the flyers. both cool la. i saw one comment on the moshpit vol. 1, it's like punkrock vs metal gituk. bluek. and the mixtape theory, all cool2 bands la! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiyah. how? that dumb rafi want to go for both gigs. dunno for the ai frens. haha. shit dah ajak gi moshpit. moshpit lagi murah dok!! (*sape2 nak gi, gi ngn aku arrrr.tag alaaa) moshpit vol.1 at ij. mixtape theory at art house. k la. i dah topup card tau! ahaha. goodnight, dreamer. hello. was reading my causes and consequences sri lanka notes..and now reading my sample answer for the structered essay. okay, i love SS. but i hate memorising. I CAN'T MEMORISE LAA. must take vitamin B12. ahhaha. bluek. i don't feel like reading anymore laaaaaaa. babiiii btol. heh. damnit. so, today, met a friend in the morning. passed him the stuffs, and went for poa. hahaha. and sister mary was late today. HAH. sucker. hmm. lessons werre okay. and at last, chemistry wasn't boring. more abt chemical and word equations. aaaaah. magnesium chloride and shits like that. haha. fnn class was pathetic. just a handful were present. heh. went for band practice. DOUBLE PATHETIC! i dun rili like laaa, the posthodlers. *postholders. sorry. ah..hahaha. but wtf. iim glad i had 2 juniors who can play up to Bflat and pitch and know the correct positions. aaaaah. thankiu mrtan! for bringing up this kids. haha. yey. played dawn of a new day soli's part. haha. YEY! i can play topF! wheeeeeeee~ happy siak. FDDD CEflatDBflat FBflatCDFEflatBflatGflat FDDD CBflatGflatGflat. aahaha! trombone siao. went home with the normal people. i love to disturb nicola and haizair laaa. cuteness~ hahaa. espcially haizair. haha. he looks so cute in the specs! ahha. then make the pepek terjatuh face. ahahaah. JUST NOW NICOLA KENE STAND UP DURING ASSEMBLY SIAK. HAHAHA.TALK SOMMORE. hahaha. good. k la, i miss you. goodnight, frank. and yeah. it was nice talking to you. though it lasted for less than an hour. heh. so, today school was alright. nothing so happening la. i think. except qing hua was being a clown during poa. haha. MARY SUCKS. hahaha. poa with the 3E9 boys very fun la. haha. had bio, maths and malay test. but cikgu was absent, so, hooray2 la. hhaah. forced ridwan to teach me maths. ahha.bio test was alright. i hope i didnt mix up with arteries and capillaries. heh. maths test. ok, so i lost quite alot of marks. ohwells. trignometry. haha. however the spelling is. hmm. and and and the angle of craps. oh, i got this new maths teacher. to help us. heh. she's scary. she's skinny. got long straight hair, and weird eyes. haha. wtf. everytime she blinks, i noticed, it'll either turn like white or, her eye will go up. haha. HOW TO CONCENTRATE WHEN SHE TEACHING? aiyeyeyek. hahaa. and this new skin is, piggy. gotta do sumtin to the taggy. very messy. kan? heh.k la. goodnight, puppets. HHAA. come disconnect the dots with me puppet. it's so beautiful. lalalalaaaaaa lalaaaaaaaaa whooooooooo. whoooooo lalalalaaaaaaaaa lalaaaaaaaaaa lalalaaaa hello. at last, blogger works. heh. dumb~ yesterday i updated ALOT. alot la. and this computer hanged~ wtf. so, today is a normal day. except i had fun during recess with zul, mal, zaida and atyra. haha. zul kicked me in the butt! no not butt. THERE! thee hole. ahah. fuck. hahaha. she ah. bluek. ahha. we walked pass the lesson mr**** had. ahah! kecoh sakz. and, erps. hanis and harizah caught me melatah. heh. aiyyeyyeyek. now ppl know. hahaha. nad and hajar too. ahah. the journey back home sucked. some know why. dah lah aku dngr lagu the red jumpsuit apparatus! the acoustic song plak tuhh. waduhwaduhhh! really, really. sad. felt like, mandsajkf238ythfd. damn. ___ slept early. but, msged someone before taking a nap. i just gave him dumb instructions la. woke up and received 2 smses. heh. sorry, shortman. and for you. let's see how it is in school ah. k. heh. ___ im out. gotta mug for maths and bio test. LIKE REAL. heh. ass. goodnight, pulmonary vein. When I look at you and her, I see you and me. Im left holding back tears, Remembering how we used to be. I see you ever day, And every time I see you, I freeze; I go back. I dont know how to say all m feeling, Some times is like a nightmare, But you are awake. Other times is like nothing has changed. You smile at me when shes not around, Laugh at me when she is. I fear tomorrow, They are leaving the state, Leaving you friendless. I dont know if I want you back, Im afraid you'll come back to me. But I'm also afraid you wont. I dont know what I want, I dont know who I am anymore. Without you I am incomplete, With you I am miserable. How can all my feelings fit on here? Happy, Sad, and fear. Confusion, Disappointment, Agony, Anxious, And concerned about you. What is wrong with me? Why cant I be normal? Why do I miss you, When I promised not too? Why do I still love you? Why would I still take a bullet for you? Why cant these feelings die away? Why do I feel so empty with out you? Why do I still anticipate seeing you in the hallway? Why can't you see all my questions I have? Is this the way you wanted us to be? Why wont you just say, I miss you too. Why did always end? Why cant you see all you're doing to me? just a random post for you people to read. AND PLEASE, DO NOT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS. AND ANYHOW CRAP AT THE TAGBOARD. gees. yours truly; ok. so it's 1252hrs. felt really dumb and dumb la just now at fareast. it hurts, alot. we're strangers. we don't acknowledge one another. i just can't bring myself, and erm, and face you. or even talk to you. idk why. goddamnit. i hate the way i am now. i read JDJKDSKJFIS entry. i was like. wtf. then again, who am i to come between them right? im just a FRIEND. a friend, shid. a friend. why in the blue moon did i get so fucked up? i..just miss him. i miss him alot. ALOT! i miss you so much that it hurts. idk why. ok. so you're nothing to me. and im nothing to you. you got yours, i got mine. so, why do i even bother? because i care about you? why can't we be like how we were in the past? where you'd always call me. or vice versa. where we walk to school together. i kept the frappe bottle u got me. im glad you kept the pins. if only you could read this. damnit. very well, i wish you all the best with whoever that lucky girl is. seriously. and, one more thing, ![]() i miss you so much that it hurts. ![]() 3<> hello hello. so, it's racial harmony today. ahaha. and i wore some ethnic costume! hahaa. all the girls in my class wore something. except lisah, zaida and nicole. bluek. hmm. fnn test just now was sucky. very very sucky. heh. the RH dance item and all was alritey laa. ahahha. once the dance item came out, everyone was like. 'MAMPAT'!! HAHA. wth. all gelek2. ahhaha. but, nice laaa. boleh laaa tahan. haha. and camwhored a lil at the study corner. and walked ard at mac. atyra and malah were obsessed over __. ____. HAHAA. mad la they all. he was there just now. hahaa. rushing. i guess he's meeting his GF. huhuhu. so, he was in blue. cute la. hahaha. saw the badge. heh. memories. i rmbred, i gave it to him a week later. before his match, and he tricked me by saying he lost it at the field. and telling me that his friend broke the pin by force. i wanted to take a picture with him. nvm, i shall go out on a date with him. BLUEK! SUCH FOND MEMORIES... And tonight, I close my eyes and dream that she is still the one, laying there beside me I'd walk a thousand miles I'd swim across the sea What do I have to do, please just tell me ohwells. going to tapestry tmr, and then jingjing's condo for the band gathering. i guess i'll come late la. haha. YEY. hope i have a ROCKING good time.hahaa. k. wanna go soft.com.sg bye. goodnight, bluecream. ![]() there. =) hello. school was boring. waited for my frens at the canteen. and, found out that they left school like, 10mins ago. like wtf. so went home alone. as per normal, since monday. heh. class was dumb. i enjoy school with mal and zul lah. they make lessons dumb. i heart them la. so, soccer trng, attendance wasn't full. 3 missing in action. M.I.A heh. missing habes punya. BEDEK. but i saw them la. so, it wasn't really a M.I.A thingy. had fun with azhar. ahhahaa. kicked him in the butt, kicked his ankle. ahhhahaaaaaaa. long time never hang out and play2 with him. ahhaa. so, racial harmony tmr. hah. i got like 3 choices. and i wanted to wear the orange/gold/yellow one mati2. hah. its the male chinese kind. aha. then, the other one is the blue baju sluar i always wear. haha. and the 3rd is the brothers. aaha. the punjabi kind. lol. they got tappered ends! wheeee~~ woooo~. i like. supposedly, the male vers comes with thie vest. but, my mom suggests to use this black shawl as an alternative. (mcm fnn plak.) ahah. yeah. hope, it looks good tmr. do not dissapoint me clothes. haha. well. i miss him ah. i want to go out. OUT! heh. goodnight, potassium oxide. ![]() i love this picture. me, fian and shidm. haha. vch~ hello people. sorry for not updating yesterday. there's nothing to be updated anws. haha. except that dumb thing that happened la. with LEHA~. she was so confident of saying CHRISTMAS instead of KISMIS. you know...raisins in malay are kismis, and she was like, "Eh! Ade CHRISTMAS lar!!" omfg. zul, zul~ right, school was damn bored today. and the rest of my frens went to a movie session at mardhia's house. to catch some horror film. and as you know.......haha. yeah. went home alone. skipped maths class. malay class was a disaster. i felt like giving up sak. i dun know a single thing of what cikgu is teaching. writing an appeal letter to some organisation. gosh. wtf. took the same bus with mon. haha. sucker. and, talked to him on the phone. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. im sorry laaaaaaaa. daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamnit. haiya. i suck alot. period- added new songs to my mp3. more AFI, Dashboard Confessionals, Catch 22 and The Sleeping. haha. i waaaaaaaaaaaaaant thursday songs la. haha. i heart dashboard la. perioddddddddddddd!! right, goodnight rrrrlysis. HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLO! BAYBEATS WAS AWESOME. THOUGH IT WAS THE LAST DAY, YET THE CROWD WAS BIG. DUHH. SAW SAMEON AND HIS GENG, RADZALY TOO. THE MATS. -.-'' HAHA. ENTERED THE ARENA. HAHAHA. VERY KECOH. WATCHED CALERWAY UPFRONT,AND GOT THEIR PINS. I GOT ANGELAR'S DISH PIN TOO. WHOEVER THEY ARE. AHAH. DIDN'T GET TO MOSH SIAK. VERY SAD. JUST JUMPING ARD AND HEADBANGING. BOOHOOO. CURSE THAT WOMAN WHO WAS ANGRY AT THE MALAY GUY WHO WANTED TO MOSH. Grr. OVERALL IT WAS GEREK LA. WITH THE SWEAT AND ENERGY LEVEL. THE BASSIST FROM CALERWAY IS CUTE LAAA! HAHA. I WANT TO MOSH!! NVM, NXT TIME GO GIG MOSH RABAK2 LA. THEN GO SKA GIG OR WHAT, SKANK. LAMER SEY TK SKANK. HAHAHA. OKBYE! goodbye fever fly. ![]() ![]() hello! today is a great day. wheeeeeeeeeeee~ all the hard work, really pays. i told myself, if our band had cop, AGAIN, i wouldn't want to face mister so-and-so. seriously, i told him. ohwells. was hoping to see him somewhere up north. BUT. tsktsk.. forget about the dumb stuffs lar, look on the bright side! we won! 2nd! was goddamn nervous when they were announcing the results. the announcer was announcing, all of us were at the edge of our seats. gripping each other's hands, biting nails, looking down, crossing fingers, being so stressed up. ANNOUNCER: band no. 12, Yishun SSB, 71._% SILVER. YSSB: screaming like hell hell hell. screaming, tears of joy, huggings.... some other bands were like staring at us as if we won the gold award. but hello, judged on our band history. haha. we should feel like we're on top of the world. haha. we kept screaming. now, we got a new band sign. \m/ rocker sign. thanks to Ms Nicola Tan Wee Wee. (LOL) haha. she rocked larrrr. no, YSSB ROCKS HARDER! i love YSSB. batch of '06. gonna miss them loads, after the leave. espcially my trombone seniors. and my MEMBARS! ama, fian, fiiz, fadil, hafiz, wani, meifen, mohan, weirong, yiyin, and whoever la. aha. I'LL MISS YOU PEOPLE! ![]() the feeling, of success. YSSB FOREVER! hello people. kinda just got back from JUBILANT. yeah, chronological way as always. =) school was dumb. fnn practical was crappy. i missed band prac. boohooo. fnn practical was kinda fun tho. but i guess the presentation part sucked. bleahs. rushed home like amsnadn329tfyvrfb and met shidm, sufian, waney and fen. and han too. soooo, off we went to vch. all of us were looking goooooooooooooood. =) so got our seats. and to think seating at the percussion side, could have gotten a clearer view, but, hell no. bluek. no mrhxc. (*faizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, u diam2 arrrrh) heh. met up with the dumb kids (shik n frens) during the interval. and they said mrhxc was gonna play infront of where they're seated!!! OMFG. sad larrr, didnt get to see him clearly. bluek . overall, the concert band was great. i wasn't really paying much attention to the choral group. hah. not intrested. so, band was great. their set piece for saturday got lotsa squeaking and as what mrhxc said, timpani player got no dyanamics. haha. sad. went off with the ai people. and it sucked big time. it hurts. if only that fuckin moronic self-centered was there, he surely layan me seyyyyyyyyyyy. or mrhxc. BLUEEEEEEEEEEEK! ohwells. went home alone. was kinda dumb in the mrt. sitting down along, acting like you suffer from hysteria. tsktsk. __________ I personally find today a bad day. In school, he walked pass geog class. I suddenly felt like breaking down. My eyes were staring out of the window for that 1 period. I don't know why. My existence don't matter. So does his. Like, wtf? Secondly, fnn was kinda rushing. I was pissed off in the bus on the way home. Im not blaming anyone here. Myself perhaps? tsktsk. Thirdly, when i got home, I thought I could share the food i cooked with mom, dad and oj. BUT, no one was at home. Kinda dissapointed, and I couldn't see Terry. Looking at the hamsters once i got home, they made me sad. I pitied them. I guess it's all about sacrificies and giving in. I was looking forward to the concert with Terry. BUT! I wanted to break down too. Lastly, at the concert, I didn't get a clear view of Mrhxc from where i seated. I thought he saw me, I smiled back. But, he said he didn't see me. That was kinda heart-breaking. And, the short dumb annoying trip to esplanade was sucky. I was 'soring' all the way. Gave them the look, and just said i had to go home. ALONE. Someone stab me now. And bring me back to life later? Goodnight, bassist. <3 oh where oh where could my baby be. hello. school was crappy. band was crappy initially, but yeah. it was great. i so prefer blue ridge, than tournai. hahahah. im so ready for saturday. just need to polish my baby, clear my cresendo and the crotchets, and more breath, and im all geared for the big big event! wheeeeeeeee~~ LET'S DO IT ROCKERS! \m/ hahahaa. -nicola. ____ 3 days before the competition starts. 2 days to mrhxc 0 days for love. ____ ![]() misterhxc, im scared. hello people. so, it was raining in the morning. such a great weather. didn't feel like going to school at all! heh. mary hew was being a bitch just now. omfg. i felt like screaming and getting out of class for that 1 fuckin hr. pissed siak. dumb mary. chisssssssssssssss. after school crapped for 5mins with leha lol and met shiks, syafinas and ahzim. HEH. iritating guy la. lol. get the tix from shik, and went back to school. ahah. lepaked with ridwan, shidah horn and atikah amirah. ahha. lol. kecoh larrr. saw wak arif on the way up to band room. lol. bagus la die, tegur jugak aku. tapi bahasa kan uhh. hehe. bluek. band was about tournai. hahaha. everything about tournai. i really need to brush up my part. stacatto! tsktsk. after band had pictures developed from wani's olympus and had ice kacang. long time nv had any. eheh. and home. yeah. ____ cant wait for jubilant! hehe. and, perhaps. esplanade with the dumb ai peeps? lolol. and and and, i want to go to BAYBEATS! fri cannot. sat perhaps. sun not sure. AIYEYEYEYEK. k la. goodnight. cant wait to see mrhxc perforrrrrrrrrrrrrm! wheeeee~~ (gleeee) ____ Well I fall asleep with you And I wake up alone, and unwanted In your silence And I wish I could destroy you But instead I'll just adore you And know that you were silent ____ ![]() ![]() and if you ever find someone new he better be good to you. . . . . i'll be thereeeeeeee. hey hey hey. today is a good day. right, lets start in a chronological way yeaaaa. woke up early, and chatted with shidm and maddy. bathed, met ama at bustop. she wore heels. haha. we went to northpoint to get my shoes. like, size 10? wtf. hahahah. gosh. my fingers hurt from forcing my feet in. tsktsk. but, after wearing those naked-fakelike-thin-fragile socks, they're kinda loose. hehh. went back to school in heels. didnt feel good la. hahha. pissed and shits. played songs, and blahblahblah. then had the parade. and blablablaaaaa. and camwhored in uniform. i likeee. after band prac, the whole lot of us. let me recall who. shid(me.), wani, ama, hafiiz, sufian, shidah(horn), shahid(alto), yin, bobo, junwei, joseph, khairi, shawn, yueting, nicola, hafiz, foster, fadil and weichong. but some left and joined us later. haha. fen and han aah. walked to s11. or the coffee shop. took lotsa pics. and too bad i had to leave early, for the kenduri(prayers) at bp. so, left the people at 7.15. boohooo. didnt get to lepak with band mates. bluekkkkk. its not like always, i hang around with band mates. i was estatic lor. im glad. im glad i had band mates like this. BAND GEEKS ROCKS LAAA! so, took a long journey to bukitpanjang plazza. was lost la.didn;t know how to get to my aunts place. tsktsk. and i made it la. went there, wash up. blablabla. girls crap with fana and ikah. hahaa. <3 them la. ikah kept biting me. and landed on me. hahaha. she ahh. irritating laughter. kecoh with the turkey and all.and she disturbed my mr hxc la. asshole. u watchout ah, u see what's gonna happen to mr. BOBER. hahaha. and, home. yeaaaaah. ____ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I <3 color="#ffffff" size="4"> BAND PEOPLE! <333 and, ikah and fanah. hehe. hello hello! today is a good good day! despite the lecturings in band. tsktsk. reported to band room at 2.30. some were in sch uniform, and others in home clothes. and i got to say, some of them look kinda good! haha. took some pix with my bf. lol. trombone la. 840853. haha. BESSON beb. haha. shahid, mohan and hafiz camwhored a little. haha. practice, practice. practiced in the dark. tt was intresting. haha. and a tragedy happen. ohwells. shall not dwell on that. and, hope that mf asshole admits and returns the stuff. pity u la, markodickosuckoblablablablo. wtf. so the musical was kinda intresting. despite watching them rehearse like, 2,3,4 times? so i kinda knew how the story is. so, yeah. it was fun la. get to see yss kids dress up. some posers. HAH. some chill. some cute and handsome and yeah. didnt really get to see what bff wore. ohwells. shall go out on a date with him one fine day. HAHAHAH. wtf siak, shid. okay sya, if u're reading this, STFU can? ahahhahaha. bluek. so went to northpoint. blablabla. walk2. saw hafiz. asked him to treat me icecream. hehe. and he got me that choco and rainbow one. hhaha. thnkiuuu. walked ard. waited to nina at ljs. AND AND AND. i saw that hxc(as said by shikin) boy laaa! haha. i didn't want to enter at first. but, wth. went to aproach him. he was like, stunned? nola. like, (o_0) on his face. aaah. cuteness. talked for awhile. eat. and waved goodbye to me. and he texted me. ahha. woowoowoo. (like hw he says it.) I SO CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT DAY LAAA. wtf. so yeah. i intended to take shots with many ppl. people like. band people. saper2 la. haha. -bff. -shaun ker. ahaha. -any sec2 girl -any sec1 girl -sec2 boy! bluek. -sec3 boy. -sec4 girl. -sec4boy. -sec5's! most importantly, bff la. =( was sad sad sad. dissapointed too. lepaked at 210 with nana, shaun, arif, helmi and faizal(mafiaaa). hahha. kecoh la. the guys camwhored. and adik was scaring me everynow and then. damnit. ![]() girlfrens pic. i L.O.V.E this girls. ![]() lol. picture of the 3 boys in black. with mals, iz and adek's leg. cool la. and the boys got bad bad photography skills. =) goodnight, you in blue jacket. *sighh.. hello hello. today is kinda a long day. lessons were alright. eng in comp lab was crappy. i hate the comps there. friggin slow. pentium2? wtf. had band. was sooo hot la. icky. lotsa ppl were looking at us. heh. wali and syafiq was like. SHIDAHHHHH!! and waving at me. ahmad was just disturbing me. wtf. haha. im pissed off. fnn! can i not go to sch tmr? i hate doing this dumb coursework. i guess gonna wake up at 3 and do my stuff. like wtf seh. soccer was crappy too. wore street soccer, on field. like wth. heh. slippery la. so, missed alot of balls. i feel childish and naive. ![]() ooh freakkkkky hello hello people. today is a short day. lessons were alrite. pe was goddamn crappy. mr muru was dumb. basketball was alright la. managed to get some balls in. heh. poa was annoying. malay was fun. im beginning to like malay lessons. because we can speak, 'i,u' to each other. haha.coolness. met up with arsey, rhaiki and shafinaz. and i thought HE would be there. muahahaha, ohwells. saw abi, ilham and fairul at northpoint. lol. so, tk sangke. haha. terperanjat. they sat down with us at mac for less than 15mins. we left, and they waited to elfie. heh. mcm2. was going thru my 613 testis. lol. they said my long hair was nice. i was cute. lol. and i had pretty pics. hahaha. I <3 TESTI-ERS. hah. i guess that's all. ccan't wait for friday! hope it's gonna be a blast. i want to take pic with my bff. <33 im so gonna camwhore with my mates. and seat-hop and take pix. hehe. oh. i wanna upload some random pics. haha. LONG LIVE GERMANY. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU RED, BLACK AND YELLOW PEOPLE. okay goodnight. hope portugal loses today! haha. <3 can't wait to meet you. ![]() seas of black red and yellow. ![]() what's his name? klinnsmann ah? heh. when germany won the penalty with argentina. ![]() khann and lehmann. i was hoping khann would play. ![]() alahai. ciannye, mr metro tapi cute? kene sub cik abg? HAHAHAH. ![]() OHMYFG! WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT?! LOOK AT THE HAIR COLOR! OMFGOMFG. AND NICE TAU, THE MIGORENG. haha. ![]() land rover! ![]() nice shot. taken by using panasonic, TERRY LUMIX. YEY. JUST NOW I WENT HOME WITH MY BFF. YEY. AND I THOUGHT HE WASN'T GOING TO LAYAN ME IN THE BUS. HE HE HE. TALKED A LIL. NOT CRAPPY. MAYBE HE FELT DUMB BECAUSE THEIR TEAM WERE TRASHED BADLY JUST NOW I SUPPOSE? SO, YEAH. IT'S BAND BAND BAND. AND I DON'T KNOW IF IM GOING FOR THE MUSICAL. I WANT TO GO BADLY SIAK. SPEECH DAY IS IRRITATING. I DON'T LIKE PARADES. I DON'T LIKE. CAUSE ALL THE SONGS ARE BORING AND DUMB. YES. IM GOING TO AICB?(ahmad ibrahim concert band??) CONCERT ON NEXT THURS. I CAN'T WAIT. WHEE~ CONFIRM FUN. WITH THE PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING! LOL. ERASER EXPRESS NOT FULL STRENGTH AH, FIAN. LOL. I MISS SOCCER. I WANT TO RUN AND KICK BALLS. AND I MISS NADIA, ADAM, SHAR AND KUKIE. I MISS F5. HOW? O_0 this is one random post. ohwells. goodnight, tam. un ![]() ish. i miss hanging out with this people la. abi muker mcm teddy bear seh. haha. OMFG. THIS IS SUCH A BAD DAY! HE IS SO ANNOYING! OMFG OMFG OMFG! HE'S KILLING ME! I HAD DREAMS, WHEREBY HE'D ABUSE THE HAMSTERS! POKING THEM WITH A KNIFE! HE'S SO IRRITATING THAT I COULD CRY! AND I DON'T KNOW WHY! OMFG. SUCH ANNOYANCE! IRRITATING FUCKER. omfgomfgomfgomfomfgomfgomfgomfgomfgomfgomfgomfgomfogm. im not in the mood to blog alrite! later irritants. |