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SHIDDYDUDADEY or saiyidah. 19, science, korean boys pretty much in delusion. contact: 1 2 3 |
Expect rl stuffs like rants on annoying people, family, school, work and maybe inanimate objects. And occasional hxc spazzing because fandom is my laifu.tagboard
haniz ella
kak rin
kak yam
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![]() so yesterday, after band practice, i went home to change and left for the cinema at causeway with my brother. so waited for my sis and got our tix and food and watch TMNT. woo. old school! (MY FIRST EVER MOVIE OF THE YEAR! WOO!!) oh yeah, had i mentioned, about the cinema seller tickets and seller food? (LORL). me and mybro was ordering our food for the movie. we wanted a hotdog and sweetpopcorn. so, here's how it went. shid: uhh hi. may i have the hotdog and the, erm. sweet popcorn meal thang. worker(she's malay btw): okay. (serves popcorn) but erm, the hotdog isn't HALAL, do you mind? shid: uhh? not halal? O_O erm, no thanks. we'll have the wedges instead. LIKE WTF. HOW CAN SHE BE DOING THAT. URGHHHHH. SHALL I COMPLAIN? AHHAA. too petty lah. zzz. but, still...gees. so.... o_O kinda thing. ahah. so the movie was great. i was lost lah. cause i wasnt such a big fan of TMNT when i was like, 7-10 yrs old? my bro and sis were more engrossed in it. but wth. they're good. ahha. then dined at banquet and bought a polo tee from bossini. woo. yellow la seh. ahah. yah. __ band prac today was tirrrrrrrrrrrrrring. i kept screwing up my bar44! not again. shit. i was like, confident alrd sak, for that bar. but for todays prac, idk. i just screwed up! grr.and kakya n jm wasnt here. i was the 'soloist' lah.LORL. mrtan was like, "you gotta play triple yr volume. cause, u'll nv noe, on the day itself, you mayb the only one ther." what he meant was that, someone may just not turn up due to chicken pox or he knocked down by a car or drowned in the sea...possibilities may happen ya'noe. so yeah. the 8minutes on stage, will determine the future of YSSB.. seriously. this is like the 2nd most important thing that's happening in my life, beside the dumb O lvls. sigh..but, nonetheless, im gonna get it over and done with. and just accept whatever that's gonna happen on the day. im gonna be focused that even a dying cell won't affect me or even the boy of my dream who turns up to watch the my band on stage aint gonna affect me either. HAHA. yeah. im gonna give all i have! ALL I SAY, ALLLLLLLLL!! haha. i think im like, too engrossed in the bandworld. -_- goodnight!
![]() ![]() ![]() hello. today was a long day. and i mean it. it was loooooooooooong! firstly, at 6am where i didnt see the sun, my dad was telling my sis and me off. cause my granny had difficulty breathing. due to her coughing and short of breath and the lungs and the respiratory system and all. so my mom called the ambulance as my granny was real weak. and it was so sad to see her in such a state. sigh. i wanted to follow my sis in the ambulance and skip school, but nahh. i shouldnt be skipping sch seh. i had a test to complete. lorl. school was alright. haha. me and jeyda sang marc anthoney's 'my baby you' during chemistry. and drew dogs and *shouharns face. ahah. funny. then took pics with wan and jeyda, all behind my chem notebook. urgh. so blablabla did eng test and ended sch at 2. headed to TTSH straight away to meet my mom and nyai. nyai looked okay alrd and she needs plenty of rest. and i bet working in a hosp espacially when you don't have the patience to attend to the patients would be real bad. i don't think i can be a great nurse or doctor. heh. maybe i'll just be a pharmecist. or those nutritionist. hawhaw. stayed there till 7. had my java chip! yummy and went home. went to the pasar malam and here i am. dead beat. i hope tmr's a short and not so tiring day. goodnight, poppet.
hello. im sick of this bright yellow skin. its too bright. i wanna chg it to something dark. to the darker side..maybe i should stop making my own skins. its so tiring to look for the perfect one. hah. maybe i'll just download some pretty one and modify it lah. that's whats blogskins.com is for. hawhaw. school was fine. yeah, sort of. lessons were okay. jeyda trimmed nina's fringe during the free assembly period. coolios. and i passed the SS SEQ test. i was like sooo relieved lah. cause i studied last minute. and something happened during SS. the guys were real dumb to be doing that during mrchia's lesson. tsktsk went for band aft sch. had speech day rehearsals. and i have to say, we made the most mistakes. well, not really. we screwed up while playing. shawn gave the wrong double beat. we forgot where to stop and all, where to continue, and yeah...just screwed it totally lah. plus the hot weather, minus the tissues. aft band, went home straight. everything was so wrong. ok, not everything. heh. and im still in this sick condition. 've been hving cramps. well, thanks to the pinkpill, its okay alrd. and and the fluuuu bug hit me. eversince sunday. gosh. more than 3 days alrd. but, i cant skip sch just cause of this dumb flu right. gees. it sucks when you gotta blow your nose in class man. do take care people. many 've been falling sick these days. sigh. gees, that was easy. goodnight. one thing's for sure, i've been missing my exbff way too much. boooooo.whoooo.
hello. sorry for not updating yesterday. was busy studying for maths. well, yeah. sort of. and also myspacing with my two new myspace band geekkkk friends. uin and nysa! eupho-ner and timper, respectively. ahah. gerek giler lor. so kecoh. talked abt SYF la. duh. uin has a DM for a BF. and nysa has some athele or soccer player for a BF. ahah. how lucky. so yeah. they're great people. ahahha. i wonder how it'll be if we meet up. lorl. ok dah!! so tday sch was fine, till i found out that im experiencing PMS. so the last 5-10 days, my uterine lining was thickening. lorl. gotta wait till the next 10 days for my ovulation to take place! and im gonna kill another unfertilissed egg. hawhaw. maths test was a killer. it killed me, almost, literally. gees. i felt like screaming lorh! and jumping and just hide under the table and act like i just stole a worthless vase. -_- sigh. band prac was okay. missed mrtan as he had something to attend, so we had setionals and practiced the speechday crap thang. me and haizair, composed L.V OVERTURE! haha. for memba's only. whatever. after band....went straight home. yeah. goodnight. oh yeah, for my intenet today, it's celebrating "HEY-IT'S-LAG-DAY!" urgh. ![]() hello. am going to make this a short one. so today was COUCH POTATO sunday. seriously. all i did was, watch tv, eat, sleep and prepared some bio notes. gees. sometimes, staying at home makes me not to have a limit over things. but when im out, i usually spend just 2bux on food. haha. which means, i need to go out often. so yadayadayada. there's 3 tests tmr. madnes. Biochem and SEQs. holyyyy shit lah. irritating. then sectionals tmr. would i be like, isolated tmr? idk... i feel like going on a vacation..to some paradise island. totally set my mind freee. free like the wind or those free samples of chicken nuggets. geeees. i should attend yoga classes. or pick up a new hobby. or just concentrate on the stupid dumb O lvls. being 16 sucks. it just means that i can watch NC16 movies, but do i even go to the cinema? grr. bye lah. ![]() *grr i posted just now, and I.E was like asasanc!!* so today, we had band practice in the morning. we played in the parade sq lah. and after idk howmany practice, my bar44 is alright! woo. im soo confident already la seh. (overrated word noted) then my trombers were made to run since they still can't play their solos. damn. i feel so useless siak. and so embarassed.. Dear Trombers, We do not have much time left. Please give your best shot every practice. You can't possibly get MrTan to cut the band just because you guys screwed up those particular parts. I wish you all the best. sigh...aft band, went lunching and bumped into AICB membas. -_- but this time, the secreted adrenalin was poco a poco, my legs were stiff. my mind was set. my eyes were elsewhere. i felt like !#$%^& in a good way, some how.. sigh. i can't believe i went mad over some like you. gees. o_O so dined at LJS with dearhanis too! aaha. she was thereeeeeeeeeeee. and shawneegawa was talking abt COME. hahaaa. at last i know what it means. and its effin gross lorr! then we were giving the "WTF" face. HAHA. home and slept. and out to banquet with my granny and sisies. had the usual fried fish noodles and bandung. woo. great combo. ahha. and shared seats with this bi-langual chinese mother and her 3 children. she spoke good malay. very clear too. she learnt malay back at indonesia. ahha. she was talking to my grandma about weightloss and all. coolios. __ perhaps, all these while. it's out of pity. goodnight.
right. pictures courtesy of ziella's nikon camera. and her camera kick ass! ahha. -_- so anws, today was the SPORTS and ARTS carnival in yss, for the first time too! it's something new and i prefer this than the plain/old/boring sports day where we just watch people running. but this year, there still are running events. ahha okay only 1 event. and more sports events and also artsy fartsy thingy like grafitti spraying thang and also a dance competition. coolios. i took part in the frisbee event along with sya, zul, wan, din and teckmin. it was something new, and different but too bad we lost. but it was a great experience lah. then the girls had floorball but they lost. ahaha. then the other girls had soccer and they got first place. and our class got 2nd position in 8 by 50m race. coolios. and to top it of/ff, our class, dearest 4E8 won the overall champion. i was totally like asdfghjkl lah! i didn't believe our class won it sia! it was like, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! really unbelieavable. we took a class pic, but the pic is with zul. boo. so aft that, lunched at macDs and saw dear bff there. gees. sucha matrep. grrrr. hahha. no offence tho. then i ate my meal silently and walked home alone. the rest went to NP or go and meet someone else or just went elsewhere i don't know. ___ now now. the thing is that, i feel like im a foreigner. from some planet and i've come to visit singapore. or perhaps just yishun. its like. when im with them, they're speaking another language. or perhaps im the one whose speaking some alien language. gees. i feel like im in an foreign land. i feel like @#$%^ sia. now, it feels so wrong typing it all here. well, ripsnorters is the only thing i rely on... ohwells. imma foreigner... __ here's one: " A guy and a girl can NEVER,NEVER be best friends. So girls, do not ever bullshit saying that that guy is your 'close' friend or 'best' friend,nothing more. That's crap ok. It can NEVER work out. One party will definitely develop feelings for the other in which they either don't tell and suffer in silence or tell but then having the friendship on a chokehold. CONSPERM! And this situation truly sucks if either one of you's attached. Boy Girl + Bestfriend = NONONONONO/BULLSHIT. HAHAHA. " no wonder my friendship with my exbff never worked. gees. goodnight fellow foreigners.
![]() how does it feel being locked outta house, with only a piece of paper(which is a receipt), hair wax and 30cents? HORRIBLE. ahaha. i was being locked out for about 10mins cause i went to CK to get some hair thingy and when i reached home, aqilah wasn't at the hall. i was scared she sleep sia. if not, gotta wait till its 10+ for sis to reach home. so i knock like hell. sitting down. then she cameee and open the door. ahaha. okay dah. -__- school was a-okay. recess was great with nicole and jeyda. me and nicole came up with this very swift/quick/fast/accurate/short/stacatto/accent/sharp right turn and scare the person behind us. DAMN EFFECTIVE LOR. espacially on hema and mardhia. woo. jabez found it stupid. aha! then blablabla eng achievers was short, till 2pm. if we're done with our essay, we can head home. and i was the last one with pat n liwen. the rest all went home, without me. ohwells. went home alone, and slept till 7. madness. sports day tmr. kinda..im taking part in frisbee and floorball since ifah sprained her ankle. the girls wants me to play that much. ahaha. will play for them then. =) __ i miss my school mates. and my class mates. sigh.. goodnight. oh, the beauty of jealousy.
![]() hello. school was somehow, short today. wth. achievevers was cancelled so me and syairah went to the soccergirls and witnessed their match against whitley. i stayed for the first half only as i had to attend to some band thingy. so the girls had quite a breeze i must say? but possesion of the ball were only 60-40%. yeah.whitley had it's own individual strengths. ahaha. in the end, yishun won with a score of 4 to nil. i wish i had an SLR or my lumix with me to capture those moments the ball got into the net. oh yeah, had i mentioned that MALAH, yes MALAH scored the very first goal? ahaha. and followed by athirah and one by nana. haha. great games girl. now, this makes me miss soccer. oh yeah, congrats dear girls. =) __ so many people only at BandFusion. ahaha. due to the SYF thread. people all talking about it. gees. makes me scared day by day. i count-down the days till SYF. dang. syf's gonna scare the shit outta me on stage. FAKE! yeah. hope everyone gets their parts and all. we will and we can. <3 __ goodnight.
![]() hello. school was rather long, somehow. i was soooo tired lah. and during maths, i felt like pulling my hair, screaming, running around in circles and behave like some senile woman. i just couldn't understand simple maths! grr. sigh. band was alright. i was reading my SEQ notes but nothing seemed to get to my head. cause, mrtan was conducting the bars on which i had rests. hah. after band was okay. nothing much happened, till kakya send me an sms. haha. shit happens. __ why do i keep thinking of the impossible. yet i know that perhaps one day, one possible day in the universe, that it may just happen. --- people say wishes and dreams always comes true. you think? impossible night. [goodnight.] yer..sape lah aku ni kan. who am i to know your own problems and all. who am i to get so close with you. who am i to know what's goin on actually. who am i to peek and take a look at your diary or whatsoever things. WHOOO AAAAMM IIIIIIIIIII?
![]() hello people. school was a drag today. it was rather a long day. aft school, went to the library and got some books and dragged my dear feet home. was reading a magazine in the library. they were saying something about musicians. woo. i don't care. im gonna marry someone involved in the music world. i wanna get married to a musician. i wanna get married to someone who makes music. woo. im so restless today. gees. i need coffee lah. oh yeah. shit happens. well, all the asdfghjkl time. ohwells. you make me go weak in the knee. goodnight.
hi. i had a hair cut today at the same shop tsuqi cut his hair. yeah. i just trimmed and thinnen it. and it looks much more shapier. haha. i wasn't looking for a new hairstyle anws. hah. hmm. i was tagged by ziella to do this: RULES: Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in their blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!
Six people to do this:
yeah. that's all. goodnight.
![]() SWS presents COMWORKS '07 woo. it was a great concert. fifi and hyd peformed. haha. so met up with shahid at woodlands and headed to buona vista to meet the rest of the nie people. was sms-ing hanis my latest memba wahahahahah. she kecoh lah she. kater jek, support-hydhir-for-life tapi taknak gi concert. grr. me and ama gonna make hanisoup. -___- so the nie people were late. saw izdihar and her northland band mates. aisyahlala ahah and also nicole dinosaur too. haha. deng lah nic, nvr go. zzz. it was like fkin full lah just now. so the guys came, and we took the left front seats. right infront of the horns and trumpets, and 1st clarinet. it wasssss good lah the concert. abrams, in the winter, joy of spring, hymm.. haha. woo. aft tt, went for dinner at IMM with shawn fian and 2 other NIE people. yeah. __ i wanna be a band geek. with great rhythemic (spell?) techniques. with fast side reading skills. with proper embrochure. (*I LOST/MISPLACED MY FREAKIN EMBROCHURE!) sigh.
![]() this is for yday's post. Thursday, 15 March was the last day of band intensive day camp. sigh. how sad. and suprisingly, i managed to play my bar44! hope this would last. whee. had so much fun. oh yeah, im very glad agnes is back in band. she was like practicing even when we were told to go for dinner. she even asked mrtan to teach her personally. woaaaah. YSSB is loveeeeee! and we sorta had a 5 minute band bonding time during dinner. brassandpercussion vs woodwinds. we played an all in one game. consisting of rugby, basketball, soccer and captain's ball. hahaha. and sadly, woodwinds won. boo. haha. but the fun lasted thruout! after dinner, mrtan awarded us with magnum icecreams. woah. haha. how great and as normal. ama, fian, fiiz, khairi and zair BJ-ed with it. hahahahhahahaa. i love my geeks lah. whee. then camwhored with icecream all over our face. no no. all over out mouth you know that kinda thing? haha. aaha. gerek laaah. and I KNOW WHAT BF IS. AHHAHAHA. SO YOU CANT FOOL ME. wahahhahahhahha. bjs and bfs. good day!
hello. today's band day camp wasn't that tiring or killing. hahaa. and i screw up my bar44 time and again. sheeesh. idk how to improve on that sickening part siaaaa. grrrr! sigh. band was fine. i keep thinking of all the times we all spend together. the crapppiness, the laughters, the abreviations and all. woo. hearts band geeks. idk what wil happen when we part, and go our own seperate ways. gees. will i still invite them for my wedding dinner? ahahhaa. *thinkingtoomuchalready* and i seriously need a asdfghjkl/decent haircut. grr. "Hey, let's write the story again Where I'm your lover and best friend" -Sherwood
![]() Starry Night i saw my revivedbff otw to sch just now. how he made my day. woo. life's good. =/ good day y'all. had band day camp just now. and it was tiring but benefitial. woo. played warm up drills and cleared the beginning part of exalt. gees. how tiring. but, on the whole. my part is fine. except that i keep screwing up bar44. holycemoli. howww la howwww. grr. so we played exaltation for 10 times repeatedly and the last time in total darkness. hahaah. coolios. i can't wait for tmr.i prefer surise. wooo. i love sunrise. and i love sherwood. their songs are sooooooooooo upbeat and all. they make me happy! "don't blink, don't close your eyes. and most of all, don't apologise."
![]() hello. this is for yday's entry. =) Sunday, 11 March. *i'll upload the pics at a later date when terrylumix allows me to cause now, there seems to be some techincal faults with the USB ports. *shrugs** so, met up with jeyda, mela and iz at khatib and i was late cause i was deciding what to friggin wear. haha. -_- so ended up wearing the same uniform i wore to chingay. lorl. we first headed to penin for a very short while to search for this shop selling 5dollars jeans, but to no avail. and then headed to vivo. lorl. damn huge la vivo. woo. had late lunch at banquet and had the usuals. haha. walked around and yeah. we went to the daiso supermarket. where everything was dirt cheap. 2bux yaw! so i got myself a drawstring bag, a pouch and a scarf. woo. im so gonna shop there again. and was mesmerised by the hoody cum shirt at forever 21. waah. i wanna work and shop lah walaurrr. then zaida went looking for a watch and we all sat at the so called rooftop but it was crowded with lovers making out in the open. so we went to the so called by the bay and chilled on the roseseats. yeah. camwhoring and gossips. what fun to be together under the light of the lampost. harrrr. oh yeh. they tied my head with the scarf, and they ran away. causing me to like grope about like some blind mice. zzzz. it was a great trip and i enjoyed myself. cause, it's been ages since i last went out with 2 or more classmates who i call friends. =) ___ today, had malay mock exam. and i screwed some parts. ahh shitty bangbang i suck in my languages. grr. went to tapered my black curds and had constipation aft that. good day.
![]() listening to: Bulatan Emas oleh Encik Huckeby. lorl. today was a stay home saturday. had initiall plans with shitkin but failed. but she still asked me out with her 2 other guy friends and i kindly declined cause i was too lazy by then. so spent the whole day waiting for some kind soul to chat with me on9 cause there wasn't any! so yeah. nothing much to do anws. hmm. oh yeah. did i mention, that i almost ran outta adrenalin yday cause it was rushing out too much? ahahahahahahah. bet you don't care. _ You and I must make a pact We must bring salvation back Where there is love I'll be there I'll reach out my hand to you I'll have faith in all you do Just call my name And I'll be there And, ohhhhh I'll be there to comfort you Build my world of dreams around you I'm so glad that I found you I'll be there with a love that's strong I'll be your strength; I'll keep holdin' on Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter Togetherness, girl it's all I'm after Whenever you need me I'll be there Yeah baby With a non-selfish love that respects you Just call my name baby, I'll be there If you should ever find someone new I know he'd better be good to you Cause if he doesn't I'll be there(chorus)I'll be there Just look over your shoulders honey, ooohhh I'll be there Just call my name I'll be there, dont you know baby yeah, yeah goodnight my rare species.
hello there. today, was the last day of term1. which means HOLIDAY! well. no. it aint a holiday cause i have to go back to school every single day. like asdfghjkl;? i got malay mock exam, band day camp and chemistry class. tsktsk. madness. so, today aft school met up with fian. he sorta did a suprised which. gahhh. my legs were wobbly at that time. okay whatever. i'll skip that. so met up with yours truly, fian and fir and hydhir. and then proceeded back to school for band prac. the 2 percussion-ist wanted to see the band and whatever and promote the SWS concert. yeah. so band prac was fine. tiring too. i screwed up bar 44 time and again. sigh. and my sunrise was getting better. weee! aft band was blablabla all of us, the normals exlcuding hanis, hafiz, shawnee and shahid including fifi and hyd went to mac drive thru. oh yeah. kak ya was like "eh, that pink guy is hydhir? he looks so gay! =x then the guy beside him? his brother ar?" haha. kecoh. -_- at mac we were laughing at all sorta things. i like it when we're all like this. and blablabla hydhir left without saying a word. =x me and nic went back at 9, and yeah. i waited an hour for freakin 171 to come. so i walked to chompang with fifi and fian. ahaha.yeah. __ perhaps its time for me to let go of the dead yet alive past. it's been a while. and it'll so gonna affect me if i keep it close to me. well. this...will...be...hard. goodnight. hello. today was a one good day. i enjoyed myself! ahha. so lessons were fine. me, izyan, jeyda and nina had a blast laughing our lungs out during chemistry. and then, during break. we were like making fun of our own names. LORL. like adding a NOD or TON to our names. and other shits. i liked izyan's one. hers was: IZYEL. ahhahahahaha. jeyda's one was: JEYNOD. nina's was: AINON. hahahaa. mine was SAIB or was it SAITON. wth. ahahahahaa. idk lah. _ shawn,syairah,hongjun won an award for being a model student. ahaha LIKE WTH. hahaa. we were all so kecoh abt that lah. i was like, " eh sial ah! shawn?! he always throw his used tissue on the floor can get model student. wth!" haha. during changing of lessons, i went outta class. shawn too. he was infront of me and he walked into the wall. HAHAA. funny la siak! ahhahaaha. then when i came back. i saw justin and hanhui holding hands. ahahhahahahahaa. my class's mad. __ oh yeah. did i tell you about nammy? she was like, "eh pretty eh you? haha." then just now, ziella n nammy was like, "eh shid! bye beautiful!" or sumtin like that. mannn, they're screwed up! ahahhaha. ok bedek. today, supposingly to have frisbee, but muru said it was on another day. so, i watched the girl played soccer. i didnt wanna join initially cause there were guys. =x so just played passing. then aft that, during TAF, played soccer too. its been a while since i had a great time at the field. seriously. =D and went home. i wished someone was walking home with me too. goodnight. how? can't wait for tmr? HAHA. ![]() hello. today was sucha random day. i think. things went well. i guess. haha. had no achievers today. cikgu was absent. she's hospitalized. hope she recovers! i dun want an expecting teacher on maternity leave for my O lvl year. heh. so yeah. headed to northpoint with my nicbitch. i miss those days when it was just the two of us. heh. ohwells. lunched at macDs and saw shitkin and the aiss friends. gosh i miss them. boo. its like, i only meet them at gigs! must arrange for study date or something. hawhaw. like it'll ever happen. so walked back to school for junior band prac, and bid goodbye to nammmy! she was like, "bye shid. eh! you pretty ah!" i was stunned and just smiled and continued walking. hahahaa. kecoh lah nammy. lorl. hmm. band prac was alright. no comments an keith is one handsome boy. i hope he stays in band forever lol. i bet he'll be the handsome-st alto kid. woo. _ frisbee match tmr. band prac on friday. and mrHORNEHPONEH said someone coming? semangat si fifi tu jual tix smpai ke sini. lorl. and fian, ckp BJ tu, pelan siket! aaha. goodnight.
![]() hello. today's maths trail was alright. and it was held at freakin VIVO CITY YAWW! goddamnit cause it was my first time there. well, a first time for me, jeyda and zul. ahah. we were like, "rusa masuk kampung." hahaa. kecoh giler. the questions were tough too. the geog qns were damn easy lah. my group were ridwan, hh and atika. and those 3 were damn semangat lah, doing the questions, whereas i was busy fanning, taking pictures and laughing away. ahahaha. in the end, my group won a $5 voucher from pop. -_- i was hoping it was Vivo voucher or something. tsktsk. __ i really need a haircut. gees. i need a proper haircut seh. i guess i'll look thru people's myspace. all their hairxcore hair. ahahaha. -_- and i wanna go shooopppeehhnnggg! idk if i should get that polo tee from gio. and im on a hunt for long sleeve shirts. nvermind. shall make an effort to visit vivo one fine day. haha. bye. im outta words nowadays. [so unlike me.]
hi. i got nothing to update. well, there is lah actually. but. im just at a loss for words. must be some djsakcndkjcnwphobia kbedek. i feel like fkqnfjns83, but in a good way. gees. wtf am i blabbling about. goodnight, goodbye. unansweredloooohve <3 ![]() First/Grand March hello. i just finished my vectors homework and i think i caaan take it lah. and theres the phytagohres and trignometry workshit. gees. i forgot all the formulas and shits. so i cant finish it. sigh. well today, was raining from 8271am till 2881pm. yeah. and it had stopped. wee. i reached school at 7.40, and justin reached at abt 7.55. ahhaa. madness. i like it when it raining in the morning.. but the bad thing is that you'll never feel like waking up. hawhaw. lessons were fine ttralalala and eng achievers were fine. i rushed home, got my attire and headed back to school was TAF session. aaha. but me and my friends didn't go. we went to the gym instead. haah. i reaaaaaaaaally need to work out. sheesh. aft that, headed home with the bandguys. we kinda made friends with this sec1 boy. he was in the gym too and he went home with us. shawn was like, "hi. im james swearingen. he's ed huckeby. and that' frank tichelli and she' tracy o berhman. we go to each others house for tea. (shawn takes out NIEY bandfile.) here are the songs im composed. invicta...into the joy of spring..blue ridge...exaltation...when you see me in sch, just shout james yeah?" HAHA. and he was like, okay..bye james, ed, frank, tracy. aiyoh. kesian bdk tuh. lorl. zzz. __ band tmr. hope aft-band session would be fine and no other dumb trivial matters would pop up. zzz. eh why ah? why is ,mcw1 the one i look for, when i sign into msn? sigh... idon'tcareimyourillicitloverhunnehhhhhehehe bye.