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SHIDDYDUDADEY or saiyidah. 19, science, korean boys pretty much in delusion. contact: 1 2 3 |
Expect rl stuffs like rants on annoying people, family, school, work and maybe inanimate objects. And occasional hxc spazzing because fandom is my laifu.tagboard
haniz ella
kak rin
kak yam
Design: DC |
hello! how are you shid? - ikahCHU. hahaha. ikah, ikah. anws, hello everyone. today im feeling great! thanks to my grlfrends! haha. so, today 3e8 had chemistry class. -___-. new chapter alrd sia. boo. after that, rushed to the study corner to meet shidm, abt YSSB new uniform. and omgsh. the colors were like, =x =x =x. idk whats the outcome gnna be like. daaaaamnit. waney was like, "omg! macam SOKA" erm, haha. yeah. and shidm and fad gnna wear it first at their NCO passing parade. wheee~ im soooo gnna be there. together with the other band rock memba. whee~ (*i dun feel like blogging alrd. but i really wanna tell you guys abt my day today...sigh. that someone just had to spoil it. but then, it seems like that someone just made my day. ohhhhh) after meeting shidm, left him and went off with amirah and took our bikes! bicycle lar. so, as planned, we went cycling today with me, zaida, atika, atyra, zul, sera, ct and amira. whee! and we planned to cycle to sembawah shopping cter and proceed to sembawang park. whee! so we cycled from school, all the way to ssc. omgsh. it was fun, but damn tiring and hot lar. haha. espacially when we're riding uphill. ahhaa. kecoh! and, we walked around ssc. had lunch and crapped and all. so, while heading towards semb park, it grizzled abit, so we just cycled slowly. and, it got heavier, so we just rest at the bicycle parking lane at semb mrt. then, it got heavy and slowly it was not so heavy. so we just cycled across the road and lepaked at this kolong. we were like, circling seh. and, zaida and atra fell exactly in the middle, when amira didn't let them walk pass. haha. then, decided to go back home since the rain won't stop. haah. so we cycled in the drizzle. was fun! cycling alongside the mrt track, from semb to yishun. haha. we got sore butts! really sore. pain u noe! sit on the bicycle seat for more than 3 hours? ouch! hahaa. we sang songs, screamed and all. all eyes of those passing vehicles were on us. hahaa. boo. then, decided to go safra and bowl. that's when hyd msged me. wooo. o_0 wanted to bowl, but lotsa lanes occupied. so we went to the arcade. but zul and sera got shoo-ed out cause of the pe shirts. boo you, arcade lady. then, nuthin to do at safra, we sent atra home and went cycling. from ys mrt all the way till khatib. and our butts were goddamn sore la haiyo. parked our bikes outside ntuc, and walked to get some food. and received a call from hasyrul. he wants to raye at my place. hahaha. kecoh la dek tu. =p bought our waffles and my oreo crush! and sat at the staircase and talked about tmr's outing. haha. then then then headed home cause all butt pain, and all boring alrd. hahaa. went home, quickly changed and gave hasy directions, and when i came outta toilet, the were walking up alrd. ahhaa. tt was quick. i didn't really layan-ed them la. was busy watching goong. and the boys were busy watching their soccer. and hasy's hair was da-bomb. madness la he. hahaa. and soon, they left for iz's place. and my mom liked them. she was like, "pandai eh, shidah carik kawan? sume handsome2." ahahah i thought hajar and her devilurps gang wanted to stop over my house. weird, but wth. i gotta contact with my dear and, today, hyd has come clean with me. well, me too. and im kdnn3821fh glad. =) very very glad. hope this lasts for long! i hope.... =x right, im elated today. 3 gr8 things happened. 1. cycling! with grlfrends. <3 2. ex no more, bff! =)))) 3. only one, hyd. <33333217872110.2185450 HAHAHAHA. goodnight, ismet puja raja. and, HAPPY HALLOWEEEN! ![]() OMGSH. I HAVE A PIMPLE. A GODDAM PIMPLE! EEEEEEEEEEEEW. my first ever real pimple btw. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMOGMOGMOGMOGMOGMGOGM. IM LIKE SO TRAUMATISED!!! EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I'VE BEEN APPLYING THE LOREAL/oxy10 THINGY SINCE 9 AM. AND ITS STIL THERE DAMNIT! gross. why!! must.....wash.....face...24/7. damnitdamnitdamnit. pimples are the grossest thing ever! *reads back what i wrote* omgsh. am i that vain? hohohoho. _________ oh yeah, so today my cousins sebelah my father are coming. yey. ahha. oh yeah, in the morning, i was awaken by hasyrul's msg. he invited me to his open house today. awwh. and i dunno who to go with. yesterday was hajar's. i did't have anyone to go with. boo. and now hasyrul. i feel so bad for not going. last year, if im not wrong he invited me to his open house too. and this year, to his bbq pit too. gahhhhh. idk dude. sorrry eh, hasy? and i'm looking for sanzo's hothot pic. hahaa. that day, while watching the free channel on scv la. they were airing saiyuki reload but in english. ew. while watching. the screen turned black and dah. the channel wasnt free anymore. sad case. but whatever. i <3 sanzo. he's the smoker with an aim. =) ____ things are getting bad. very very bad. i miss the old you. before all that happened. dame!!. ____ dah lah. that's about it. ill update later at night. i've been scribbling his name. BOOO. and, sorry hasy. goodday. er, hello there. today was okay. in the morning, went to aqilah's school. just picked out random clothes from the mountanious closet. =x and, off to chao yang school. it was the official opening ceremony and Mr President and wife were the guests of honor. like i care. hoho. and the carnival was okay la. the prizes were great. i loike. satu plestik bag penuh u! so went to marsiling sheng shiong and borong udang. haha. then had late lunch at the normal beforeafter-shenshiong coffee shop. had rojak mamak. ahha. seriously bloated seh. gonna lose some calories! cab-ed home and rotted here. hahaah. then blablablabla abg leman and kaklinda came with her in-laws. they got cute babies! ahahah. yeah, that's about it. ____ so, me zul lisah zad were discussing abt the 3E jalan rayer or more like 3E8 jalan raye. cause 3/8 is like the girls malay class? ahaha. ok whatever. next week dah start classes . grr. curses lar. i dont like. boo. chem and poa lagi1grr! biler nak jalan rayer ngn bdk2 nps? bdk2 band? bdk2 bola? bdk2 malay class? bdk2 ......? AIYOH. _____ oh, naddymoo is evil lar. ader jek, evil plans die. and her plans didn't work la. whatever they were. HAHA. =p sorry nad. and, exbff has friendster. since June 06. WOW. o_0 and he got all the pretty girls on his list. and, he has a cutecutemutecute primary pic. rindu plak! aah. and, band geeks, SWS concert on 23rd Nov ok? make urself free. =) idk where the place and when the time is, but i'll confirm with you people again ok? i guess that's all. oh, i can't copy paste. i typed yesterday's entry on notepad. i'll paste tmr. but for now, i'll let kyou-kun entertain you guys. no one ever told me such things; that's what i thought. why are you the one to tell me things that i want to hear most? why is someone like you crying for me by my side? why? you didn't have to love everything even if you're scared. Saturday, 271006 Note: this entry is being copied-paste. hello. so my comp/blogger is being such an ass right now. grr please. so today, just lazed at home. woke up at 1 and used the comp. changed the skin to a fresher, vibrant look. oh (its so weird typing in Notepad. =) hmmm. does this skin look weird? cause initially it has this image on the top left corner. i found it weird and replaced it with this self-made background dok! thinking of changing the background and im gnna study the html codes later on. haha. yeah people, i need you guys opinion yeah. hmm. i think im gnna edit the color of the cbox aaaand the color of the profile box and all. hmmm. colors! hue hue hues. oh yeah, today my mom was ... she was like, "i wanna dye my hair too. the sides and all." i was like, wth? "serious? u mean like shades of brown, red, green,blue and the wacky2 colors?" hahaha. ok, whatever. im gnna dye my hair! ahah. maybe a purple or blue for the tail, and a brown hair. ahahah. woah. madness. haha. hmm. hasyrul msged me, telling me that he wanna come over my house to rayer. but i told him i was at my aunts place. aaha. sorry yer, abg ku yang cun skali. haha. other than that,nothing else happened except cikman and family were the guests for today and and and today's goong was soo irritating. my bf was like, so evil seh. he wants the tittle badly. and i pity my cousin. (HAHHHA!!) yeah, i guess that's all. im listening to Radja right now. haha. woaah. those were the days.... and i made a new friend from SSportsSch. haha. thanks to ikah. -_-'' and that rafie kept saying me and ikah look alike. hahahaa. macam2... i guess that's all lar. time: 1206hrs. goodnight, dearrrrrrrrrrrrrrie dear. kyou-kun said this, no one ever told me such things, that's what i thought. why are you always the one, to tell me thingsthat i want to hear most? why is someone like you, crying for meby my side? why? you didn't have to love everything, even if you're scared. DAMN, KYO IS GOOD AT THIS. they mean so much...and, i never get sick of the history... hey ho. so today we got back our results. and it was saddening to hear few classmates who did extremely bad. darn. and, happy for liwen too! she got a C for maths! great job. ohwells, gotta practice like ndjk32 siak. my results were crap. its stagnant. its the same as mid year. and, the thing is. the overall subjs, (except fer maths,) which i failed, all are 48/49. which is rather saddening. can't the teachers give that extra mark? sadddd story. haiya. i really really need a study buddy. damnit. i hate how things are, right now. grr please!! _________ enough with the academic talk. hmmm. today wass enterprise day. it was ok. it wasnt that exciting like previous years. tsktsk. well, only sec 1-3s run the stalls. it was okay lah. but this year, the sec3s were given a chance to operate those fun-fair kinda rides. 3/7, 3/4 and 3/5 ran them. i played the gladiator thingy. it was weird and intresting lar. me vs atrah and she won. i was busy laughing, and she just knocked me down. wahaha. kecoh! very fun! i like! haha. and i went to the haunted mansion. it was alright. syafiq was the ghost. wani too. ahha. freakkky. but i was looking down and closing my eyes, and gripping malahs arm tightly. wakkkaka. it wasn't sooooo freaky like fck lar. it was alright. freaked out at first. haha. hmmm. i bought self-extracted perfumes! from 3E6.. the pure sci kids extracted orange and lemon grass to get the perfume. how cool is that? i saw them extracting once. you gotta slice the lemongrass/orange very thin. then put in the condenser or something? hahaha. idk. and, shidm gave me pinkcandles! hahaah. -.- gonna burrrrrrrrrn. wheee~ __ headed to LJS after sch, had lunch and walked ard NP. had a gr8 time with zul and all. ahhha. kecoh larrr. then, when we were abt to go home, guess who i bumped into? SEHA!! rindu seh, ngn die. ehhe. then me, adek and nic went to school at 4 to spectate the match between the B and C div. i suppose min wasn't playing his best. but yeah he was okay. i saw him miss alot of balls. and, faizal itek is not a goood keeper. and arif is annoying lar. ahaha. but yeah. kecoh lar that kisbidut. -.- went home with matin and, yeah. ____ GRR! akuuuuuuuuu rinduu kauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. SUGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS! =( ![]() hello people. did i update recently? idk. whatever. lets continue, from where we stopped aye. hari raye? yesterday lah. it was fun. meeting up with my cousies. kecoh2. camwhoring. laughing our guts off. kecoh la. gerek. then got this family came. i think its yai's brother's family. so, that makes them my distant relatives. the guys were kinda hot! okbedek. *mal kater maser die pi jln raye tk dpt cuci mater. hohoho* hmmm. then, over at bp. legi kecoh. ikaaaaaaaaaaaaah. irritating girl. awesome biter. hah<333 and i have a relative who dont speak malay! damn, how cool is that? he speaks dutch, french and german! woaaaah. he lives in holland btw. too bad he aint tt hot! wakakkaka. ok mepeeeek. so, yeah. thats abt it. pics later2 eh, when im totally bored. so today, school was borrrrring. but, gerek! =) first, entered sch with nin and iz. and sya was otphne with nina. she was like, forcing/asking nina to go home. haha. cause theres no one in class xcept nurisah. hahaa. which is kinda sad and boring la. so, we crapped in class, and then ah-loh called me out. he gave me a certificate! for being the most improved in combined humanities. woohoo! =) and got 5 dollar voucher from mrchia. yipeee. hmm. then got the MTVs by the sec2s and 3Ts and Ns. it was alright. some of the vids were goddamn lame, and not even a class video. ohwells. whatever. and the 3N and 3Ts advertisements were gr8 too. ahahah. and after that was PE. only 6 people turned up. -___-'' pathetic but we played soccer. nasi ayam next, and cabot class till school end. we were in the music room. ahhaa. watching the "YSS One and Only Dance Group" performing. ahah. gerek la. then me and shahidah danced along. and izyan, as usual laughed at me. boo. after sch, wenta mac and slacked, and walked ard NP. haha. long time nv hung out with ana, nina and iz. aha. and at home, the upstairs kids came to raye at my place. haha. cuteness. once they left, i slept like a log and watched goong. the plot is getting more and more fked up. irrritatis! haha. get so worked up, while watching. grr. washed up, and went to amk banquet. ate my all time fav ban mian, and saw shidm there with his family. pretty in pink ey shidm? haha. and, walked ard. and, got to know a new friend. ahhaha. gahhh. i guess that's all. aku maseh benciiiiiii lar. goodnight, gladiators. woohoo. *MUKER KAT ATAS, AKU SENGAJER SENYUM MCM GOTHIC WAWA LA SIAK. AHAHAH. OK, AKU TAU IRRITATING TAPI CUTE KAN KAN KAN? =P* hello. have not been updating much since im sooo hooked on animes right now. im tryna finish fruba by tmr. today, i watched 11 episodes. ahahha. madness. anws, its, Fruits Basket or Fruba. and im falling in love again with kyo-kun and yuki-kun and abit of aya and kisa-san. ahahhaa. =p next anime would be......love hina! but that contains lotsa obscene scenes. lotsa nudity.ahah. reading their comics is alrd, tsktsk. anime fans, any recommendation? i want those romance-comedy type, like ranma 1/2! ahha. ape2 la. gonna continue with episode 25 tmr, and few more to go and its done. and tmr maybe performing for the hari raya concert. erps. idk. the dikir barat. ahah. hope its alright with everyone. =x and for now, i wanna pee. goodnight, jyuunishi. IF ONLY CHARACTERS CAN COME ALIVE. damn. cause you're just another character in a fairy tale. ya know? hello. now, im listening to the soundtracks from goong. haha. i still got my 3 top fav songs la. haha. orang2 sume dengar lagu2 jiwang mlayu...aku dngr lagu jiwang korean arh! =p so, today just baked cookies. later in the night gonna clear my room. whoooosh. such a drag. boo. and today was suppose to accompany azhim to get his idk wht baju at geylang/town. with man and elfi's gang. but wan couldnt come. boo. ahah. wth. kesian azhim. no fren wanna teman. faris tkleh, hydhir pon tkleh harap. -__________-'' anws, i was thinkig about writing a few stuffs to people who had made a diffrence in my life or what so ever. haha. and gotta do some apologizing haha. since its hari raya. well, soon. =x hmm. these people should be, my grlfrens, (i think.) izyan, syairah, zaida, malah. nina, atrah, zul, lisah, mardhia, atika, nicole, amirahismail, siti(kiki), fad, nurisah, athirahamirah, ifah, mira and zuliyani. well, those girls are the ones in the class la. =p izyan: hmm. thanks for being such a gr8 fren. haha. sometimes. well, whatever. even though u can be one total pain in the neck sometimes, and your sarcastic comments. but, yeah. it was great knowing someone like ya. aku nk mintak maaf la, kalau ader sakitkan hari kau ke ape ke la. haha. and, kau tu maths dah improve. jngn lupe org kat sini tau. =p syairah: i <3 fnn class with you. and, you're someone great to study with. aha. study buddy katerkan. =p even tho u're well known for ur sarcastic comments/critisim, which i don't give a damn cause i cant be bothered la, you got that soft spot for everyone of us. haha. wth am i talking abt. but yeah, thanks. =) zad: thanks for being my bestie! well, those were the days. ahah. but who cares! i dont! ahah. yeah, all those crappy talks and dumb arguements. haha. yeah. =) rmbr sekolah menengah yisun? haha. i do. mal: ever so crappy short girl. =p brainy yet small. fast yer small. or short. irritating yet short. everything else yet short. cute yet short. =) nina: though we aren't soooooooooo close. we're alright. =) and, those were the days were we hung out and shared our secrets. haha, neyna? =p mard: ok, u giler datin madass. irritant during exams with ur nose. and all ur stupid remarks yet u're one giler hot girl who got guys chasing after u. hahaah. rock on girl, and mary rocks ey? atrah: my giler-crap pod'ner. hahaa. freaky and cute and kecoh la u. bende kecik2 kau ktawe peh kuat. hahaha. anws, yeah. =) oh btw, i rcvd the *email* btw. hahaha. tt was long ago la. thanks, girl. zul: the tall girl, my partner during pe and other outings. ahha. we're the babat clan. =p haha. kecoh la. well, ur mood swings so scare me sometimes. haha. but, u're a great/dumb/smart/annoying kid. =) atika: yeah. so, we werent on good terms, few months back. im glad we're friends again. and yeah, tho sometimes you can get on my nerves, (to be frank lah) but we're cool. and u're another mysterious girl. haha. =) nicole: the chokichoki friends. wheee~ the greatenglish speaker with great vocab who comes out with weird yet intresting ideas. and, no worries for the eoy yeah. nurul,ifah,thirah,mira: you girls are great too. alwayssss adding laughter to the class. ahah. and smart! so, yeah. thnks for any/everything. and, fnn with u guys are kecoh! =) kiki: the craping cute clumsy blur girl. haha. =) nurisah: ever so sweet, smart, pretty monitress. =) fad: rock beb. hahah. idk. but, yeah. hahaha. omg! =p wat am i saying =___= amirahismail: haha. cute, chubby! great poa fren. woohooo. ajak ngumpat, gerek u! _________ that shud be it. also to the other sch kids. people of f5, bdk2 bola laki, bdk2 melayu 3E, 3N, 3T whom im close with, BANDgeeks, bdk2 sec2 yg aku rapat, sec4s and 5s. aku minta maaaaaaaf. =) and, espacially to my dear xbff..damn.. _________ and, to the outside school kids. budak2 aiss. faizah, shitkin, khairi, faris, hydhir, man, azhim and wan. =) thanks for eveyrthing eh. aku pon nk mintak maaf kalau ade buat silap ke ape la eh. thank you eh, korg2. ahah. =) and, its nice to have a chg in enviroment. laen kali kluar, ajak aku ye. =))) and, also man's brother gang. elfie, fairul and gang. ahah. thanks for going home together. all those share2 drinks. fireworks! thanks for layaning me when i was bored and shits. ahaha. kecoh la u all. =) hmmm. who else ehh. faiz! yeah. u too. =) ________ now, thats a whole load of people. and, of course my family members, cousins and friends. =) damn, this entry is full of =)s. i think i'll go now. I WANNA DYE MY HAIR LA. and, shaun'darls (hahahahahahhaha) got free tickets for the HYPEUP concert. waduh. gerek la my darls. ahah! crap. ok, have fun, darl. goodnight, freshmen. I WANT TO GO TO BULLWORTH ACADEMY! *random* lastly: SLAMAT HARI RAYE MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN KE SUME ORG2 MALAY AND ISLAM. AND, U TOO, SIRAJ! HAHA. ur mom rocks cause shes gonna help u find yer bride. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() right hello all. so today school ended like, at 9.45 but i went home at 1.45. ahhaha. due to dikir. well, i wasnt part of it. but got so hooked up in singing and clapping along till mr zul halau-ed us. boo you. went home and yeah. slept till buke. i was suppose to help my mom bake cookies. but, yeah. idk why i slept like a log in my uniform summore. haha! well, im gonna blog about yesterday's trip to pulau semakau!! Thursday, 19 Oct 06. so the geog ppl from 3/6-3/9 went for a trip to pulau semakau for a geography cum social studies kinda thingy. ahaha. idk how to put it but. i was ever so excited la. my first ever boat trip. woohoo. we went to marina south pier to get the boat/ferry/dock/whatever/junk/ship/okbedek. my class got special treatment. woo! we got our own 3E8 boat while the other 3 classes shared a bigger orange boat. haha. our boat went faster, and we could even leave the boat. i mean, idk how to put it in words. i'll just upload the pics later yea. we took a 20mins boat ride, and reached the pulau semakau landfil first. during the trip, we camwhored alot. took pictures of the waters. some islands.. the sun and the ships around us. eye-opener la. haah. 3E8 like, conquered the holding room. the guys were playing table-soccer, one-pass in the premises itself while me and lisah were camwhoring. so did pat and liwen. ahha. whee~ i like my geog class. then the guys took a soccer pic. ahha. cool. _________ after much waiting, the orange boat arrived and we proceeded to a bus and went around pulau semakau landfil. we went around the rock bun. its kinda cool, since you're travelling on sea. now to think of it, when i heard the guide saying countries like dubai and such studied this island and would make their own in their country. considering the documentary i watched on NGC, i think they really did copy our idea. woah. spore rocks la. ahah. but dubai made an resort island while spore got a landfil thingy. its pretty cool, that we got such islands on spore. theres 11 cells, in the landfill. and 5 are already used up for waste. and, imagine if we used up all 11 cells. where else can we dispose our rubbish? really gotta think far on that. woo. then, there was a presentation and such...and after building a landfill on p.semakau, no other islands are available. no more islands left in spore for other use. my.... and then, we went back home. haha. tu jer. aku malas nk citer2 la. ok nah, gmbr eh. kbye~ goodnight. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. irritaaaaasiii!! (as quoted by lisah.) what a way to start an entry! sheesh. anws today was a well-spent day. at johor, with my malay classmates. great but, felt a lil ....... at that point of time. if only sarcasm is my first language. damn. so we went to the sultan abdul bakar museum, some kota tinggi museum and johor art gallery. i love the sultan .... musuem most. its guh-reat la. the others were kinda boring. and, also i loved, ANGSANA. duh, cause we got abt 2hrs to walk ard and shopped? ahha. i bought kuehs, krepek, kek layer. ibu la, suro blanjer skali. haha. and i got some food for myself for break fast and i got myself a tee. yey! happy tree friends tee. hahaa. bootylicious. whatever~ ahha. didnt camwhored much in the bus. no fren laaaa. haha. everyone was doing their own thing. hah. so i joined the guys infront for a crappy talk. yey. and since i had an ulcer at my tongue, i become pelat la. haha. r rosak, s rosak, m, l, all rosak la. hahaa. one whole day, i got disturbed because of that. ahaha. boo. and din was like, 'shid, stik out your tongue.' and he was looking for a hole or barbell i think. haha. he thought i pierced my tongue since i spoke like i had just pierced. haha. madness~ overall, i'd give it a 7 outta 10. yeah. that should be it. it wasn't thaaaat exciting and fun and crazy and all. darn. listening to stay and perhaps love is sooo great. and goong just now was soo frustrating. i almost cried! idk why tho. heh. cant wait for the next episode! wanna go out tmr, but can't give it a miss. i can't give, watching tv as an excuse right. -.- and one more thing. STOP IT OKAY. to whoever yg terase la. tsktsk. i don't like the sight of it. goodnight, prince of the sea. i.miss.you.,you. hey. heres a shoutout to sec1s the mcm paham ppl la, ok. eh, korg tkmo nak stepping2 uh pat sch. kalau perangai alrite takpe. ni, satu2 kejar laki. abeh memalukan masyarakat bdk2 pompuan mlayu. and seriously la, for the last time, STOP WEARING EYELINER TO SCHOOL! you want, u at home u scare yourself with the thick eyeliner surrounding ur eyes. -.- you guys are such a disgrace to the other better sec1 kids. damnit! okay im done. hmmm. school was boring. very very boring. and was dissapointed in my subj marks. either cukup2 makan or fail. GAHH. and im very very happy with my ss! i got 39 over 50! hahaa. but, plus geog, plus test marks and deduct here n there, just got a C5. damnit. but whats important is the score u obtained from the test itself. damn. ANTM starting soon. and i've been singing along to perhaps love. ahha. madness~ hope tmr wud be a great day. heard some peeps not following. wth. but im gnna have fuuunn! camwhore and all. wheee~ and shopping at msia. ibu suro belik kueh seh. haha. i want to buy something for my room. -.- like what can i buy kan, for the room. haha. okay, i gtg. and people nowadays are getting out of hand, and very unreasonable. yey. tmr i get to meet my boyfriend. not sure if i can be on time. depends if he can go out la...booooh. you wanna noe who im talking abt? haha. alahhh, that guy la. besok2 i show u his pic. ahhaah. goodnight, palace prince. *wouldn't it be great, if you hadn't unblocked me? cause, its the same. blocked or not like you care? you woudnt even chat with me, unless you goddamnmf bored and you got nothing else to do or your game is finished or what. damn. i feel so stupid..you might as well, delete me. Meet or Delete; ![]() hey semua. AKU SUDAH TUKAR NOMBOR HP TAU. EMEL ATAU PM SAYA DI MSN/HOTMAIL or FRENSTER/MYSPACE. or hello everyone. I CHANGED MY HP NO. ALRD. EMAIL OR PM ME AT MSN/HOTMAIL or FRENSTER/MYSPACE. ____ and i dun wanna go school tmr. i wanna sleeeeeeeeeeeep in. darn. i hate this. boo! anws, shit and khairi went to the gig at gashaus just now. i wonder how it went. daaamn. i miss going to gigs. haha. i hope i go to one, soon! =))) goodnight, monkaaays! hello everyone. i know, i have not been blogging since the exam-free holiday week. well, i'll start with friday. but before that, thanks for all your love and concern (ceh!) people, and im feeling great right now. =D Friday
so, today, Sunday. hadn't got any plans yet. maybe just gonna browse through myspace. and this comp is kills me, whenever i go to certain profiles on myspace. booo! i can't drop ppl comments seh. i miss the saturday people la.haha. but skg sume dah ade member baru. fairul ckp ade 2 pompuan bdk ai dah join gang dorg. haishhhhh. i wanna find new friends! haha. boooo. boo. boooo. aku tau, aku rindu faiz! ahha. =p
yang skg ni, aku tk sabar sebab dapat gi johor ngn bdk2 class malay aku. gerek seh! aku nak camwhore habeshabesan. aku nak amek gmbr dengan ramai orang. hahaa. harap2 nti kite gi sekola menengah perling tu, dapat make myspace fren ker, msn pal ker. haha. alrite jugak! ahah.
smlm aku chat ngn cik AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. gerek. ahahaha. kecoh la dek tu. die ngn mataer die asek nsmnc3mout jer. hahahaa. orhor.
btw, im gonna change my number. to my line nye nombor tuh. ahaha. later im gonna collect my sim card uh people. k, power. so if i do collect my simcard, i'll keep u guys informed with my number. anything, pm on msn yeah. okbye!
goodday, xiao sin. hello. today kinda, sucked. damn. today's sahur, kinda sucked. i didnt have the appeitte. just drank a sip of water, and i felt like throwing up. and i did. -.-'' so, i threw up 3 times. daang! ate a lil, read my fnn txtbook and wenta sleep. and i woke up close to 7. damn late. so rushed in the shower, and felt giddy after that. didnt feel like going to school. whats more, im too lazy to visit the doc to get an mc. then again, its the last paper. made my way slowly, up the brigde. woaah, a tough terrain there. heh. tsktsk.. reached the bottom, felt soooo giddy. and the bus just left. walked slowly. felt like lying down on the pavment. walked a lil. and i stopped at a longkang, and threw up whatever i ate for sahur. damn that sucked. and this kind lady stopped, and gave me tissues. it was 7.30 by then. tsktsk. i took my own time. i felt like crying and lie down on the spot. but i just boarded the bus and made my way slowly to school. by then, it was alrd 0745. tsktsk. luckily i got a warning. walked slowly up the stairs, and entered class. to tell you the truth, i didn't exactly study! no mood to study at all. no energy dude. was given the paper. i did all i could. i did nothing for 30mins. was in pain. was tearing, but hadta endure. went straight home, and slept. im soo gonna fail this exam. slept and slept. was online but, he chose to play games. grr. gamer-freak. T_T is he always like that? daaaamnit. anws, im having a great time chatting with AhmadArif and NurulNadia. ahha1 kecoh! okbbye. goodnight, ____________. hello there. today woke up at 11am, cause of zad. suppose to meet the rest at half and hour pass 12. but i was still sleeping. woke up close to 2 and bathed. met them, and they did their art, and i did my fnn. after much boredom, we decided to go to the stress-free corner. got dizzy and we camwhored. then we played bball with daryl, nigel, zhang xi(?), boonyang and zhi xiong(?). very fun, and tiring. like duh, we're fasting damnit. despite the fact that we're goddamn restless, we're still up for a game. aahaha. i got tired easily. i my head was spinning. i felt cold inside. i stopped, and just watched the girls play. enjoyable! bball is my new 2nd fav sport, i guess. haha. walked home with zaida. i was having illusions la. like, seeing two. ahha. so i stopped every single time i see a chair. decided to lie down on the chair. i felt like throwing up. but, what's there to throw. and im fasting. i don't wanna stop fasting just because i felt weak. = walked to northpoint. was freaking cold by then. idk why. but i was perspiring profusely la damnit. then, waited for zaida to get her sharkfin while i was looking for a place to seat. wanted to queue up for bubble tea, but didn't have the energy to queue. zad bought me my drink. thanks beb. went to get my air katira and then, we parted. i was worried, cause who knows, i might just faint on the pavement. tried to walk to the bustop, crunching. i was perspiring like fjk3n28 and was very weak. boarded the bus, and walked home asap. got home, lie down in my sweat. i was sooooo weak. and i soon, fell asleep. then, it was time to break fast. i felt energized alrd. had my fried noodles and a sip of air katira. had a short talk with my mom, on how i got into this state. then, i felt food coming up my throat twice. like wtf, i quickly ran into the toilet and threw up. everything i ate for bukapuase came out. wth! this has nvr happened man. whats happening. my mum said, its bcus im weak and of the haze. zad said im the type who couldnt play sports immediately, but gotta warm up first. gees. i got no appetitte to eat. i wanna eat, but im scared i throw up again. dang! and hope it's alright by tmr. cause i dun wanna go running to the toilet for my last exam! and now, i got no mood study. shit la. im not in the mood. theee one is not chatting with me. = i wonder... goodnight, inferior vena cava. hello. today's paper was alright. i kept mixing up the oxygenatated and deoxygenated blood. and i forgot whats the word equation for anaerobic respiration in yeast cells. daaaaaaaaaamnit. there goes my A2 for bio. i was busy calculating the marks that i would probably get for each qn for like 10mins. ahha. so, overall it was okay. and poa1 was crap to me. i do anyhow seh. hahaha. like whatever. i expect like 18 for the lowest marks. i have high expectations. =D oh yeah, during the interval for the poa paper, we crapped ard instead of revising. ahah. we talked about the upcoming msia trip. and we came up with weird chinese names for ourselves!! shidah: chi ja atrah: at lah malah: ma laa zul: zu le ha zaidah: ja jii daa syairah: sa i la hahaah, kekek sak. and yeah. waited ages for mstan to finish eating, and that woman in the office. just to get 2 slips of paper. -.-'' and went to causeway with sya.because of her, i banged into a pole in the bus. haha. and my headphones terjatuh badly down my neck. hah. and walked ard, looking for gifts. sorry syaaa! =p headed home and went out to ntuc with the grrls. haha. i got my nescafe again! yey. did some grocery shopping and went home. msn-ed and editted pix. hah. and, got to know some shocking news. thanks to iz and nic. was really really sad. but idk why. lagi siket, batal puasa gaknye. tsktsk. so he avoided me on msn. idk why. was really shocking. but thanks to iz, (i owe u 1!) she kinda helped sort things out. tsktsk. and he didnt even noe that he blocked me! how sad. but come to think of it, it might be a lil non-fiction. but wth. i was goddamn pissed and sad and angry and whatever ah. even if you don't wanna chat with me on msn, you didn't have to go to the extent of blocking me. he apologised and shits, and yeah. things are fine. i was pissed la. and he guessed it right. he knows me alrd. =) and yea, things are alright now. i guess. ohwells, i cant wait for his concert and my band prac! im sure its gnna be kndnewd72. hah. i want a trombone!haha. random seh. and i want that reebok harvesack la! and the old converse bag. hahaa. goodnight penelope. right, a brief summary on today. a quickie before ANTM starts! wheee~ today's geog and maths2 was alright. my maths, is as usual, no hope la. but if you pay attention in the beginning of the year and all, confirm can do seh. cus its kinda easy. i saw all these qns, but idk how to do la. ohwells. curses. geog was alright. i forgot some points for ancilary services. i spent 1 hr on a 25m qn! and i think i kinda screwed the GE and Map Reading. darn. hope my geog dun pull my comb. humanities marks la. i really need a grade 2. after exams, was looking for the rest of the girls. and no one was in class, except the chinese ppl and me, sya, lis and wan. oooh. the rest were missing la. idk where they went. without me! haha. like whatever dude. = so we went bus-ed home. we were mad la. haha. me, sya and wan. madness. we spoke the selangor style. hahaa. 'apo khabor?! sudeh lamo tek jumpe ehh!!" madness. walked around at coldstorage for my coffee. they dun have nescafe! grr. so went to NTUC with wan. sya went home. me and wan had a great time touring khatib's ntuc. we wanted to camwhore but his hp was dead. we walked down every isle and took free samples of baby wipes! ahha. burok sak wan. and purchased my nescafe and walked home with him. in the frigde now, i got a latte and mocha waiting. and also vienna choc from dutch lady. that coffee sooo, don't work for me. mocha to drink later for sahur! alritey, ANTM starting soon people. 'okehhh, you all, you all ni sumo gi ngok tb yer. okeh, slmt jalen yehh!' "burok siol, shid." - wan. * ![]() hello people. just had a cold shower. whee~ today, went out with shidm, fiz and mad. and met ana later on. the boys and me went to the philharmonic youth winds at esplanade concert hall for free. it was alright. the songs were kinda boring. i was hoping they played some kinda overture or such. but they placed disney songs. hmm, it was alright. and a viking march for the encore. well done, youth winds. there were few beautiful soloists. the eupho, alto sax and picollo. awesome. im so going for the next beautiful sunday, and come early as possible and get the best seat. the next one would be a free performance by the singapore malay symphony/orchestra. idk and so, slacked at esplanade. we weren't in the mood to study, somehow. gees. haha. so just talked and crapped. and met ana at cthall. fiz headed back home to study and break fast with his aunt. while me, shidm, mad and ana went to tampines since SSO were performing. like, SSO dude! the singapore symphony orchestra! im not much an orchestra fan as there's lotsa string instruments which im not intrested in. but wth, they sounded great. was just enjoying to the tunes of bunyi guitar and soundtrack from the beatles. suhhweet. break fast at some food court in century sq/mall. had my all-time-favourite-eat-at-anywhere-which-sells-banmien, chiken ban mien. =p. and headed home. slept from pasir ris all the way till ys. and the lovebirds were just resting in the comfort of their own arms. ahaha. whatever, i almost missed a stop. home, and chatted with yazri. and azhar. and bathed. and yeah. i guess i should start mugging like adnsa39 and sleep and after sahur, gonna continue geog like hell. goodnight! *credits to maaaaady, the deep fryer. hah! hello there. today, i literally rotted at home. did nothing. didn't study. maybe gonna study later. hah. today, was looking for place to print my class tee. i was designing one...i hope they like it. ahahaha. still in the process of designing it. and was designing web banners. but ripsnorters turned out bad. ahahha. =p was searching for blogskins. i need a new look la. haha. and nowadays, almost every skin that i find appealing, are mostly vector-ised. all vector based. and nowadays, lotsa emo based skin. =\ wth. what else....i had weird dreams yesterday. he was in it. the dreams were freaky ones. till my fingers were *semot-semot*. heh. we took the lift. it was only till level4 la. but it was like, the G-Max thingy. it went all the way till hw many meters above ground. hahaha. madness. and another one. i was in this house with some guy la. this blackmagic kinda guy. and there was this woman he hated coming to his house soon. so, the guy took a doll, sumthin like chucky la. undressed the doll, painted a green shorts on the doll and opened the door and scared the woman away. kinda a lol kinda thing. = hahah. and azhar called me just now. he was like, "shid, kau free? datang rumah aku skg..dye kan rambut aku? pleaseeeeee" ahaha. after bathing, i called back, i told him i cant make it to his house..and he was like, "oh.kbye.." i wonder whats up with him. = ANY ONE WANNA FOLLOW ME GO TO A CONCERT? I MEAN, BAND CONCERT KINDA THING. =\ WHO WANTS TO GOOOOO? symphonic band performing for free at esplanade! 8-) right, chatted and played games with my 'brother', hasyrul. ahaha. he like won at every game! espacially that damn checkers. tictactoe too! and minesweeper! but i won him at bejeweled. hahaha. =p and looking forward to go out with band mates tmr...for the concert at esp. and also with fairul and gang. ahahah. 's'an is being sucha jerk. keep blaming me cus of his confiscated phne. grr. haha. okbye.. goodnight penelope. CURSE YOU, DEFORESTATION-NERS!! ![]() ![]() PS: long entry ahead! greetings. today, had chemistry and poa paper 2. i screwed both, i think. i forgot some of the trading items la. damnit. the 1st qn is alrd 24marks! like wth. im sure josephine, malah and the top scorers for poa will definetly get an A1. waaaaaaaa. and chemstry, i was just writing crap. i hope i do get to score in my mcq, and my structured qn. at least a 10 for sect C is alright. = yesterday's maths was totally nonsence. i mean, yeah. actually, when you think of if, exams are easy. the questions are easy, but either you completely forgot the formulas and format and shits like that. and sometimes, teachers set questions that they hardly focus on in class and like, SUPRISE! this is a suprise kinda qn. curses. CURSES! sarcasm has been filling up my day with angst. (that sounds wrong. how to rephrase? wtv, eng's over) its really really irritating, but i've been putting up for like, 2 years and counting. darn. sabar jek shid, no use getting so tensed. everything little thing i say, is followed by an irritating and sacarstic comment. WHAAASUUPP WITH THAAAAT?! then, i feel so, dispersed (too much geog). idk where i belong. like for instance, the other girls followed atrah permed her hair. they didn't invite me along. ohwells, sometimes i really feel like kandjn87. no, not sometimes. all the time. = one by one, they occur. damnit. just now, did some baking at home. i thought it would turn out fine cause me, abg and oj put in effort to knead the dough, heat the filling and all..then, when my mum came back, i was about to suprise her, but the filling was set. it was still liquid-y. damn. and my lemon pie, it was way too sour. you know, like those sour candy? yeaaaah. the fillings were great. it's just the pie shell. it's not cooked well. damnit la. i feel like giving up already. i swear, im not gonna bake at home. unless the recipe is exact. damnit. = i find my friends weird. they come and go, i think. whatever. im gonna enjoy tonight and go for intensive studying either at home, or downstairs and de-stress on sunday by going to the concert. yey. goodnight, 7380 cats. oh yeah, HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY TO AZHAAAAAAAAAAAAR! =) <3 SAYAAAAAAAAAAANG KAU. =P damnit. i cant concentrate seh. i wonder, how all my other friends can be soooo hooked up one one blood subject. and like keep practising and all. i wanna do that too, but. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. curses. idk la. damnit. i got chem and poa. both weak. grr. if only school was that simple. *snap* damnit. i guess i'll try to be more focused. and once in 2007, gotta study 6 months before olvl prelims! =x goodnight fckinchem and dumbdumbpoa. he's history editted 2242hrs. i watched mcr's the black parade vid. and it was hella great. gerald looks so -.-''. he's a blondie! that explains mary's pmsg. ahah. and mikey was sooooooo hot. and the other gutarist looked normal as ever. and the vid was great la. the masks the 'black people' wore were superb. a great halloween outfit. whatever, im in love with mikey. =p hi. a short one. i updated ydae, but blogger never fail to make me angry. = so yeah. today received a massaging octopus. im gonna call it togen. i guess. wth. hahaa. received plushies seh, this birthday. a pooh thingy from siti...a green turtle from nic....octopus from zul...what's next? hahaa. THANKS ALL. =) my eng results were atrocious. i really really hope my compo and report is GOOD enough, for a B3. damnit. and tmr marks the start of the EOY. how irritating. EOY= intensive studying - fun FUN= lepak+chill+crap+slack STUDYING= stress+stress+pressure+no determination-intresting and if i get a B3, or better still, A2 for social studies, im gonna be happy like jfsjfjd28,; because i studied hard for this one. =p i guess that's all. northern ireland, coming my way. =p causes: -education -divided loyalties -voting -housing -jobs consequences: -loss of lives -fall in number of tourists -fall in investments -prejudices ARGH. THE LAST TWO, FALL IN INVESTMENTS AND PREJUDICES, I FORGOT! AND I ACTUALI REFFERED! grr. goodnight, tamil tigers. rawrr |