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SHIDDYDUDADEY or saiyidah. 19, science, korean boys pretty much in delusion. contact: 1 2 3 |
Expect rl stuffs like rants on annoying people, family, school, work and maybe inanimate objects. And occasional hxc spazzing because fandom is my laifu.tagboard
haniz ella
kak rin
kak yam
Design: DC |
Freedom of Art and Design.
well. the title...is something like that. that's what F.A.D, the studio launch i went to just now stands for. AHA. it wasn't such huge press event. just a joyous-karaoke gathering among family members. it was ama's cousin who made a new studio/jamming place along Bussorah St. so. *shameless advertising* for 14bux an hour. do visit F.A.D or. contact ama or something. idk. reached there at almost 6 and met her aunts and uncles and whoever else who's there. i cant rmbr who's who. so we youngsters stayed up in the jamming room to meddle around with the microphone and just lazed around, enjoying the air con. i was like playing around with the microphone, singing to Gee and Lies. and. they made me look like a fool...sitting there by myself. lip syncing and doing the dance. T_T thanks ehh korg. had our food and played with bubble buddies. had cake twice and i even danced with a makcik to a hindi song. OMGAH. overall. it was an eyeopener. really. there were like real life datin-diaries makciks there too! dayum. one of 'em looked rili snobbish. geez. the trip back home with zee, zlynah and jeyd was freaaaakin hilarious all of us had to hold our pee in. AHA. i had a good time. till then. i gotta work tmr and start all over with Vbly. EDIT: dude. its already the last day of February. whaddfck?
It tells the truth.
woke up at 3. making me head feel even worse. ahaha. still felt feverish. and i keep doing nothing about it when my body's running a temperature. T_Tlazed around till 6 when ama asked me out to Daiso. did a lil of shopping at SSC. got myself a pair of faulty risky business shades at Cotton On. i love rejected goods. ^_^ you'll see why its rejected once i get some pictures from ama. only because its black and pink. hoho. walked around and yeahhh. went to macdees to use her lappy. now. everytime i pass by my workplace. it feels so. cursed. idk if i can work there in peace. ergh. the other preview in their secret code album, Take My Hand is out alrd. its too pop-pish for me. then again. its just a 30s preview. one user commented, "dudes, if we can live through the Hi Ya Ya and Balloons days...why cant we do for this one?" anyway. thanks ama for asking me out to SSC today. ahah and also. a happy 19th to you! enjoy your last teenage year before you enter your 20s. hahaha. oh yeah. please remind yoochun not to change his hairstyle anddddd...get changmin to write k. ;D HAPPY 19TH MRS. PARK-AMALINA! ♥♥ Labels: birthday Elmer the patchwork elephant.
he's gone. my purse is gone. no more pink brolly. no red diary to write during work. so is my(sister's) bag, ipod nano 1st gen similar to shimchangmin in MyDestiny mv, posb+ocbc atm cards, my pink singaporean ic, my ezlink worth $10.24564bux. and my house keys.damn. why was i so careless. why did i even bring my bag out. why did i leave it there. so many questions. so many "if's" and "why". WHAIIII?! i can go on and on. sorry fiona to cause you this trouble. and thanks for combing the area with me. and your parents too. im sucha troublemaker. 1) rats. 2) thief. damn. i wrote this on SG Shawol's Unopened letter to the world thread. here's for you mister. dear robber/rob(if tts yr name u shud die)/thief/thieves/stealer/no brainer/bored loser/idiot. gosh. you wanna talk about lookin' on the bright side? sorry. im living in a box. its all dark now. damn. i've never felt what its like to lose something/someone this important. i sooo hate this feeling. its time, i believe in Karma. Labels: lost Baby we can!
![]() ![]() HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! ![]() ![]()
dang silvia is so cute. she's a good colleague. she kept insisting i join the other yishun people for supper after work to catch up with work gossips. it's been awhile since i felt part of the team. wootz. anyhoos. today was a great day! tiq lovesssss making me wake up early all because of a sad key. HAHA. met her and azrie at Khatib and i continued the hunt for Betty Crocker's cookie mix. settled on the double chocolate chunk. watched teevee a lil and used the lappy with my HDMI tv as the monitor. ME LIEK! hurried off to NP to meet jeyd to get some pictures printed and brisk walked to zul's cat sanctuary. LOL. there were so many persians cats lying around! gosh. felt like stroking them. but, didn't wanna take the risks. so we baked a cookie cake. YUM. sadly, we had to lie in order for a success. rushed to meet ama for our weekly baddy session. all of us had to acted badly. and finally, when jeyd was doing her sit ups... i just took out the box of cookie bars and said, "ama! happy advance!" it was so short and lol. funny lah! ama was totaaally dumbfounded. so we sang the birthday song in korean (duh, super reds what) and snapped LQ shots with a handphone. all of our worthy cameras were happily sitting in its drybox. camwhored and ate pieces of happiness. yummm. we should bake often. and start from scratch. zul, let's start with the cake recipe book your mom has. >.< so amidst all the happiness and chocolates, i handed zul and ama a keychain each which me and jeyd prepared earlier on. saw the picture? yeaaaaah. we're such loveable creatures. did our rounds and today's baddy was English in the 90s. HAHAA. well. late 90s. when were in primary school. bsb, nsync, westlife. well. today is a great day! things went out as planned and even zul managed to send me a file without it failing! and BOF ep15 sure is... idk. dayum. goodnight. i gotta send the lil sister for library club tmr morning at FRIGGIN 9AM. someone fly me there. ♥AMA! HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE SURPRISE! LOVE YA FELLOW FAT/BANDGEEK! and ZUL! HOPE YOU LIKE THE KEYCHAIN! ♥ 사랑한다!~ Labels: birthday, girlfriends, plans, stadium Names and video games.
gosh. youtube is lagging so bad. idk if i can endure the laggyness once BOF 15 is subbed. tsssssk. am watching past MBC Idol Show. they're soooo hilarious. aha.work was okay just now. the rat(s) appeared only at night, once. phew~ and appu came to take the $$ and he messed up the place. now i gotta reach even further to take those files. talked a lil with Derek since he came by for awhile. about this job and location and stuff. he's a good guy. dang. if only i worked at CP. haha. i'd slackkkkk my working life away. then again. hard works comes hard cash. NOW WHO CAME UP WITH THAT? got to leave on the dot, leaving the customers there pondering. PUAHAHA. rushed home, checked the mail and i received my kerropi keyboard stickers! will take a picture of it soon. its so pretty i wish i could type forever! so Tohoshinki's Survivor M(P)V is out and ITS not so awesome. it is. but. yeah. i've yet to understand the video yet. all i know is...JAE LOOKS SOOOOOOOO SEXXXXXY IN THE TEAM BLACK part of the video. his hair is....JJANG! but the english version, Brickwall is stuck in my head. "Damn~ It's like talking to a brickwall..." booojae had lotsa air time. but the rest.... =/ maybe the video was LQ and very blurry and silau. yknw? aha. okay. i got something up my sleeve tmr. GOODNIGHT PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. Labels: work I'm like talking to a brickwall.
![]() cr: as tagged omgggg Balloons bossanova version is amazinggg! thanks to bon_zhorr.lj! its so... dreamy. like. the perfect group you wanna see at the beach bar. drinking from a coconut itself. mmm. sounds like a summer dream! * v* haha. anyway. i cant wait for Tohoshinki's Survivor! and the mv.. i wonder how its gna be like. lol. the voices. very. digital/anime-ish. lol i like the english Brickwall. hoo. work was okay just now. i thought i saw a rat in the machine. iono. i just kept banging the door and chair. whyy do i have such rotten luck. speaking of my cousin who's going to korea in like 9523530months....AADBSK3! haha. i. can't. wait. for. AADBSK3. what was in AADBSK1 uh? k. more research to do. so today's Suqi's and Hydhir's gig at idk where. 2 diffrent places on the same day. im glad i didn't attend either because i wouldn't make up my mind which to attend. lulzzzzz. today is downloading day. lol. dwld the mirotic concert poster from war_freakz, dwld the ripped mp3s from mirotic concert and hanisenpai sent me dbsk emotes. whee~ so the concert's over and the boys are transforming into Tohoshinki soon. zomg im listening to the concert audio rips. SOOO GOOOOD. omgggg with the fanchants and all. gosh. and changmin's english Upon A Rock(ithinkttsthetitle) solo..gosh. he nailed that freakin high note perfectly! dayum. i feel like. im there. srsly. && XIAHTIC IS AMAZING. ♥ srsly. i said this, and imma say it again: korean fangirls win at fangirllife. Can't you see my eyes.
![]() cr: jaejin.lj today. felt so short. working at WM from 3 to 9 wasn't that bad after all. did my own stuff. managed to write something and slacked. LOL. there wasn't much of a crowd either. and tmr, im working again. for the first time... im working 3 days straight. TSK? rushed home with fancams of the Mirotic Concert in mind and also food since i was sooo hungry. tsktsk. so watched the fancams and i. am. jealous. read a few accounts and. im. even. jealous. to listen to your favorite idol group live on stage, singing a medley. WOAH. no fair. *pouts* would DBSK still be around if i turn 20? or 25? aha. oh well. i don't think i can wait patiently for them to come to Singapore. ergh. so kakyam would prolly be going to Korea at the end of the year. and by then. i'd have money. and ask her to get me stuffs. (PS: shid, prz to be prepare list of items sankyu) okay. imma watch kkotbodanamja now. and imma borrow the Twilight Saga from malah tmr! yipeedoo~
Mirotic Concert in Seoul 2009
![]() ![]() mmmm so we went out for some thrift shopping over at Holland and Clementi on Wednesday. got ourselves good buys and had a hearty meal. before that, i woke up at like 8+ to send aqilah to school for her weekly library club. -_- its sucha hassle to travel to the other end of singapore. i better be thankful that my futureschool is a 20mins ride away. took quite awhile to get to Bukit Merah Library. took a bus from Redhill to the interchange....had to figure out which bus and which stop to alight. and i was smiling and saying, "doh! purple! there it isss!!" to myself loudly. aha. its pretty big for a community library. a pity the yishun library now is mini. T_T got a good read and surfed the net a lil. it definitely is a great place to go. very quiet. unlike certain libraries. work today was fine. except that in the beginning, there was rat crisis. thanks to me. aha but come on! the rat was sticking it's tail out! i thought it was some rope but it freakin wriggled. EW. EW EW EW. so i tried stomping my foot and it wriggled more. the other uncles and aunties kept a look out and tried to chase it away. FREAKY LAH. IT WAS IN THIS HOLE AT THE CORNER OF MY FREAKIN MACHINE. IT WAS SO DIFFICULT TO WORK LIKE THAT. i didn't even check the machine for swallowed cards. ergh. im rili happy to work with such great working-neighbours. aha. sad, didn't get to leave work on time. rest day tmr and im busy with my weekends. off to WM on saturday. malas nyer. 1) 2KIM peforming Xiah(ro)tic at tmr's concert! and also... ![]() ![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY FATHER! (tho the one with the cake was during my mom's bday lol)i know you won't read this... though we may not spend such quality, father-daugter times together. thanks for popping by my workplace with drinks and food. love you! ♥ HAPPY 21ST SHIM CHANGMIN! ♥
WARNING: THE CONTENT BELOW IS ONLY APPROPRIATE FOR FANS LIKE ME AND HANISENPAI AND OTHER HUMANOIDS WHO APPRECIATE DBSK BOYS LIKE I DO. OTHERWISE, KINDLY EXIT THIS PAGE AND WAIT FOR ANOTHER UPDATE. THANK YOU. ![]() ![]() ![]() open concert changmin. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "INSERT ME HERE" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() cr: DNBN ![]() ![]() its on replay on my hubstation. aigoo. uri changmin turned 21(22 in KOR) today! gosh. changmin. shim changmin. choikang changmin. max. prince. UFO king. changmin. why did i ever fall in love with you? love sure is blind. you just randomly fall in love with some foreign asian dude who stays -053-252394miles away from ya who sings and dances for a living with thousands of fans world wide stalking them 24/7. so many things happened to changmin in 2008. being in japan for almost, forever. i almost forgot about their existence(k bedek). and when they had their amazing comeback on 24th Sept but was pushed back to sometime ard 28th Sept. I WAS SO SAD CAN. =( it was an almost perfect bday gift yknw. how changmin looked so awesome in the water splashing, cloth wrapping and mirotic uniform photoshoot. so yummeh. those days when you were being attacked by weird china fans. wtf. what do they know eh, bb? >.< fancy throwing a bag at your head supposedly to make you phail even more. T_T what else. mmm you crying at MKMF. gosh. even i, who was watching that live at 784's gomtv which lagged like jglkjgds felt weird. thank god for youtube. how you showed the other side of Shim Changmin. times at GDA where you danced awesomely in awful checkered/houndstooth prints and those times in SBS Gayo Daejun where you stripped; only showing us longing fans your flawless back. haaai.. i can go on and on about this 1 korean dude. sorry but im perhaps crazay in luhv. haha. changminn ah. i cant wish for more already. its good if things stay this way. hope your work load lessens, you get to spend more time with papa&mama shim and yr sisters. maybe read a book or two and swim all you want. life as an idol sure is tough eh? sad, you chose that path. LOL. Most importantly. I wanna thank you for being somewhere I could see. (well, literally) from a l♥ving Cassiopeia(but i like Bigeast), 사이다. PS: i got more pics to share actually. but its okay. anyway, pictures credits to DNBN, tagged and few LJ users. :) [idon'tclaimthepics] father at 13.
![]() ![]() read the headlines? i seriously am worried for the future of the next generation in the world. in singapore, most teens. no. kids in primary school picked up smoking from strong influences from their siblings or peers. gosh. and this teacher had sex with a student? GOSH. don't they feel the slight guilt? tsk. i wonder how other younger kids would grow up. father at 13yrs old. might as well be his newborn baby brother! damn. i was in shock lah. reading it on yahoo. he's into cars. he haven't break his voice. and he loves his baby. okay. we have a complete, true, non-fiction Juno case. except Juno was about 16-17yrs old. teen pregnancies. tsk. kids nowadays can't wait to have babies eh? well. put that sad topic aside. woke up giddy. sheeesh. in march, imma try to switch my body clock. i cant be sleeping at 4am and wake up at 2.30 everyday? i guess its taking it's toll right now. my head felt soooo heavy and slightly feverish and acute, sharp tummy pains. work was fine. didnt have much to do except the special card case at the end of shift WHICHHH i had to leave late. even fiona from CP popped by on the way home for dinner. lol. watched Kkotbodanamjaaa with mother and nyai just now. AND STUPID HUBSTATION/STARHUB/KBSWORLD! i scheduled it to be recorded at 9-10.10 BUT stupid KBSWORLD HADDDD TO PLAY IT TILL LIKE 10:13 OR SMTG. I DIDNT GET TO FINISH IT. ergh. finally. rest tmr. i can't wait for our baddy session! aahaa. k, nothing much to update except changmin's big day on 18th! Edit: HAPPY 18TH F(p)AIIIIZZ!! meet up soon k! hope you enjoyed the bongo meal i treated you months ago. HAHA. :D
Labels: birthday, kpop, news, work |