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SHIDDYDUDADEY or saiyidah. 19, science, korean boys pretty much in delusion. contact: 1 2 3 |
Expect rl stuffs like rants on annoying people, family, school, work and maybe inanimate objects. And occasional hxc spazzing because fandom is my laifu.tagboard
haniz ella
kak rin
kak yam
Design: DC |
No matter what..
i am tired, beyond words.
I agree I agree!
yesterday's ppt was fine, imo. but idk if we really answered the question. i predict a B- alrd. pffft. so the plan for tuesday, was to visit the school's gym. which is why, i wore the adidas running shoes. T_Tand you've guessed it. WE DIDN'T GO. it was very embarrasing. we 4 walked towards the sports complex, filled with tanned, buffed and tones guys and gals. we took a peek at the gym and immediately headed to the ladies for our backup plan. ended up just walking past the SLA Fiesta booth and stuff and i got a few IGs in mind already. headed home, in a squeaky seat. today. was uber late. i woke up at 7.30 and CHIONGGGGG all the way. reached class 2 minutes before class commences. tsk. early morning walk from mrt to school = okay. walk from school to class = DIE. and whyyy you must be wondering? option 1) walk towards W4 Basement and wait for the lift. if too long, climb 5 storeys up. option 2) walk towards W4 Lvl1 and wait for lift. climb extra 4 storeys up. option 3) walk UP THE FKIN RAMP, pass the lawn and take lift at level3. too long, climb 2 storeys up. WHICH SOUNDS GOOD? ergh. sadly, i took 3 today. RAMP+STAIRCASE= SLEEPY, SWEATY, TIRED, BREATHLESS, SLEEPY SHID. erghh. maths today was madness. my team was the first to present. we were so screwed. i didn't do much. gosh. it was so bad i felt like banging into a wall. but then again, the whole class screwed their ppt, imo. no one gave the best plan or whatever. took a class photo bcus everyone except JY wore red/pink. can't wait to see the pics! ahahhaa. and tmr they'll be going out for dinner and i have to spend my night with the crappy environment at work. geezx. DPHM Orientation talk just now. interesting. walked home with this dude Sulaiman. haha. cool dude. i should have taken the train back with him. yknw why? i took 965 back home, alone. slept in the bus...all the way till YCK FLYOVER/EXPRESSWAY. whaddafck. wasted my $$ only. cb. so please, when im taking the bus, please come and ride with me. i hate missing my stops. i had to alight at idk where in SengKang and took 965 back to Yishun. there goes my $2.80. k, im fkin tired. BYE. What's my name?
![]() ![]() ![]() its a shame that at least 60% of the class don't know my name. im so sad by this statement. geezx. what's so funny about shiddough, either? today, the class had the monday blues. rather, me. i seriously didn't have that mood to learn. hhaa. cognitive today. and today's problem is....microwave cooking! interesting huh? i think imma like cognitive since the topic would be about anything and everything. ppt was done in a rush because all of us were busy webcamming and i was spazzing with naomi about Ji-Ssica on WGM and other kpop news like how nam gyuri quit Seeya. haha. webcamed with Malek, Jannah and Izyan today. wahahaha. lets see who's next. muahahaa. the whole class is sucha bitch. we were talking about khlnjgsidgd. we are such bad people. mee rebus and junk after school. gym tmr. can't wait. im sleepy right now. dayum. BYE PEOPLE. Excuse me,
![]() woke up early today. thanks to hafiz who asked for directions to the photocopying shop at khatib. haah. couldn't sleep after that. moreover, it was undeniably hottttttttttttt. watched BOF and i miss the show so muchhhhhhh! i remember watching it with mother on YT on late nights. hahaa. and my mom is like, "shidah...beli dvd die ahh!"lulzx. watched FO halfway and slept. ahaa. had to force myself up for work. pffft. bummer~ work was okay.. just gna work a lil more harder for that extra bonus. hahaa. i hate squatting infront of my cupboard(s) and deciding what to wear for school the next day. erggggh. i cant possibly be in jeans and jerseys and slippers all the time. im too lazy to iron the tees. idk how the other kids do it though. pick out a nice dress, get their hair, fake lashies done. woah. really gotta hand it to them. *claps* and the boys. pick out a nice shirt. pressed em and make sure their hair looks all wind swept or blown. school = town
oh well. cognitive tmr. hope it'll be an interesting topic! k, i gotta pack my stuffs. bye. H-O-T
![]() no, not H.O.T. its so hot nowadays i cant even sleep properly. gosh. supposed to tag along to the flea at homeclub with my 2 work buddies, tiq and isya! buttttttttt.......mother wanted to go to giant. got stuffs. bla bla blah. im so tired. geez. working tmr. geeeeeeeez. so many videos to watch tmr. i shall never complain of boredom. not. please, get me out of this terrible situation. *jumps off* Tag replies: reyhan: erpzzzzz. yeah, i changed my email. lol. ask kakrin or whoever for my msn ah! ama: hahaha. alah, lamer2 nti collection fangrl belambak dokzx. Tiq: IKR! mcm dongga siaaa aku kutip tu sume. tau bawak balek. Adhah: hahahaha OF COURSEEE. the whole book/scans are making me giddy. zul: kawan aku beli kat W4 lehhhh.
Where ma blood at?
![]() ![]() ![]() the team for science was okay, i guess. me and lidia were lost most of the time. geez. idk why i felt as if blood was something new to me. gosh. everything i learnt..is all gone. i felt so stupid for the day. tsk. the ppt of doom was done badly imo. could have been much better. oh well. hope my RJ's good enough. ergh. depressing friday. i got a B for maths, enterprise and cognitive. what a great way to start the week. mmm. during break, wanted to get epok2 for lunch but i can never find it. idk where melvin got it. zzz. ppt during team1 was very hectic. with the different types of blood and all. Rh factors affecting donor and recipient and stuff. geezzxx. so charissa is a BB fan! she got BB as her wallie. welcome to the club. aahaa. i was like, "charissa, you VIP uh?" and she replied, "Why?" T_T work just now...i was so sleepy. it was so boring. i attended to only 3 customers bcus only 3 needed assistance. geez. borrrring. and i had this wacky idea to decorate my kiosk. thus, the editted pic above. yeah, with my phone. ahha. k bye. tired siahh. Where is the audience?
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() TEAM 4! i hate walking up the ramp and take the lift at level3. i seriously got no idea how the lift works. at 1 time it'll be full, the other time completely empty. B, Lvl1, Lvl3 all got longggg queues to get into the lift. walking from the station to school is already a chore and now, walk up the stairs to the 5th level? had communication today. kinda cool topic. today was more on introducing and presenting yourselves to others. hope the rest of the lesson for this module be...fun! haha. the team for comm is okay. same grp with Jing Sen and Sandy. aaahhaa. after class, stayed to do RJ but stopped halfway. was in the class with sarah and vanessa and we all bitched, watch videos and yeah. (i plugged my laptop to the projector) hahaa. funfunfun when you have fangirls around. science and cinenow tmr. T_T bye! Labels: school Maths is fun!
you bet. but presentation would be less than 5 slides. and we're having 2nd break now. melvin is singing and is showing off his blog. haha. and now we're all singing along to I'm Yours. (y)kbye. EDIT. right. maths was fun, for awhile. this game, Mathagym. really got my brains working. expressing stuffs into x and all. gosh. and to think all these actually exsists in my mind. oh, did i mention. i've started to dress sloppily for school. idk how the others do it. they probably have a wadrobe bursting with clothes. i wore a jersey, jeans and slippers today. it felt weird wearing thongs to school. thongs = slippers. now, idk what to wear tmr. damn. so my maths team is okay. we get along. chanel loves pink and fails at maths. me too. ely is malaysian and her english is cute. victoria is very interesting. haaha. sorry kimmiroarrrsss if you're reading this. she's very competitive. which is, good. haha. fadhly is very easy to talk to. ahaha. and i.. i wonder what they think of me. =/ before the 3rd meeting, i initiated a massconvo. for us classmates. IT WAS HILARIOUS I TELL YOU. everyone laughing together. and so far..3 fangirls + 1 (almost) fanboy in class! naomi(dbsk), sarah(jaejoong) and sarah(rain/bi)! and fadhly..he just listens to kpop since is friends are hardcore. he was like, *looking at my hp* "isn't this yunho?" HAHAA I WAS SO HAPPPPPYYY LAAAAH! and he watches BOF too! he was like, "i think jandi and jihoo..." LOL. i'vet yet to have a proper lunch during 2nd break. hope to eat tmr! mmm. work. tiring seh. from 6 to 8, less than 10 cust used the machine. irrrritating. i got to sit only at the last hour. wtf. k, bye. ooooh. its raining men! Labels: school The first meeting...
RP Freshmen Orientation Day3
the last day of orientation. the day i've been looking forward to. why, you'd ask? because imma be hanging out with my mascot people and also meeting my classmates. who wouldn't be excited!entered class at around 8.45. and if it was real class, like with faci.. idk how many points would be deducted. i have to reach class by 8.30 SHARP. no grace period. *dies* my classmates were okay. i think...i'd prolly have the strongest impression there. since.. IM THE GIRL WITH THE LAPTOP PROBLEMS. srsly, vista did it again. "user profile failed to logon". ergh. i guess i gotta remember the steps for it. played a game to memorise everyone's name. pretty easy. my classmates are...fun and okay! well, my table-team is fun. we can get along. hope the rest of the sem would be okay. headed to home base and met up with mascot people. got back to work and really got back to work. yknow what. i wanna sleep now. HAHA. bye. Labels: school Team Mass-caught.
RP Freshmen Orientation 2009 Day2.i was uber late. reached wdld mrt at abt 9-ish? ahaha. and was the last to arrive in my team. and sadly, only 14 was present in grp24. sad, or what. the games we did were all so boring and restless. prolly lack of man power.. but the river game was really fun. ahha thevita wished the leader dude was in the game. haha! so. headed out to the field/astroturf(interesting name eh) for the Tug Of War. SAS did reaaaally well! screamings and hi5's for us spectators and SAS even made it to the finals! we met against SHL which duh, tough dudes. SAS was like, realllyyy winning lah. BUT. idk how and why SHL made a comeback..some how. haha. lunch with the usuals and free drinks again! bcus we got remaining vouchers. haha. learnt the SAS cheers. interesting and was called for Team Mascot. had to create a mascot for idk what tmr...some thingy. pretty cool. get to work with even fun-ner people. haha. walked back to mrt alone. headed to SSC to get some stuffs and i really, honestly cant wait for tmr. im hoping day3 would be even better. goodnight. Labels: school Doki doki!
![]() ![]() ![]() cr: 2pm site and yrs if you found it. RP Freshmen Orientation 2009 Day1.new faces, new lifestyle, new school and new (whatever) awaits me at 9am. but at 9am, i was at the MRT to see maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany students hanging around and also walking to school. it felt like a real camp. hahha. lost my way to sports complex. saw familiar faces too. interesting. and uhm. some of the girls really, really overdress. heels and thick makeup and hairdos? wow. poly is really interesting. got into teams, and groups. my group was pretty cool and fun! ahaha. and we're team 24. big coincedence im wearing my Umbro jersey. im kinda tired. bye. ahaha. anyway, saw 2PM's new picture? wait. isnt the mv...AHH TMR! okay. tmr aft school rush and watch. ^_^ what else. oh, why is Asu Wa Kuru Kara in the 27th single? geeeezzzz. harukanaaaaa~ and and i needa meet fangrls tmr. haha. bye.
Labels: school Back to School!
![]() ![]() cr: mts.com ![]() so today. was a long day. no baddy. damn. went to ICA to get my IC replaced. i never felt so scared..in a long time. i was waiting for my turn to be interviewed as to why and how you lost your IC. gosh. it took quite a while. filled forms and blabla. it wasn't that scary. and i got it replaced for less than $100. thank God. level3 for IC wasn't that packed. waiting time was from 15-30mins. hahaa. but lvl2 for passports and stuff was SO PACKED. it looked like a weekend crowd. geez. headed to Chinatown, mother's workplace to get her cheque and walked around. chinatown is prollyyy the coolest place with all the antique shop houses and stuffs. met father for lunch. and went looking for stuffs at OG. i should have gotten the necklace at Paris Bourjoix. 50% lah! but i was thinking...i should totally save up for MTS and Pieces of You. reached home, saw Desiree's pm and went to stalk hydkorea. LEEMINHO IS COMING TO SINGAPORE? (tbc bcus his schedule is janked) wow. if he confirms his visit....GRLS, GET YOR STALKER SENSES ON! and. i found out my class, and my classmates. gosh. and orientation is tmr. GOSH. scarrehh. let's just hope there's a fangrl among them. hahaa. k, g'nite! She can't get enough..
![]() cr: yours if you did it. not mine, defo. ![]() ![]() cr: smshinee+the grl who re-up at soompi. i really wanna get my hands on tablo's Pieces of You and Map The Soul. jknglksgaj. they friggin cost 10000W and 19600W respectively. pretty cheap eh? mm oh great! i just came across a user, who's friend is in Seoul right now and has access to a bookstore selling Pieces of You! now now. album or book? omgomgomg idk. fck. shouldn't have asked Lydia to spend that much for me in Korea. OMGGGGGGG. TASKETE KUDASAI! ergh. omg i just realised i was busy spazzing with Jannah and also checking out details on Map The Soul, i forgot about blogging. she is the biggest (that i've known) soeul shipper. gosh. i checked out the soeul comm lj. HARDCORE MAN! yknw what. i'll continue tmr. im going for a date with my mother. she'll be accompanying me to replace my IC and imma be following her to work to collect her cheque. bye! PS: OMGGG BLACK DAY TMR! Labels: epik high, merch, random Its the sound of our life.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() My Weekend. stayed home and woke up early. seriously. ahah. kakyam came over to watch Suju on SGB. and i was somehow driven to clean my room. well, not really. my table and my school stuff. finaaallly cleared em and it feels goood. and i found lotsa stuffs. haha. mangas, lame diaries and stuffs like that. went back to work today. sundays are always slow. i was standing far from the kiosk, trying to see ama playing baddy at the bball court and and i heard this "splat" and immediately shifted my focus to the concrete ground. A FRIGGIN CICAK, TAIL-LESS ON THE FLOOR IN A DAZE. it fell smack on the ground amidst people walking and stuff. after a few seconds, it crawled right under MAIII machine. i was so paranoid i kept knocking the machine everytime i needa get something. seriously i tell you. everyday at work, is a new challenge. idk how far it'll get. ergh. i wish the kiosk was cleaner. and healthier. and safer. so yeah. current kpop world status. sparkling concert! the DB boys are back in Korea for this shiny concert. idk what's the purpose of the concert tho, but wth. quite alot of idols are involved in this 2 day concert. BB, DBSK, SHINee, FTi and other groups i don't really care about. korean shawols are very rich. guess what they got JongHyun? few zara tees, Dior cardi, Dior facial set. juicy couture stuffs. agnes b thingy. its all branded. so yeah. haha. crazy fans. i wish they'd pamper themselves more instead of their idols. geez.
Reader Rabbit stole my eggs!
plan: 1)cycle to RP to configure iz's laptop and visit gym. sadly, one by one couldn't make it the last minute. so i hadta brainstorm and planned what we gna do. since most(well, i guess) of us are free. headed over to Izyan's with myPPG Monopoly and met with zul and jeyd. how come every meet up or anything would always, ALWAYS be 4 people? this time onwards...idk how our future meet ups would be like. and i don't see any hope for all of us to meet in the future. =( i miss canteen days'07. played monopoly for almost 2hours! and still, we couldn't finish the game. zul had to declare bankrupt and i had the most number of property. since i started slow in the game, and gradually ascending to buy a sky-(s)craper for each piece of land. RICH OR WHAT. we curled our fringed and yeah, the outcome = PHAIL. rabak alrd. fun fun! i wanna curl my hair again! :D watched Mamma Mia - The Movie next. the ending was a dissapointment but the songs were fun! hhaa. and chest hairs....are a complete turn off. ew. watched Ch8 (lol) and shared the K-Fashion with people i love. wahahaa. dayum. i just need this, and that and, walahh~ so that was how my Good Friday was spent. fck, i just knew that we're being paid 8 an hour every PH. i should have worked! pffffft. but wth. its not everyday i get to win at Monopoly and hangout with my grlies. right, i wanna watch LC now. i miss animes, Otani and Koizumi. AAAAAND! Tegomass's Kimi+Boku=Love! PS: crap. i should have asked Lydia to get me Map The Soul's album in Korea. its not on yesasia. T_T. i think EpikHigh should be proud that I AM trying to buy their album. my first k(pop) album. MUAHAHA. Labels: girlfriends, movies, plans Itsudemo...
today, was a long day. woke up, i was being rushed. met hydhir to pass him the ipod stuff. i cant wait to check his iPhone out! met the grlz at the pool, (for fun). it sucks to have your period and your friends are hanging out at the pool. hah. dayum. i felt like diving into the pool just now. pfft. next time please, during our hols or something. headed to nina's house. its like a norm alrd, to visit her place after swimming. ahah. hung out, watch teevee and ate noodles and fruits. i miss all of us hanging out together. zul, whatever happened to our movie marathon plan? went over to 784 next. i was suppose to go over on wednesday but i had to work. we wanted to celebrate Jong Hyun's 19th but. sorry jjong, your sunbaes Tohoshinki took over, instead. haha. took a few files from them. and alottt of jpop. i think i like Hey! Say! Jump. (alah, yang budak2 kecik tu. hahaha) and imma watch LC over again. i miss shoujo animes. or should i start with toradora. haha. cycling tmr. if you see a group of girls cycling furiously from yishun to woodlands....its prolly me and the girls. haaha. k, that's all. goodnight.
Labels: girlfriends, plans, swimming Happy Birthday JongHyun!
happy 19th/20th puppy jjong! thank you for being in SHINee and killing noonas/younger grlies with your soulful voice. yeah. how can i forget you. the first dude to appear in NNY mv looking all chill and cool with yr huge headphones. haha!jonghyun, can i expect alot from your 2nd album and another solo perhaps? hahaha. please learn english or just force Key to teach you. and i miss your tears. i cant wait to see you cry again. hopefully the next time y'all win Mutizen? hahha. actually im just typing a crapload to make it lengthy. haha. anyway, jonghyun is every girl's dream date. perfect jawline, sharp nose, big eyes, lucious lips, you just wanna dance with him (tho he is vertically challenged). he'll come wearing a nice shirt, and pants and surprise you with flowers. and drive you in a cute yellow beetle. OMG WHY AM I IMAGINING THINGS. anyway, my amazing boys, Tohoshinki is going to peform at THEE TOKYO DOME for their last 2 TSC stages! OMGGGG. I. AM. SO. HAPPY. FOR. THEM. (viewers discretion: please expect tears thankiu) their dream stage. every jpop artistes dream stage. wow. if yoochun cant stop crying at Budoukan...idk how the dome would be like. i saw 1 video of a random jpop artiste, Glay peforming at the Dome. IT WAS HUGE. H-U-G-E. REALLY. NO KIDDING. dayum. i cant wait for the dvd. so so so. Mirotic BKK is in June. then after their BKK concert would be their last TSC concert. gosh. and and and Jannah is even considering to go because her sister is so semangat can. I WANT TO GO ALSO. because of her, i've been stalking soompi and dbsg and classified ads for air tix. brggggh. i think i'll cry if i see changmin. Labels: birthday, dbsk, kpop, shinee Lemme hear you say...
![]() i havent been blogging. im pretty lazy nowadays since i keep doing other stuffs. T_T Saturday, 4/4. - went for a lil road trip to Malaysia, Johor Baru with Zul's family. - went to lotsa places. idk how many times we alighted from the Picnic. haha. - the trip otw to Angsana was just... scary. D: - spent RM50 at Giant - got myself a pink belt, striped boyshorts and a bottle of cologne. - i was very tired after that. i slept with my laptop on, CHARGING summore. - PHAIL - switched it off at 6 when i realised i felt i hit something. - i almost lost my stylus. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) work is getting out of hand. well not the work load, but the environment. the stench is getting worst and when i was just about to get used to it, another strong, rotten smell came by. it's killing me i tell you. IDK WHAT I DESERVE TO BE WORKING AT SUCH A HORRIBLE LOCATION. ergh. 2) pay is delayed for the month. time and again. and why is that so? because of the GLOBAL ECONOMY. not SINGAPORE, GLOBAL. yes people, I AM AFFECTED, GLOBALLY. fck. and how do you expect me to travel to school? DAYUM. I WISHED PEOPLE WOULD KEEP THEIR WORDS. 3) i hate customers who come and think they're right. PLEASE. IF THE STAFF SAYS SO, THE STAFF SAYS SO! just listen to the staff damnit. what, you think we staff lacks knowledge of the job? and what, we have to call our boss everytime something happens BECAUSE YOU IDIOTIC CUSTOMER JUST WON'T LISTEN! stupid. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ right. in case you don't know... im using this hp right now. IT CAN TYPE HANGUL YO. any other LG users out there? we can spazzzz abit and type in Korean now. haha. its an LG Cookie btw. I COULDNT FIND A CF OF IT. there's only a Viewty CF by some Kim something. ![]() the phone's okay. pretty light. and the ringtone is LOUD. only those who knew how soft my purink was would understand how elated i was when the Cookie rang. ~~~ i think i got used to the touch screen keypad. i feel so..."Raffles Place" kinda people when using the stylus. WAHAHAHA. okay bye. Labels: electronics, work Position 7.
hahhah i made this like, on SYF night. hahaa. and i managed to upload it today. idk why i wasnt that lengthy. whahaa. kk enjoy, dear juniors! PS: click to enlarge and sorry for the wrong tense/grammars. i didnt check em! was in a hurrrry ne! zzz SYF 2009
met fen, fiiz, fiz and fian at Khatib. as usual, sume janji melayu. cakap kol 7, naik train kol 7.30. today, 3rd April. the day of truth. MOE SYF Central Judging for Concert Bands. YSSB was playing Overture No.1 and In The Winter of 1730 for their set and choice piece respectively. met other yssb ex snrs including YT, JingJing, Fadil and Amirah and headed to the hall. YSSB's the first band right after the first interval. Yuhua Band was simply, breath taking. the piece was dramatically played. it was very fun to watch. after the break, went outside to meet my dear YSSB band. everyone, almost everyone got this, "Omg-we-are-so-screwed-shit-we're-gonna-play-soon!" face. well, it is inevitable. it was time for them to tune, and we seniors went back to the hall. percussionists were setting up their instruments, putting them in place. i cant help but to worry, about how they'd turn out. the band then went on stage and took their seat. the announcer read out the pieces they'll play and such. to me, it was really, good. totally diffrent from what i hear during practices. like, 2 diffrent bands? haha. the magic of the concert hall. maybe i wasnt listening attentively enough to spot mistakes or whatsoever. except when i heard the recording again, yeah....jiwon lost the tempo. 관차나! you're not the reason why we got a Bronze okay, Ji Won! im sure the band gave their all. during the announcement of the results and when we learnt that we got a Bronze, most of the members just clapped in agony. their faces were just moodless. not even a smiling member. i guess we've all expected a silver since the beginning. well, NBC and SYF indeed are 2 seperate and independent competition. the bus ride back to school was very...dead. upon reaching school, everyone settled..few talks by teachers and leaders and we left for lunch, FamilyFeastA baby! thanks ms tan! and Gisselle! or issit Giselle? haha. you can never eat in peace with hafiiz, sufian and hafiz. tsk. went back for speechday and camwhored in the music room. this has been a very lengthy post. haha. well, im sorry imma long winded person. i just like to go in detail about imporant dates. guess imma hop to the yssband.bs right now. once again, CONGRATS YSSB! YOU MANAGED TO SUSTAIN A BRONZE! LETS WORK EVEN HARDER FOR THAT SHINING SILVER IN 2011! ps: I LOVE YOU GUYS! Labels: YSSB |
sorry i haven't been posting much. school have kept me busy and drained. seriously. i probably have yet to get use to the school life and environment. so. lets see. imma start with my Day1 on 20th.
reached wdld mrt to see alotttttttttttttttt of students waiting for their buddies. loyal. walked to school and reached W4's lift lobby at 0820. phewwww~ i really don't wanna be late on day1. entered class, sat with my group and got ready for class.
had cognitive. it's okaaay.. (i scored a B yo!) its pretty much...facts based? yeah. kinda cool. and idk if i can adapt to the ppts everyday. gosh. EVERY...SINGLE..DAY. damn. im glad i could get along with my team mates. haha.
presenting. its not that i got a problem with that..its just that. i cant simply think spontaneously! that's the downside. tsk.
stayed in school with the girlies and completed my RJ. doing my RJ in school is much better than at home. haha.
reached class on time. and today's module would be... Enterprise. got grouped and my team is rather...reserved...except Shamela. haha. but despite all the awkward silences..i think we did a pretty good job on presenting. just that we based it solely on powerpoint slides. boriiing~
didn't have time for lunch...so ate aft school with the girlies and finished our RJ. okay, im really rushing things up. its 0034 right now. i gotta prepare breakfast for me tmr. ahh.
i promise, i'll update. :)